The Words of Reverend Sun Myung Moon from 1973 |
God's Day Speech
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
January 1, 1973, 7:00 a.m.
Translated by Mrs. Won Bok Choi
Tarrytown, New York
As you all know, this is the sixth God's Day. Five years have passed since we first set up the Day. It is quite a historical event that we set up God's Day. For fallen men there has not been such a day as God's Day. There are many nations and so many people living on this earth; they have ceremonies and festivities celebrating their own national days, but there has never been a God's Day set up. When I look back to human history in view of divine providence, I find that we can set up God's Day only by having set up other days on God's side. In this world we have many memorable days, such as our birthdays, the birthdays of our parents, the national birthday (which is the day of independence or day of foundation of the nation); there are many such days which people of the world celebrate. For those people who have lost the nation's independence, the day of independence or day of liberation, would be the happiest of all. Suppose anyone here has lost his children, and restored them or found them today. Would that not make it the happiest day? The second happiest day in our lives must be the day of our blessing, our marriage. We have many other such days to celebrate in our lives, but no God's Day has ever been set up to be celebrated by humankind.
But for the human fall, if Adam and Eve had been perfected without having anything to do with the fall or sin, the day they reach their maturity would have been the day of the utmost joy both for God and men. On that happiest day of their lives God could have blessed them in matrimony. That day could have been the day of the commencement of a beautiful family life. In that case the family would have represented the whole future families of the earth, as a triumphant one composed of two opposite sexes matured to perfection. So that day must have been the day of joy for God and for all the creation. This could have been God's Day. God would have been overjoyed for the matrimony, and all together, the archangels Could have been joyful, too. All creatures, centered on God, could have enjoyed all the happiness there. This could have been God's Day, on which God would have been delightfully happy. It is because on the day they would have been blessed in holy matrimony, our first human ancestors Could have played the role of True Parents to later mankind. God could have been proud of His children in that position, and the whole creation could have accepted or welcomed the men of perfection to dominate over them. According to the Principle of Creation, that day could have become both God's Day, Children's Day, and World's Day, or Day of All Things.
But because of the human fall, those days have been nullified. Naturally, to be able to restore this one day, we must restore the Day of All Things first, Children's (men's) Day second, and then God's Day. Without these things being accomplished in the right order, we have had to set up men (children) first, and through the offering of things from the creation by them, men could have reached God. All this had to be done under the guidance of God. With God, men, and the whole creation put together alone, can we all enjoy happiness; but God, due to the human fall, God could restore man only through the offerings from the creation.
Meanwhile, from the day of victory won by Jacob, God had to widen the scope of restoration to the level of the nation and the whole world. With all the significance in mind, in the year 1960, on the sixteenth day of April (later shifted to March 1, lunar calendar), we set up Parents' Day for the first time. From that day we had to restore, on the solid foundation, things on the individual level, family level, national level, and worldwide level. Centered on that day, we could set up Children's Day later. In human society, up to the present moment, there has been no family really recognized by God. So no parents could play the real role, while no children could play their role, either, in the truest sense. For the children of the world to be reborn as brothers and sisters, before anything else, they must have common parents to give them rebirth. We now have Children's Day; and the significance is that on that day, we become the true children of our True Parents, by being given rebirth. On that day, we could set up the conditions under which we were given rebirth, because we had our True Parents in common, and from then on we have been able to become qualified children under the will. With the foundation of Parents' Day and Children's Day, we then could set up the Day of All Things, or World Day.
In the year 1965 I made my first world tour; by visiting some forty countries, I set up 120 Holy Grounds, and it is with the above said significance that I did that. In other words, after having set up the True Family, with the True Parents and children there, I gave the significance of linking that Family with the whole world in setting up the Holy Grounds in so many places. By setting up those three days, I have reached the state where Jesus would have set up the national level of things in his mission. He, in his days, should have set up the condition centered on the nation, the chosen nation of the Israelites. If Jesus had been able to set up the condition on the clan level or tribal level, it would have been easier for him to set that up on the national level. If he had done that in his days, Jesus would have been able to set up God's Day in his lifetime. But Jesus left all those things unaccomplished in his days, so it was Master's mission to set up that day in the year 1968, which was God's Day, and he could do this only by having set up the rest of the days. With all those days set up, God's providence of restoration has been developing into the real channel.
