The Words of the Sun Myung Moon from 2011 |
Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, Kook Jin Moon, Hyung Jin Moon, and In Jin
Moon February 4, 2011
160 participants of the convention to mark the establishment of the Abel UN take part in this morning's Hoon Dok Hae. Father speaks extensively on the recent providential developments and then asks a number of participants to sing. Ms. Yeon Sil Yang reads chapter fourteen of Pyeonghwa Hoongyeong. Professor Lan Young Moon offers a prayer. She then gives a brief testimony about how True Parents supported her in enrolling to the Sookmyung Women's University to study English literature. Mrs. Moon also talked about the recent activities of the WFWP where she serves as the international president.
Rev. Tae Geun Yoon talks about the ocean providence and about the Fishing World Cup Tournament.
In the morning Father goes out fishing near Sosambudo. The convention participants gather at the Baekdo Tour Ferry. Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak speaks before the participants in the morning. In the afternoon they go out to tour Baekdo.
At 2:00 p.m. Rev. Yoon spoke before the participants. He mainly talked about the seminars that were being held in Japan for prominent members of Korean society.
True Mother who completed the twelve city speaking tour in America arrived in Korea in the afternoon of the 24th in Gimpo Airport. She immediately flew by helicopter to Geomundo. Also with her was Hyun-jin nim, Kook-jin nim, Ji-yea nim, Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Archbishops Stallings, Rev. James Herndon, Rev. Gi Hoon Kim, Mrs. Wonju McDevitt and Mr. Jin Man Kwak.
At 3:45 p.m. the helicopter arrived at the port in the west island of Geomundo. The entourage took a boat and headed towards the Geomundo official residence. There True Father and 170 plus members threw a passionate welcoming inviting True Mother back home. In the front plaza of the official residence, flower bouquets were presented to True Parents and to Hyun-jin nim. The welcoming party was held after dinner that day.
At 7:00 p.m. True Parents entered the room and cut the celebration cake. Professor Sang Hee Moon from Sun Moon University offered a song to congratulate True Mother for her return. Professor Moon also gave a report on the uniqueness of the Pure Love Department which she was in charge of and explained how they were developing an academic framework to the concept of pure love.
Dr. Yang from America gave a report on True Mother's twelve city tour and read a number of reflections from key participants from the events.
Rev. Gi Hoon Kim who had worked hard and gained much success in Chicago with the interfaith movement also gave a report on the interfaith activities. Archbishop Stallings also gave a testimony about how he came to receive the blessing and how his son (Youngpal) and daughter (Shinyoung) were named by True Father. Rev. James Herndon who had came to know the principle as a chaplain in the army in Korea also gave a brief testimony.
Hyun-jin nim spoke on the direction that our movement should take in the future and also about the preparations for the Global Peace Festivals which were going to take place in America and the Philippines in 2008 with a goal of bringing one million people together to celebrate peace. He emphasized that if we moved forth with confidence our efforts will bear fruit. Hyun-jin nim sings 'Nimgwa Hamkke."
The gathering ended with a prayer by True Mother. Dr. Chung Hwan Kwak led the participants in four cheers of eok-mansei.