The Words of the Sun Myung Moon from 2012 |
To all members of the Unification Family worldwide:
I thank you all for offering intense Jeong Seong during the past week for True Father's recovery and continued health. Like the old saying, "Sincerity moves Heaven," I believe that our Jeong Seong offered sincerely for the sake of True Father's recovery has reached Heaven and as a result True Father's condition has been showing slow but steady signs of improvement.
This morning, True Father continues to show slight improvement. His lung functions are slowly improving and through his lungs, the oxygen supplied through the tubes is enhancing the oxygen saturation in the blood. True Father's dependency on artificial oxygen is slightly declining.
However, True Father still remains in sleep and under treatment at the intensive care unit, and continues to battle his illness each moment. During the Sunday Service at Cheon Bok Gung yesterday (7.9 by the heavenly calendar), the International President, Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, mentioned how True Father's health had deteriorated at a time when the entire world, especially in northeast Asia, is teetering into chaos, and conveyed to the members that True Father is fighting seriously with life-or-death resolve while investing himself completely in order to rise again for the sake of providence. Once again I ask for our brothers and sisters to continue with this special Jeong Seong so that True Father can recover even one day sooner; no matter how insignificant it may be it can provide strength to True Father who is in an intense battle.
Furthermore, during yesterday's Sunday service at Cheon Bok Gung, the International President Rev. Hyung Jin Moon has explained in detail about True Father's present condition. A video of this service will be available at the Korean Headquarters homepage (www.tongilgyo.org).
Thank you.
7.10 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 27, 2012)
Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of
the Korean Church