It is due to the fall that Adam and Eve had nullified all those things, or had not been able to set up those days; so the personage in the place of restored Adam must be able to do that. The person must be in the position of the True Parents. The central personage, having come into the world for that mission, is destined to set up God's Day after having established the other days. You know too well that man fell before reaching the perfection stage of his growth. For man to go beyond the level of the growth stage into the next level of the perfection stage, parents having nothing to do with sin must have been there. But due to the fall, they fell down to a level far below, and in order for them to be saved, or elevated to the next stage, there must come the True Parents to give them rebirth.
The last stage of perfection will be attained by going through the course of seven years. When you subdivide all those three stages into three sub-units each, the number will be nine, and going beyond that, you reach perfection at the tenth stage. In another sense, with each stage having a seven year course, it is only after twenty-one years that we reach the last point. That's why, in human society, we think a man is mature when he reaches the age of twenty-one. Following the Holy Marriage taking place in 1960, during the course of seven years up to the year 1967, Master had to set up all those things. By his being able to set up all those days, he reached the, stage of perfection, and from then on, he could commence the work covering the next level. During those seven years, Master was playing the role of the True Parents, and with that qualification he tried to open the gate, to open the way from the individual level of things to the next level of family, and still next, the nationwide level, and to the worldwide level.
Then, the second seven year course started. But for the human fall, the first seven year course would have been sufficient. The second seven year course came about due to the fall. That is to say, before the coming of Jesus Christ, there was the chosen nation of Israel. At that time, Jesus had to become one with the chosen nation. But without Jesus' being able to accomplish his mission in his lifetime due to the disbelief of the people, he could not play the role of the True Parents, or of the True Son, either. In order for that to be restored through indemnity, we have had to go through all these things. If the person in the parent's position had accomplished his mission, those in the children's position should have been able to accomplish theirs. The parents and children together had to restore the nation, and then the whole world.
It is our mission to restore the nation of God's choice which was lost at the time of Jesus. By our Master's having set up all those three days -- Parents' Day, Children's Day, and World Day -- he now was qualified to set up God's Day after the course of seven years. After he had accomplished that much, by having his children do the job in place of him, this time with the same qualifications, it can well be said that he accomplished his mission in a real sense. The second seven year course is the period during which all the children, having inherited the foundation laid by our True Parents, commence and accomplish their own mission on the national level and worldwide level. During the second seven year course, we have had to restore the nation on our side, so that what was left unaccomplished by Jesus in his day, centered on the chosen nation of the Israelites, could be realized, centered on ourselves. Originally, God's intention was to send the Messiah on the solid foundation of the national level, so that Jesus could have commenced his mission right there. But he, on his part, had to restore from the lower level of things. If he had stood on the national foundation, with the cooperation of the people of that time, he could have opened the toll gate to the things of the worldwide level at that time. Jesus, the Messiah, came in the capacity of the True Parents. The True Parents, in the real sense, should have come on the national level of things already accomplished by the chosen people; so from then on, without having anything to do with indemnity condition, he could have made the providence of restoration a success on the worldwide level. Due to the crucifixion of Jesus, however, he could not connect the things spiritual with the things physical, so our aim is to connect those things, both on the spiritual and physical level. In other words, if we had really accomplished our mission on the national level, then our True Parents could have started their mission on the worldwide level in the spiritual sense, connecting it on the physical level, too.
The year 1973 starts right at the point where we have already set up the nationwide level of things in a spiritual sense. And we are now headed for the things of the worldwide level. Originally, in the year 1974, the second seven year course will end. But even before that, we have connected the nationwide level of things to the worldwide level of things in the spiritual sense. If we could really set up the nationwide level of things in the physical sense, then we can open up the worldwide level of things at the same time. It was no accident taking place in Korea when she set forth the revitalizing reforms with South-North dialogue going on. In Jesus' days, if he had been able to set up things on the national level and connect the Jewish people with the national level, then on that foundation he could have commenced his mission to the next level. The Korean people are now standing on the national foundation laid by our True Parents, and if they lift that to the worldwide level, then they can make the mission of Korea as the chosen nation a success in the very near future. Master, when he came here on his fourth world tour this time, has already gone beyond the level of nationwide mission, and is now connecting that to the next level of worldwide mission.
