The Words of the Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
Parents speaking at the CheongShim Peace World Center
On the 2nd day of the '2012 Purification Azalea Festival for the Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune' (Purification Azalea Festival) (May 5) at the CheongShim Peace World Center, we welcomed True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, to hold the '2012 Purification Azalea Festival for the Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune Commemorative Service' (Commemorative Service).
Members from around the world already filled up the stands from an hour before the actual start of the Commemorative Service. True Parents, who arrived 20 minutes before the original time at 5:40 pm, sat in their special seats in Sky Box. Members welcomed True Parents with great applause and offered a bow to True Parents towards the Sky Box.
After the opening address by the MC, Rev. Jun-ho Seuk, President of Unification Church-Korea, everybody sang the Cheon Il Guk anthem then prayed to the representative prayer offered by President Rev. Jeong-og Yu. Then multiple art performances were performed by Little Angels Children's Folk Ballet of Korea.
After the commemorative performance, True Parents moved from the Sky Box to the stage. While True Parents were moving, all the members sang the 'Grace of the Holy Garden' lead by Rev. Myeong-gwan Lee, General Director of Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center.
True Parents were then welcomed by a greater applause to the stage and after receiving the bouquet from MR. and Mrs. Hong-ju Kim, Parish Leader, True Parents went to the podium to begin his speech.
True Father first read the title of the pamphlet, "'2012 Purification Azalea Festival for the Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune Commemorative Service' True Parents' Words" then a great applause roared from all the members. He said, "How should Unification Church be from now on?" and began his speech.
"The problem that came about after the Fall was, 'Does the true come first or does the substantial body come first?' Because we lost the substantial body we have to complete the providence of salvation in other words the providence of restoration.
Providence of restoration or in other words, what is the restoration of the homeland? It means that we are able to see the light again.
Until now the realm of universal settlement was not established. To establish such realm of settlement, what I have emphasized was the Words. The most precious in the midst of words is heaven, earth and humankind.
So what is the problem? It is the time when the creator who becomes owner of the great universe and the owner who can become the center arrives.
At the Garden of Eden, God called Adam and Eve and the arch angel and said, 'When the day that you eat the fruit of good and evil is the day that you will die'. So what is this fruit of good and evil?
You have to think about what comes first; the fruit of good and evil, religion, or heaven. What does? You must rethink about this. Does the fruit of good and evil come first or does religion come first or is it this world? The day that you commit the crime of eating the fruit of good and evil is the day that this world disappears.
Because of this fruit of good and evil, God came about and True Parents and the fake parents as well as the Garden of Eden.
You must have that mindset of restoring the homeland and send a bright light upon this homeland once again.
All the people who are here heard, 'Were you born from a sperm and ovum that met together before the eating of the fruit of good and evil, in other words, were you born from the connection from God the father and God the mother? Are you the fallen generation that appeared after eating the fruit of good and evil?' and are people who appeared before eating the fruit of good and evil and received the marriage blessing after the meeting of the sperm of heavenly father and ovum of heavenly father.
If you eat the fruit of good and evil you will die. The fruit of good and evil comes first. We were unable to create a world without eating the fruit of good and evil. That is the truth.
That fallen lineage, blood and flesh mixed up together and overflowed from that vase and flowed into the family. That family of Adam created the Adam tribe. The 8 stages of Adam, era of individual, era of family, era of race, era of tribe, era of nation, era of world and era of universe. Before overcoming such 8 stages of peaks, the wish of not eating the fruit of good and evil, that world of the Garden of Eden, never appeared even in our dream in this history of man.
So who is the person who could show this place and open the gates to this place? It's not the family. It's only one person. Who is this person? It is 'Moon!' say it with me, it is 'Moon Sun Myung'. If I start talking about this then it will be very long. (applause) Ladies and gentlemen, there are no other person other than me who can reveal the secrets of the history."
Father spoke for around 2 hours and emphasized the practice of the Words. All members listened carefully to the precious words of True Father.
Then True Father concluded his speech by connecting the 4 representative flowers of Korea, forsythia, Korean rhododendron, royal azalea and hibiscus.
