The Words of Hyung Jin Moon From 2009 |
Hyung Jin nim and Yeon-ah nim visited the offices of FFWPU International on January 14. During their visit, they holy salted the newly established office established for the international president (though Hyung Jin nim still uses the Headquarters Church as his base). Hyung Jin nim's prayer on that occasion follows:
Our loving Heavenly Father, and the victorious Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, Heavenly Father, today we have come to the offices of the FFWPU International Office, which You have blessed. Heavenly Father, from the early days of our church until now, True Parents have led the carrying out of Your providence and guided the worldwide Unification Family, devoting their lives without reserve.
Heavenly Father, we earnestly ask and pray that You will work so that we can sincerely carry out our mission as True Parents' sons and daughters, and so that through inheriting True Parents' will and love, we can spread Your word and heart throughout the world.
Heavenly Father, whether we are working as individuals or with others, You have continuously endowed us with blessings and given us the ability to achieve greater accomplishments to uphold Your will and True Parents' dignity.
Heavenly Father, guide us so that the blessings You have given us are not limited to ourselves but are disseminated to the rest of the world. They have been given in order to save the whole world through True Parents' love. Father, we pray that You will guide us in working through this office to make the Unification Family solid, exemplary and transparent, so that when looking at us, deep within their hearts, all the religions and nations in the world will wish to follow us.
Heavenly Father, we are lacking in so many ways. Though we still have so much to learn, You have never given up on us but have helped us become more mature, so that we could stand before the world with integrity as Your representatives, and for this we are truly, truly grateful.
Father, we hope and pray that You will work through us, helping the Unification Church across the world to move according to Your will and helping us to always be humble in our hearts to serve the whole world as the servants of True Parents' servants.
Please bless all Your sons and daughters here today and bless their families, and please help them to become Your children who can work miracles for Your great will. I offer this prayer in the name of Moon Hyung Jin's family, a blessed central family, and in the name of True Parents.