With the United States being the leading nation of the world, what I had in mind was that during the three years beginning from last year -- that is, 1972, 1973, and 1974 -- if I could really set up the worldwide level, then our movement can grow by leaps and bounds. With the nationwide level having been set up in Korea already, if the members of the United States come in cooperation with me, and if you all really push forward on that mission, then we can attain the restoration of the whole world here. And more than that, I am going to bring manpower from all the European countries, as well as from the oriental countries, to concentrate on the work here. After we will have gone through our third seven year course, our ideology should become the leading ideology of your nation and the world. When Master says he is going beyond the level of the nation into the next level, which is the worldwide stage, he means to go that far with what he has already accomplished in Korea. I want you to bear this in mind whenever you try to accomplish your mission. What you are doing in the United States is not for the United States alone, but you are standing on the foundation laid by Korean people centered on Master, so you are inheriting that base, that foundation, on which to go ahead. That means you will be able to accomplish your mission on the worldwide level after inheriting the things accomplished by our Master. You cannot really be qualified enough to accomplish your own mission without his help. It is difficult, it may sound impossible, but if you become one with him and inherit the foundation he has already laid, it is possible for you to do that. The work of restoration through indemnity is something you can really do when you are on the axis, and when the axis turns centering around Master.
With the True Parents in human society, you must carry out the role left unaccomplished by the spirit men in the vast world of spirit, including Jesus, and you must realize that you are carrying out their missions, too. Every one of you here must be able to accomplish the mission in place of Jesus, after having won the things on the clan level. You must in fact play the role of Jesus. That is to say, you must restore yourself on the individual level, and you must be able to restore your family and clan, then together with that, you are in the position of Jesus' having accomplished that much in his lifetime on the physical level, with his 12 disciples, 70 apostles, and 120 apostles. That is why in the Unified Family we now have to turn clan level restoration into national level restoration. You must be better in many ways than Jesus himself ever was, and all the passed away saints who came and died without quite accomplishing those missions, both on the spiritual and physical level.
With these thoughts in mind, you must try to become one with Master. Then with him, you can advance on to the next level of worldwide development. Up to the present moment, in the Christian world, the saints have paid martyrdom and untold misery and hardships whenever they tried to carry out their missions, because Jesus left all those things unaccomplished on the physical level. Our mission is to restore all those things both on the spiritual and physical level; so, even though we may have to be faced with untold difficulties and misery in accomplishing those things, we first persevere and be able to carry out all those missions in our life time. After having set up things on the spiritual level, we are sure to win the things on the physical level. So with this as the formula, we are sure to carry out our missions. But unless we are willing to sacrifice ourselves for the great cause, we cannot easily accomplish our missions.
After the third seven year course, by the year 1981, we must be able to find ourselves opening channels to all directions without reserve -- without barriers. In that case, we will have accomplished the mission left unaccomplished by Jesus and left unaccomplished by the saints who came and passed away after Jesus, within the 2,000 years after Jesus up to the present moment. Is everything clear to you up to that point? If you are tape recording it, you must study that later. Unless you really know all these facts, you can never know at which point you are situated in the providence of God, and how much our Master has gained. Without your realizing it, the formula under the Divine Principles is being accomplished by his personage. But you must know that the Parents' Day he set up, the Children's Day and World Day, and even God's Day, are the days celebrated within the scope of our Unified Family; but the outside world does not recognize all those days. The True Parents gave out themselves to the whole of mankind. The Day of the Parents must be recognized in depth by the whole Unified Family. Unless it is recognized by the whole people of the world, the day is not the day in the real sense; the same is true with other days. Then are those days recognized by the people of the world? No! So we must realize how remorseful and agonized God's heart is by the fact that only a handful of people are celebrating those days. Heaven is the place we enter after having celebrated God's Day, Parents' Day, World Day, and Children's Day on the worldwide level -- only after having lived that kind of life on earth can we enter Heaven in the truest sense. But are we in that position? You said no. That means if anyone of you here die today, you are destined to go to Paradise, or to the society on the lower level, but not into the real Heaven. That is the view of the Divine Principle. So we are anxious to see our Master go beyond the level of the nation, and go into the next level of worldwide providence. It is not only the concern of God Himself and we ourselves in the Unified Family, but it should also be the concern of the people of the world to see him going through that level of things. Without his being able to do that, the world will remain as it is.
