The Words of the Sun Myung Moon from 2007 |
Victory Celebration for the "Rally of the Cosmic Federation to Initiate the Liberation of God's Fatherland" - Hoon Dok Hae at Cheon Jeong Gung
Sun Myung Moon
October 15, 2007
FFWPU International
Translation of notes taken by the UC History Compilation Committee
Mrs. Wonju McDevitt reads the preface and chapter one of the Pyunghwa Hoongyeong.
Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak then gives a report on the victory of the "Rally of the Cosmic Federation to Initiate the Liberation of God's Fatherland" that was held to commemorate the victory of the establishment of the Abel UN and the 57th anniversary of True Father's release from Hungnam labor camp in North Korea.
He explained how True Parents, the True Children and True Grandchildren had went on a world tour representing the three generations of the True Family right after the inauguration of the Universal Peace Federation and on that foundation of victory UPF was elevated to become the Abel UN -- the Peace UN.
Rev. Kwak went into a detailed explanation showing how the UN and Korea's fate were intertwined and pointed out that the UN was an international organization that was established by God specifically for the sake of True Parents' providence.
He also explained some developments that were being made through UPF and how Father instructed each member nation of the Abel UN to form a Global Peace Council and a Peace Assembly that can function as a bicameral system.
Please note that this is just a translation and summary of notes that were taken during the Hoon Dok Hae and should never be considered an official transcription of what Father said that day. Official instructions will be conveyed to you through an official memo.
Summary of Father's words:
From now the age during which you were able to meet me will pass. Do not think about your nation anymore. Among the 286 family clans you should consider your clan to be 'your nation.'
It will be your headquarters. From now there will not be a separate headquarters. In that way you must make flat the path I take. Don't talk about your personal situation. There will no longer be such instances where the headquarters assist you.
Regardless of where a person is from he should go according to my teachings. The three great subject partners (true parent, true teacher, true owner) principle rest on the foundation of the Pyunghwa Hoongyeong.
The Family Pledge is needed to carry out those principles. At the very top is the three great subject partner principle. From now you must make a new beginning. As of today [everything] must be dissolved.
If you are a blessed family you should have a report on your family's achievements. Unless you establish a four-position-foundation based on the three object purposes centering on True Parents you have nothing to do with me. You must be centered on my instructions, the Family Pledge and Cheon Seong Gyeong.
Don't think about doing something on your own. Japan's responsibility will pass. Good times have come but a time of taking responsibility has come as well. Those who are unable to take responsibility will not be able to go. Don't criticize; just go on and live in ignorance.
From today the Koreans who are working outside of Korea should come back to Korea for now. I will not allow for passports. They will be assigned within in Korea centering on the Family Federation for Peace and Unification.
The question is how many will they witness to and educate. Whether a person is successful or not depends on his capability of carrying out God's providence in the current times. Now is no the time for you to pray. Your ancestors must pray for you, their descendants. Ambassadors for peace are in the position of the archangel.
They are something like the elder brother or father of Lucifer. Japan does not have any rights of ownership. What is the portion of responsibility? The parent has their portion of responsibility; the son has his portion of responsibility. Do you think Adam and Eve were the only ones with a portion of responsibility?
Individuals and families all have their respective portion of responsibility. The law must be established for the entity to emerge. I am substantiating my words in various different fields. A diverse law must be made.
The fish bite on my line. The fact that they do means that I am using a different method. If someone used to be a cabinet minister he should come with that title. If someone was the representative of a nation he should bring the people that were under him.
You must memorize chapters one through six of the Pyunghwa Hoongyeong. Chapters one, two and three are about uniting Cain and Abel centering on the True Parents.
Even if you are a 36 couple if you didn't do your responsibility you will not be able to go up with me. You can rise only if you go in absolute obedience. If you do not you cannot advance.
People who have perfected the art of restoration through indemnity know that it is always a one-on-one situation. Since the path has been laid for the nation and world, you must know what kind of fortunes you will take with you.
The contents of my prayer will change. If you wish to go out as a pioneer again you must do so with a new heart. Now I do not need the UN and America. We must witness to people through the Abel UN and through broadcasting. Those who study me know that nobody comes close to me when it comes to my achievements and results.
All you have to do know is do as I instruct you. There should be a lottery to decided the national representatives centering on the young people; those who are in their forties or younger. From now we must return to our hometown.
If possible, you should go back to the hometown and get a Korean visa. A public-minded person should become a member of the parliament of this nation and become a person who can carry out a central and necessary role within the member states of the Abel UN and the world.
Mr. Dong Moon Joo came up and shared some reflections on the inauguration of the Peace UN. He also gave a brief report on his recent visit to South America. Mr. Joo talked about the political situation of the thirty-three nations of South America and pointed out that Uruguay had the most potential and gave a vivid description of how the churches were being revived.
The Victory Celebration and Hoon Dok Hae concludes at 8:00 a.m.