"Since its flower festival (Purification Azalea Festival) let's talk about flowers. Forsythia, the color of forsythia is yellow, pink or red? The yellow flower is the color. In January, lilies bloom on the river bed. Lilies are mysterious. The sky's 'heaven', earth's 'earth', black 'gen', yellow 'hwang'. Heaven is black and earth is yellow. Our ancestors are geniuses. Why did they call it forsythia? They lived through winter by being buried under water. Forsythia flowers bloom a lot. Everyone else died away after a thunder strike but only forsythia lived beautifully in yellow.
What is next? Korean rhododendron. (Korean pronunciation 'Jindarle') Comfort me (Jincha darle). The flower that comes to me and grabs hold me is the Korean rhododendron. I truly love it. As a special authority as a parent, the mother can always go and meet with her son and daughter who went to hell.
That Korean rhododendron is a symbol of peace and a flower of love. It is the flower of love of the father and mother. It is a pink flower. Is it white? It's not red right? Did you know that we eat the flowers of the Korean rhododendron? Because it is sweet. The mother doesn't just have love but has a bitter taste, sweet taste and so on. There are five tastes in the Korean rhododendron.
What comes next? The azalea flower. It's also called the pillar of azalea. It is the center of all flowers. It soars victory. Among the forsythia and Korean rhododendron, the azalea (cholchuk) thwacking (chol-sok). It is the garden that becomes the center of the victorious supremacy.
Then last come the hibiscus. There are yellow lights, pink lights, red lights, blue lights, and purple lights. There are 5 different colors that shine from that flower. It is so beautiful.
I made this garden, 12,000 km (Korean peninsula) cover in the flowers of forsythia, Korean rhododendron, azalea and hibiscus. The scent of hibiscus is a joyful smell that praises the sky which Satan dislikes. Satan will run away as soon as he smells something nice. At such joyful house of the restoration of the homeland, the beloved families of 7.2 billion people, if they are not my sons and daughters or descendants, then what are they? I am truly happy.
Eog-eog-man-mansei. Our homeland is eternal. Let's live in love with God. It is very good. Applause! (applause) spring, summer, autumn and winter, the heavenly fortune and happiness of prince and royalties who became victory of all four seasons will be there! Aju! (applause) let's offer our gratitude, and remember that we are in an era where we can love God. Aju! Let's live happily! Applause! Let's welcome!"
Then, True Father requested True Mother to sing a song, 'On-ma-ya, Nu-na-ya' (Mother, elder sister) which was sang beautifully. Then at the end, True Mother changed the last lyrics (On-ma-ya, Nu-na-ya Let's live in Chung Pyung'.
True Mother then said, 'We are living in an era of the wives so the 3 wives should come out and sing a song then the sons will come next'. Choe Yo Na Nim, Jae Nim and Lee Yo Na Nim came to the stage and sang 'Cheon Il Guk song' (the original song is called 'seoul song' but they changed the Seoul to Cheon Il Guk).
Then, Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim came to the stage and said, 'Thank you True Parents. Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to sing a song that Hyo Jin brother always used to like to sing to father' and sang 'If I can dream'.
'Somewhere, the brightest light of all lights
Magpie that flies high above the blue sky
New World, if we are going to dream it then brothers and sisters will hold hands and believe
We will grant that dream
Someday, this peaceful world will grant such promise, chasing suspicion and fear away
Believing that all people will be shined with warm light of fire
We will grant that dream
Lost in the dark wilderness, caught in a world of temptation and pain
But, if we can dream, soul will soar high above the heavens
The candle light that moves in the dark shadow
If you think about it, standing, walking or even dreaming about it then your dreams will come true'
After Mr. Won-ju Peter singing the 'Daughter of the Soyang river' True Father sang 'The Free land of heart', the members of the True Family and all members attending sang the song together with True Parents.
At around 9 pm, True Father left the stage saying, 'annyeong! Sayonara (Japanese of saying goodbye) and the 3 cheers of eog-manse by Rev. and President Yong-seop Song of UPF-Japan. Everybody offered their bows and said, 'True Parents Thank you very much' for 3 times.