In the Unification Church we have blessed families. If, with the cooperation of those blessed families, he still cannot realize the unification ideal on the worldwide level, then it will be more difficult for him to go with all you people together when you don't cooperate. He has to drag you. It is what makes things more difficult. Master has to drag with him all the people under the name of Divine Principle or the Unified Family. Originally, in light of the Divine Principle, there was no such word as the second coming on the family level. With all this in mind, he is really serious in thinking about how to take you all together beyond the level of the nation, going into the next level of worldwide providence. With this mission ahead of him, he has in fact opened up the channel to the next level of worldwide providence. In doing this, the wise will try to return one nation to God, which is everyone's hope.
Both in the leftist world and the rightist world, or the Communistic world and the democratic world, the rise and fall of a nation is just nothing in God's sight. If there is a nation of God's choice in the world with one personage as the nucleus, there is hope, even if both camps, democratic and Communistic, may have to be nullified in the sight of God. If Master is to succeed in his mission, with his family, with the nation of God's choice, then the whole world will be restored. But God is ready to sacrifice even the family of our Master in order to save the whole world, at the great cost.
When you think of all these things, you must be able to be harmonized with each other in strong oneness, having a new unified goal in God's providence of restoration. If you are dis-harmonized, just as the disciples of Jesus were, then you cannot expect anything to remain out of what you did. In the Unified Family we must become harmonized in perfect oneness, you must never criticize each other. You can never say that you are not ready to go; if you do, never expect to reach any place. This is one great law: we are going on a one way road, and we call never go any other way. We are now facing a grave situation the great hope of ours is that we be headed for this one goal. By the year 1981, when the third seven year course will end, you must be able to become really one with our True Parents; whatever difficulties we may have to go through, we must be resolved to attain our goal.
You are doing things which no other people and no other nation have ever dreamed of; in doing that, if you are not really serious and really dedicated -- really determined to do it -- you are going to make God's cause a failure. But we can never fail, because there is God working with us and there is the Divine Principle, which will push us on. How honestly you are attached to Master, how fervently your prayer is for the success of the great cause of ours, and how strenuous your efforts will be for that cause -- all this will matter. And if you are resolved to do that, you will realty make everything a success. On your way, you can fall, fall back, and you get to rest and relax, but your Master can never do that. In Jesus' days, if the people of Judaism and the chosen nation of the Israelites had become one with him, he could not have gone through the miserable way of the cross.
The people of Judaism and the, chosen nation of the Israelites were to blame when they made Jesus' mission a failure. We must be able to put ourselves in the position of the people of Judaism and the nation of the Israelites, and this time we must at all events make our mission a success. Then you -- each one of you -- must place yourself in the position of the high priests at that time, and you must even place yourself in the position of the king at that time, in order for you to be able to accomplish the mission assigned to you. If you don't understand what I am saying now in the truest sense, how can You really actualize all those. things? What is meant by the Bible verse, when it said "those who want to lose their life will gain it, and those who want to gain their life will lose it"? If you really understand that phrase, you will realize that you call do anything for that, at the cost of your life.
The heavenly side is really serious and God is really craving to make His providence a success this time. And why is it so? We realize that there is God's will working behind human history. People are not awakened to the fact that what they are doing now is going to destroy themselves, their family, their nation, and the whole world. And if they are really awakened to the fact that God is there manipulating them under His will, they will be able to join hands with Him. If the people of the world go on without realizing God's will, they will be battered, they will be destroyed by God's hands, we are playing the central role with all this knowledge, and we must be really serious in carrying out our missions in that line.
