The Words of the Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
Myung Moon – June 9, 2012
The following is the information posted on the web page 통일교.
After the reading, Father said, "I am the one most scared most by the words I said. That's why I am doing Hoon Dok Hae diligently. There won't be anybody who does it more earnestly than I do."
Father stayed up all night the night before and held Hoon Dok Hae on 4. 20 HC (June 9, 2012).
Myung Moon – June 9, 2012
(You can see the photos in which Rev. Yang is explaining to Father the designs of the Peace Center and the Unification Church building which will be built in Las Vegas. Also you can see the granddaughter of Ye Jin Nim.)
Myung Moon – June 9, 2012
True Parents will participate at the closing ceremony of the "30-Day Special Education of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle for 3,600 New Tribal Messiahs" (신종족적 메시아 3600명 원리 본체론 30일 특별교육), which will be held at the Cheon Shim Peace World Center on 4.22 HC (June 11, 2012).