The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 2011 |
Moon and Hak Ja Han November 16, 2011
Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi
At the end of representative prayer of Rev. Seuk after a bow, Father said to the participants, "Stand still,' and then True Parents stood up and Father prayed.
(Katsumi: I just posted Father's prayer in Korean because it is hard to translate)
Google translate of Father's Korean language prayer:
Quanzhou all present at this time and will focus on True Parents to win supremacy over the land of the Creator inherent juindoen completion criteria, completed, completed and earth and the heaven father and child and family and the world release of any free Holy Spirit and the haneulttang True Parents is one more than the creation and supremacy as Creator, just as I prayed all that arc seokjun completion, completion, and completion is or has been declared this day. You very much. God Hail, True Parents Eok Manse, and all creatures hegemony of victory in the Prince of the whole liberation chamhananimui chambumo any of the rights and give permission to be the kingdom of heaven is at home writer ob tell me everything is finished. ('Everything is finished.') Devoted been offered to these; thank you very much. Remember to give them. Wed 3, 4, 4,4 botaeeo number, 3,9 a 4,4, and 3 as the number of all victories as a proclamation of sovereignty is one of geoteu determined. Aju!
"Be seated.(Everybody was still standing because Father was doing so). You don't know what day today is, do you? Before I came here, I liquidated everything. The prayer of the president (Rev. Seuk) today held the contents that can be a model for the unification of heaven and earth, and True Parents of Heaven and Earth, and this morning is the morning we can be proud of forever. With the help of True Parents, I thank that we can have this opportunity to proclaim the perfection, liberation and end, Aju. Let's listen to today's speech.
(Everybody was seated.) When Ms. McDevitt said, "Today I will read Father's speech from his speech book #36, page 160," Father asked"
#36? It fits perfectly. 36 and 160. (Father whistled) Everything can be completed centering on the number 6. Making the internal determination that today is such a day, everything has been done. Have faith that you can accomplish as you pray, and when you go forward steadily centering on God's will that I found, I know you will become successors who hold hegemony without fail. So take the path that you understand. Aju.
Hyung Jin is now in North Korea. It doesn't matter whether or not they listen to me, and I know Heaven will work on what I plan to realize by sending him."
"True Parents have concluded everything. The contents of today's speech completely match that. This is not something made by humans, but that only Heaven can decide. This is not a coincidental match, but it has been destined to match that." Father told Rev. Seuk to say "In the reign of tranquility and prosperity, long live True Parents!"
(All the participants said that.)
(Katsumi: Father had told Hyung Jin Nim to say "___" instead of "___.")
"(To True Mother) Omma! Today's speech has scary words. This is not an accidental coincidence. You don't know this but I stayed up all night out of fear, and Mother came to me and she accompanied me to come here. I didn't even shave today because there is only the proclamation left to be done. This is the time for proclamation (through the speech that they read). Those who think that this is an accidental coincidence are out of their minds."
"Listen to Jun Ho Seuk's prayer again. That is not his prayer, and it was pulled out from him. I can't originally pray because there can't be prayer in the position of perfection. The Kingdom of heaven of to serve one's parents filially, and such a nation will remain. Nobody can steal today's proclamation."