If you people in the Divine Principle should long for what you used to have, looking back and missing what belonged to your past, You are sure to be beaten by God, and you are going to be a failure in God's sight. You have different five senses than what others have. I know you have a resounding inner voice telling you that you must go on, advancing beyond the limit of the New York Family and the U.S. Family, to that of the World Family. You are destined to go through untold difficulties to accomplish what Jesus in his days had not been able to accomplish on the physical level. You have to do greater things than Jesus did because You are physically alive in this world, and you must be able to accomplish the mission of Jesus, left unaccomplished by him. In Master's talk about the Holy Blessing, you were told to have gone through three years of public life, and to have earned, or brought in three or more spiritual children of yours in order for you to be blessed. But that is only superficial. When you say that you have to go through three years Of public life -- that means a really dedicated life of sacrifice within those three years. When you have brought your spiritual children, you must be able to raise them up to be blessed in this holy matrimony, too. But even if you may have attained that much, you cannot go to the Heaven all by yourselves. Without Our True Parents, you are not qualified to go into Heaven. Compared to what you are going to enjoy 5% at the best. With 95% of the thing being accomplished by our True Parents, you can enjoy the total 100% level of things. Without True Parents, having done that much, you are not qualified to enjoy that position.
What do you know about the Divine Principle in the real sense? But you are given the qualification to be the children of the True Parents, so for you to cling to them and become one with them. In obedience to them is the way open to you to lead you to the goal. When you are taught you have the True Parents, you don't really understand what it means. The sensation you feel towards the True Parents must be something more than what you feel towards your own physical parents. When you think of the central family, you must be thinking of it more than you do your own physical family. You must have a nation of God's choice, and you must miss that nation and the people of that nation all the time, more than you do your own nation. If you are without that much sensation, You will be wavering all the way through. In that case, you are headed for two goals, looking at one after the other. Are you not placed in that position?
When you think of your own physical parents, if there be someone who tells you that they are not your parents, can you believe them? Can any such thing make you deny your parents? If you may be flogged for that, you will still recognize your parents. If it be true with our physical parents, how much more Would it be with the True Parents? That is what the Divine Principle teaches us. Do you find yourself that way? Are you one with him on the individual level? Are you one with him on the family level? Are you one with him on the racial level? On the national level and the worldwide level? Are you like that to such an extent that no one, nothing, can ever separate you from him? Are you in that position? If You find yourself the other way around, there is one thing you should be doing if you would at all obey your True Parents. Even you may have to be beaten, may have to be driven out to the place of death, if you are ready to obey him in utter devotedness, then you are sure to go the heavenly course. That's one of the fiercest teachings we have in the Unified Family. The most dreadful word, or wonderful word "True Parents". Even God is afraid of this word, and not just God, but Satan. Since it is difficult for the fallen men to really understand what it means, and to dedicate themselves to become the true children of the Parents, in case they go in the wrong way, they are liable to judgment. So the word, the "True Parents," is the thing to be dreaded. For Satan, this word is also a fearful word, because when the day comes when people will be attached to the True Parents, they will have to be separated from him. God, at the right side, is calling to us to obey our True Parents, while Satan is anxious to have us go astray from them. In between, we are struggling to belong to God's side. If you really understand that you are placed on the verge of life or death, with your one step to the left or your one step to the right defining whether you are going the way to death or to life, you will be really serious.
You must know in what position you are placed, where God is and where our Master is situated in carrying out the providence of restoration. At the commencement of the new year, we must truly realize in what position we are situated. We are in the position to have to succeed in carrying out our mission of restoring the world back to God, because it is the great cause, even for God. And even if we are unable to carry out our mission in our lifetime, we must come back through the second advent, and by helping the people on the earthly plane, be elevated to the next level, and still the next level until we reach perfection. So we must be serious to be able to carry out the mission while on earth, on the physical plane. Until we can meet God in His bosom, without having anything to do with Satan or sin and without his preventing us or keeping us from going back to God, that's the condition we should build ourselves.
Unless we can do that, there is no God's Day, Parents' Day, Children's Day, or World Day in the real sense. We must at all events set up those days in the truest sense, so that we can praise God, glorify God, and really enjoy those days without reserve. On that day, not only the Unification Family but also the whole population of the world would be celebrating God's Day, Parents' Day, Children's Day and World Day. And without their being able to do that with us, the Unified Family members, we cannot really enjoy those days. We must have iron determination to go through our way until we obtain the day on which we can celebrate those days with the whole population of the world, without hindrance by any individual, any Satan, any obstacles. We must march on -- march on until we win the day on which we can enjoy all those things.
