Sun Myung Moon's Speeches From 2007 |
Report on True Parent's Birthday
FFUWP Europe
February 26, 2007
Day One Saturday Feb 24
Opening Ceremony - TrueParents
Notes taken from True Father's opening words
Never fight, unite through True Parents absolute oneness will come. Fight and I will cut you off, Satan will follow and fight with you.
Father said that he had created a foundation and would use it, he talked of taking the sword out of the sheath (made me think of a King Arthur novel I'd read, when Arthur had sword in hand you knew the enemy had no place to go.)
Offer everything up to God and True Parents, God and True Parents will turn it around and give it back ten fold.
From yesterday (Father's 88th birthday) the time of everything centering on Father is finished. From now on we need to center on the couple and the family -- they should represent the whole.
We need to have complete unity between husband and wife to be able to go to God. (Even if Jesus' wife had resentment, Jesus would not be able to go to heaven.)
Absolute sexual morality is the center of God's Kingship.
Regional Reports 2006 Activity Report and 2007 Activity plan
Korea (Rev. Sun Jo Hwang)
Japan (Rev. Katsumi Otsuka)
N. America 1 (Dr. Chang Sik Yan)
Special Lecture True Children (Hyo Jin Moon)
Notes taken from Hyo Jin Nim's talk:
You should do your best. (He joked, "My talk is finished.")
I have a favor to ask. (There was a long silence. You could feel it was difficult for Hyo Jin Nim to stand up in front of members, then after a pause everybody started to clap. The clapping put him at ease.) I' haven't come here to judge you, are you here to judge me? It's not easy for me to be with True Parents. After being with True Parents I feel horrible for at least a day.
How can we win people to our movement, especially in the West? The only way to bring people is by sincerity or money. To reach people we need to touch their hearts. Teaching Divine Principle without heart -- there just isn't any point. In the future let's go beyond our limits. (For me to stand on this stage is going beyond my limits.)
As a favor the only thing I can ask: Bring good results to God and True Parents. Let's drop the grudges.
Regional Reports 2006 Activity Report and 2007 Activity plan
North America 1 - Dr. Chae Hee Lee
Asia - Dr. Byung Hwa Kim
Europe 1 - Dr. Yong Chul Song
Europe 2 - Dr. Joong Hyun Park
Northeast Region - Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
South America - Rev. Jeung Soon Cho
Middle East - Dr. Sang Jin Lee
Africa - Rev. Eiji Tokuno
Oceania - Rev. Chung Sik Yong
Day Two - Sunday Feb. 25
Providential Organizations 2006 Activity Report and 2007 Activity plan
Foundation for the Support of HSA-UWC - Mr. Yeong Sup Bang
IIFWP Korea - Dr. Jeung Rho Yoon
PWPA - Dr. Dae O Son
Hoondokhwae Activity Headquarters - Rev. Young Suk Song
YFWP - Dr. David Caprara
Yeosu Ilsang Project - Dr. Sun Jo Hwang
WFWP - Prof. Lan Young Moon
World Carp - Mr. Kyung Myung Yoo
Citizens Federation for the Unification of North and South Korea - Rev. Chong Kwan Yoo
Chungshim Project - Mr. Yeong Ho Ha
Washington Times - Dr. Dong Moon Joo
Universal Peace Federation - Dr. Thomas Walsh
Aewon - Mrs. Shin Sook Kwak
Service For Peace - Charles Phillips, PhD.
It was good to hear all the above reports both from the organizations and regions. Even without the polish you could see that True Parents are making a real impact around the world.
Special Lecture True Children (Hyun Jin Moon)
Notes taken from Hyun Jin Nim's talk:
We have to live good lives because if we are not above saints in the spirit world it will damage True Parents' status.
From the day I was born to this day I stand here, I witnessed the pain of True Parents not from a distance but from the frontline. True Parents sacrificed so much blood sweat and tears so that they can stand in front of God. Not as servants but as holy sons and daughters of God. God had a dreamt of dwelling with man.
This is not Gods will that I should stand here - because of the failure of Korean Christianity time has been wasted, we should have already built Cheon Il Guk.
This should be a new beginning. We should realize the dream that is within True Parents heart by 2012. As the extended family of True Parents we have responsibility to shoulder True Parents' burden.
One family under god. Aju!
Special Business Report 1
Sun Moon Peace King Cup Tournament: A Football Festival for Promoting a Culture of Peace in the Global Community
Special Lecture True Children - Kook Jin Moon
Kook Jin Nim gave an interesting Power point presentation about business.
Notes taken from Kook Jin Nim's talk:
The kingdom of heaven is a world without the Cain and Abel concept.
The problem is not the outside world (satanic world). We are the problem we don't grasp God and True Parents' concept. Outside people respect our church but do not join our movement. Why? Because our movement is immature. We miss the essence of Divine Principle - just like the Jewish people missed the essence of their teaching.
We suffer so that others do not have to, a life lived for others is the absolute prerequisite for entering the Kingdom of Heaven, True Father has given us the key.
Day Three Monday Feb. 26
Main Address: Global Agenda and Main Activities in 2007 - Dr. Chung Hwan Kwak
Providential Organizations 2006 Activity Report and 2007 Activity plan
UTS - Dr. Tyler Hendricks
Special Lecture True Children - Hyung Jin Moon
Notes taken from Hyun Jin Nim's talk:
Hyun Jin Nim gave a power point presentation of various different religions and how after the central figure died they became divided. How can we take leadership of this movement after True Parents leave the physical world?
Special Business Report 2
Bering Strait Peace King Bridge Tunnel Project - Mr. Yong Heum Lee
Cheon Il Guk Leaders Assembly 2007 and Closing Ceremony True Parents
Notes taken from True Parents' talk at Hoon Dok Hae:
The family will be protected when doing Hoon Dok Hae. Always include report from spirit world, also scriptures from other religions can be read.
Father gave special direction. He asked us to write it down but he spoke quickly so it was hard to catch everything.
1. Age of absolute authority, we should be one not two. Mind and body should be one. Husband and wife should be one.
2. Age of absolute value centering on the center (core) Live for the sake of others.
3. Age of establishing absolute happiness even if you die still shout Mansei - never be sad.
4. Age of absolute freedom and joy (even the roots are cleansed)
The ceremony came to an end with True Father dancing with True Mother in the aisles of the audience. True Parents seemed to be very happy.
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