The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2011 |
Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech titled "Let's Make A New Start", given at the former headquarters in Korea on May 1, 1968 on the occasion of the 13th anniversary of the establishment of the HSA-UWC. Father said in that speech that the "Ideal and perfect standard God originally hoped to have is to be realized under the name of True Parents, who inherit goodness. When there are children who have a relationship in the true lineage centering on True Parents, that standard can be accomplished." In the speech, Father also mentioned the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon.
Rev. Chang Shik Yang made a report regarding a special gathering on March 5th and 6th in Las Vegas.
"10 days ago, in the car from the airport, Father asked me how I had been preparing for the assembly, which made me surprised because I had not heard about it. I then realized that Father had been offering Jeong Seong in Korea for that purpose, and I wondered what kind of assembly Father expected to have.
Last year Father told me to deliver in Las Vegas 120,000 copies of Father's autobiography and as of now we have delivered approximately 50,000 copies. Among the small cities in the world, I do not think there is any other city where 50,000 copies have been delivered. We did not just give away those copies on the street but carefully delivered them to selected persons. There were some Japanese missionaries at the meeting when Father told us to deliver as many of his books as possible. They were in the South America and have been sent to Las Vegas by the Japanese headquarters, which also sent 10 missionaries respectively to Honolulu and Kona in Hawaii. They worked together with Korean church leaders, and we have been hearing many testimonies and reflections from those who have read Father's book and therefore we started to prepare for the assembly inviting those people.
The title is the same as the one we held last year, which is the "Cosmic World Assembly to Proclaim the Firm Establishment of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and the Substantial Word of God." We will also have the subtitle of the the victory of delivering 50,000 copies of Father's autobiography, and some contents of the speech will be modified accordingly. As Father told us, we sent out the invitation letter under the name of True Parents.
Our meeting will start from 9:00 a.m. and Rev. Jeong Ok Yoo will give the lecture of the Original Divine Principle all morning. The assembly itself will start from 2:00 p.m. where we will have pastors from mega-churches and active ambassadors for peace."
Then Rev. Yang talked about Hyung Jin Nim's earnest endeavors to send the energy and love to True Parents through Holy Spirit Healing Sessions at Yeosu during the 21-Day workshop and at the Cheon Bok Gung every evening.
Rev. Yang read a report from Rev. Hui Seon Ji, the African continental director who had recently accompanied Hyung Jin Nim in Africa (Kenya) for three nights and four days from Feb. 23rd to the 26th. According to Rev. Ji, Hyung Jin Nim's presentation regarding the profound meaning of the Unification mark and God's existence excited both members and ambassadors for peace (One of the key ambassadors for peace even joined Hyung Jin Nim from 3:00 a.m. in prayer, 120 bows and so on.)
Rev Yang read that Hyung Jin Nim had participated at the commencement ceremony of the "Peace Playfield," when he poured the sand not with a shovel but by sitting at the wheel of a big bulldozer (Father and Mother were surprised and smiled when they heard this part of the report). Hyung Jin Nim also visited the Headquarters of various religious groups and Keun ("Big/Elder") Yeon Ah Nim (Katsumi: She is Hyo Jin Nim's wife. Hyung Jin Nim's wife's name is also Yeon Ah Nim, who is younger, and so is called Jageun ("Smaller/Younger") Yeon Ah Nim) held a WFWPU conference there. As the last item in the schedule, Hyung Jin Nim visited a member's house.
As entering it, he became speechless when he saw the poor living conditions of the family, and told the people with him to close the all doors and windows so that people outside could not see them. He started to sing "Chambumonim Eog Mansei" ("Long Live True Parents") and all others joined him. After they sang for a while, Hyung Jin Nim told them to give away all the money they had with them, and gave it to (that member through) the national leader saying "We are brothers".
After the report, Father said, "Hyung Jin is a mysterious man who can fit himself to any given atmosphere and introduce Heavenly Father. He can let family members feel something new, and he and his wife are a beautiful couple who can show the flower of profound minds anywhere in the world," and asked the participants to give Hyung Jin Nim a big hand.