I must repeat to remind you again that if you may have to pass away to the next world without having realized this much, you must come back and undo it or redo it all over, so let us be resolved to make it a success in our lifetime and shorten the period of time during which we have to work on that, if possible. Let us be resolved. Let us be determined to dedicate our whole lives for that great cause, to win that goal. We must realize that we are working hard to connect those days to the people of the world, until they can all enjoy those days. And we must not be spending any minute of our lives without thinking of that. I want you to really devote yourselves and dedicate yourselves to the great cause; if you are resolved for that, and if you really want to take pledge before God to do that in Your lifetime, will you please raise Lip your hands'?
(Master's prayer)
After having heard Master, if there are any points you do not understand, you call raise questions. There have been quite a few who were dozing off, Master knows, but if you don't raise questions, does that mean you understood all of it? Have you thought about it? What he has said you cannot find in the Divine Principle book. In the Divine Principle book, you read things belonging to Jesus' day, but not after that. What you read in the Divine Principle book belongs to the past. In Jesus' days, people had to believe in what Jesus said, but now you must understand what he says and carry those things out. There are many complicated world situations about us, around us, but any and everything can be solved only in light of the Divine Principle -- not the Divine Principle as in the book, but that which he is going to reveal. Now he can reveal a certain amount of what he has, because he has already made it a reality. But other things are still in store. The True Parents, having nothing to do with sin or the fall, can know and reveal the secret of Heaven, but nobody else is entitled to do that. So in the course of restoration, there is no one in the whole world who can really understand what our True Parents have to do. There are famous scholars and famous scientists, but none of those are entitled to that. Jesus, in the place of the True Parents, could not accomplish that much, so those who are in the position of the True Parents must start their mission by ignoring those things.
You say you are ready to cooperate with him, but however hard you may try, you cannot cooperate with him in certain things. When you put yourself in the position of not having been restored yet, you are in the position of not having been born. If you are in that position, how could you understand what your Parents have to say? You cannot really say that you call obey him or cooperate with him, because you are in the position of not having been born. You say you are working for the True Parents -- but in fact, you are not. You are working to lay the foundation on which you can be given rebirth. You are still in the mother's womb, being distributed with the nourishment. You are being raised up. So in the real sense, you cannot say that you are working for the Unification Church, either. In a real sense, you cannot say that.
Only when you are given rebirth can you really say that you are cooperating with the True Parents, doing the world for the Unification Church, and all the rest, You are now still in the position of being in the mother's womb, so whatever you get as your nourishment will be yours. Nothing more can be claimed by you. Without being instructed by, the True Parents, you cannot really tread on the way to Heaven. In light of the Divine Principle, can there be any other way? If you really long for the heavenly kingdom, if you want to inhabit that world, to enjoy and possess the kingdom of God, then you must be able to be attached to Our True Parents and miss them; then you will rearrange the mechanism within yourselves in good order so that you will feel in the right way, think in that way, say things in that way, and act out in that way.
In the way of the Divine Principle, there is only God, not Satan; but in other ways, you will find Satan everywhere. So if you find Satan with you and around you, you are not quite going the way of the Divine Principle in the real sense. Are you sure you are walking on the way of the Divine Principle? If you are really going the way of the Divine Principle, you must be connected with Master or be a part of him. Even though you may be in a way connected to him, your family, your physical family and the outside world will draw you back. So you must be able to separate yourself from the worldly bondage. You are, in a way, opposed by your parents, by your brothers and sisters, and by your worldly friends. When you want to go this way, you must stick to Master, You must cling to him fast. In becoming one with him, you must be a part of his head; then Satan is apt to get hold of you on the tail. Day and night, asleep or awake, you must be thinking of the Divine Principle -- how to carry out your mission in the Divine Principle -- and never even dream of your worldly things. And sometimes you become lax and long for the things belonging to the world, saying "If I were in the world, I could have gained that position, gained that something, etc," When you pass away to the spirit world, it will be too late. There you will realize how true was what Master had said. If you really understand that while on earth, you are really a fortunate person. "Things you tie on earth will be tied in Heaven, and things you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven." The earth plane is the place of question.
Q: In 1967 I was told that it was the end of the 21 year course, and then the judgment was coming, and that should end in 1974. But I haven't heard him say anything lately about what will happen in 1974, or the significance of what will happen at the end of that course.
