The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2011 |
Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi
Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from his speech book #26 titled "Let's Establish the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Environments.
"Father told Mr. Seong Il Jo and Mr. Sang Yeol Lee from the Korean HQ to share their reflections on their trip to Las Vegas. After their reports, Father spoke.
"I entered Jeong Joo public school (in 1935, when he was 15 years old), and there was a teacher that was an excellent graduate from Pyeong Yang Teacher Training College and was 3 years older than me. He was praised by the director especially for his lectures on Chinese philosophy, and was good at wrestling and sports. I wrestled him and beat him.
I already knew from my studies at the library the contents he was teaching and so I said, "I am only three year younger than you, and I feel embarrassed studying from you and so I will study at the library by myself."
Hyung Jin Nim made a report on the current situation of the Korean HQ, which has been making a leap forward. According to him, in the efforts of the past two years, the Korean HQ became self-sufficient without receiving any financial help from Japan, which is unprecedented in their history. Furthermore, this year, the Korean HQ and the Cheon Bok Gung donated $100,000 and $200,000 respectively to the Japanese HQ, which had suffered from the tsunami earlier this year.
He also talked about witnessing activities in Korea using Father's autobiography. He emphasized that what Unificationists have to keep in mind is that we are sinners in front of God and True Parents, due to True Parents' incredible efforts we can return to God, and what we always need to do is to repent, which is the very base of a life of faith. He also said True Parents showed us what the heart of parents is and what true love is by going through his seven deaths (six imprisonments and the helicopter incident). Father said to those who came from the Korean HQ and had to leave in the middle of the meeting, "When I go to the spirit world, I will revolutionize it. Those who are in the responsible positions for years without accomplishing their responsibilities will be taken by the spirit world. They are blocking the way! Make a new start and have a good trip."
The following are some parts of the report by Rev. Jeong Ok Yu:- We must remember that where Father stays is our international HQ. Also it is important how much the leaders, who closely attend to True Parents, must feel and realize where True Parents are heading for, and how much leaders in the world understand and practice the direction they are given through official memos from the international HQ. It has been my worry how seriously those leaders in the world can become united with Father reading one sheet of the official memo. Those who are focused on what Father is currently saying are the persons who look after heavenly fortune. But if we do not practice what we heard, we are committing sin. In that sense, we all are sinners as Hyung Jin Nim said today.
So the most important thing is how we adjust ourselves to what Father is focusing himself on now and realize it in our efforts.- God is the Origin of the Principle and True Parents are the Principle incarnate, who are to perfect and liberate God. As Hyung Jin Nim said, the ideal of God's creation is to realize True Parents on earth. (Then he talked about the time Father announced the second 40-year course in Uruguay and how Father educated the leaders of all fields in that country as well as in South America. He also talked about his experience of "gaming" in Las Vegas and shared Father's comments: "Leaders need to experience this kind of thing and then they can be better leaders.")
On earth, who else has a religious leader that gives money to disciples for gambling? Nobody. Father also said, "There will be no leaders in the world who have not come to Las Vegas. But I will say none of them gave a thought of how to save this city." -- When we talk with members, we must talk from the principle's perspective and give the answer from it. Also, True Parents are our center as well as the motive in our life of faith. I saw some members who reacted against Hyung Jin Nim's saying that "We are all sinners." His bottom line lies in the fact that we are not living according to Father's teachings, though we learned all from him.
We tend to think, "Father is talking about this and that again," but we must realize Father does so because we do not know them yet. Since we sinned a lot in front of True Parents, I cannot meet Father's eye many times. When I was reporting to Father, putting my face down, Father said, "Why do you speak that way? Put your face up and talk." -- We have not been able to realize how scary the terms 'Tribal Messiah" are. -- When I reported to Father that one person participated at ODP three times, Father said one must do so five times.- As Father instructed, we leaders must make efforts to select and educate 43 nations in the world which can be the centers in God's providence.
True Parents and all participants sang, which concluded the meeting that day.