A: The first seven-year course ended in the year 1967.
Q: At that time, in 1967, Miss Kim [Young Oon Kim] was teaching that was the end of the 21-year course.
A: With the 20 year course completed, the next year is the perfected form of the 2,000 year course trodden by the Jewish people scattered all through the world, having lost their nation. The people of Judaism -- they never dream of such things. We say that what we lost on the vertical level must be restored on the horizontal level. In our life span, what has been going on in the vertical level is being realized on the horizontal level. That is why in the Communistic world, people of religion are still going through martyrdom. How many people do you think Mao of Red China has killed? Some 50 million people must have been killed by him. That corresponds to the population of the whole of Korea. How many has Stalin killed? A little fewer, maybe; some 30 million people were killed in Stalin's battle front.
The 6,000 years of human history, coming down on the vertical level, should now be restored through indemnity on the horizontal level. And during the span of 60 years from the time of the birth of Communism on this earth, those things must be done. That is what makes the years 1977 and 1978 most critical. If by that time, we members of the Unification Church will have carried out our mission, the Communist world is destined to fall. No historians have ever been able to point out that fact, however great they may have been. We alone know that fact. Nobody can tell what is going to take place in the future world. But if there be any individual who really knows what is ahead of him, if there is any family which really knows what is ahead of it, any nation and people of the world who really understand what's ahead of them, they will be happy people. And we are in that position, and we must be grateful for that. Do you really feel happy? We are so confident to cry out to the world: "What I have is right. Follow me. I will lead you to the goal God has set before us." If we are so confident, to that extent, we are really happy people. Isn't that true? (Yes.) Do you want me to continue in more serious talk?
One thing you must know is that our Master is such a serious person that he always thinks about all these matters. Sometimes, he wouldn't look so serious, and he would say things casually or jokingly. But in his heart, he is always agonized, so serious -- like God, for instance -- he is so agonized, he is so sorrowful, grieving over what mankind has to go through. Outwardly, he doesn't look that way, always masking his emotion. If your God is so serious as to look always so gloomy and agonized, you would be dismayed. God is trying hard to have you go across the obstacles in the easiest possible way, but whenever you are faced with the boundary to go over to the next level, there is always an amount of indemnity to pay. In his heart, Master is always agonized, with a lot of burdens weighing him down, but outwardly he can't look pressured. But at the time of prayer, he is really serious, talking with God who knows his heart. He cannot pray without tearful eyes because he experiences God's heart there when he prays. That's what makes him different from you.
If you understand Master's heart to that extent, God will be with you, and you will see Him working in him and in you. So we must know that it's a question of heart -- how we feel what God feels. Just as our Master, who, when he thinks of God, is ready to weep all the time -- we must be that way. You must be able to feel the same when you think of Master. Whenever Master thinks of God, he wants to create a day on which God can rest and whenever you see our Master, you must feel the same, and you must try hard to win the day for him to rest. When you think of that, the worldly wealth is no problem, the house to live in, the clothes to wear, the things to eat -- those things are of no value. However valuable are the things you may have to lose for this cause, you must not give up God and Heaven. Even if Master may not say anything about himself to you, may not tell his heart to you, you feel something, in him to such an extent that you are greatly stirred up; touched and moved by Father. Do you sometimes feel that way?
There are a lot of you here who would think and say to yourselves: "This is an Oriental man. I feet somehow so greatly attached to him. I would miss him, I would long to see him, as his son." And in that case, you can realize that he is in the place of your True Parents, and when you miss him, you are already a part of him, and in that way you find that God is abiding in you and working with you. Are you really in need of me? You still have a long way to go, and there are a lot more things you have to learn. If Master is away, perhaps to the spirit world, when Master is not among you, you must find out all these facts through your prayers -- hard, hard prayers you must be answered to know all these things. But Master is among you, teaching you directly. And if you don't try hard to really understand what he means, you are a failure. Do you really know that much? The knack of the thing is: why don't you put yourself in the most difficult position, working for the great cause, and if you are always placed in that position you will feel God and feel Master working with you. That's why I am always telling you to go through the difficult path, and Heaven will be on your side.
Today being God's Day, we must rejoice in the glory of God, so why don't we eat something from the table . . .
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