The Words of Reverend Sun Myung Moon from 1973 |
Relationship Between Men And Women
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
Second 100-Day Training Session
Master Speaks
March 20, 1973
Translated by Mrs. Won Pok Choi
Good morning! Sit down!
You Must be especially careful of the relationship between men and women. I say this lest you should cause a scandal. If you leave any rumor or scandal between men and women, you will never be blessed together. The people of the U. S. especially must change the concept of going on dates and things like that. Because I am going to rely on you as the leaders of this nation, I regard that kind of thing with special concern.
Up to the present there have been many such people who would leave rumors. Back in Japan and Korea, those who felt they were attached would deliberately not meet each other. Those who have that kind of rumor would never be blessed under me. In my last blessing I took the reference from the missionaries I sent here; but in any case, those who had been attached beforehand, I would not have blessed them. You must be thorough and absolute about that. Due to the human fall it took us thousands of years to restore humankind to the original position. And it's not quite done yet. If you commit any mistake in that kind of thing, it is nearly impossible for you to be forgiven. Our movement belongs to the period of perfection. Since Adam and Eve had barely reached the period of growth, they could fall -- because they were not connected in heart with God. But if you are going to fall now, it's more difficult to be saved. Adam and Eve fell before being able to connect their love relationship with God. That's why there is room for them to be saved.
But if their heart or love were connected with God, and they had then fallen, there could never have been such a way of salvation. The love relationship between Adam and Eve was intact, but they never made the connection of heart with God, so there is room for them to be saved. But if you arouse problems in the love relationship, it will make it difficult for you to be saved -- the Principle tells us. Do you understand? There was no heart or affection connected between Adam and God -- and the fall occurred at that stage, so I again say that there is room for them to be restored to the original position. But if you are going to fall here, it will be very difficult to be restored. Even I cannot do it according to my own will. If you know the theory of the fall and then commit the fallen act, it cannot be forgiven. This is something like putting your hand under the sword wielded by Satan -- to chop off your hands. Is that clear to you?
I have been hearing rumors about you people. In that case you must be careful about that. It's not good for you to sit together side by side. Haven't you other people been feeling that? If you have, you must have or should have advised them. Chastity and keeping pure is the greatest thing in our group. In the outside world, even in public places such as parks, they do just anything in this country. That cannot be allowed in God's sight. In the future, our young people have to do something about that. We have to revolutionize U. S. society. We must go beyond this or else the new world cannot be brought about by our hands. I am very strict about this, and I am going to punish any mistake committed between man and woman, because I am teaching the very principle of how to be pure -- not to commit mistakes. In the near future there will be a time when I will not even let you walk hand in hand, man and woman. Because in that way you can give the wrong impression to other people.
Purity is something like a blossom before it is opened. So, before you are blessed, you must be like a blossom shut tight, and bear the fragrance deep within you. I am strict about this because the Principle teaches us that -- the truth. Up to the present even missionaries sent here by me did not quite know the depth of it. You are going to be future leaders of this nation, so you must be very careful about this point. Any leader of any group in any center: try to avoid the situation of a man alone with a woman. You must be there -- at least one man and two women, or two men and one woman. Eve fell because she was alone with the Archangel. When Eve fell with Adam the same was true, when there was God. Eve, Adam and the Archangel -- then the fallen act could not have been committed. If one male and one female are alone by themselves, isn't there the possibility of their committing the mistake? Isn't that true? It is something like lighting a match to vapor in front of a gasoline tank. Wouldn't you avoid that? If you commit that kind of sin, after knowing the Principle, the way is narrow for you to be restored. For those who are already married before joining our group, I have already set up a condition, and the way is already paved, so that they can be blessed. But for the bachelors, heaven wants you to keep your virginity. In U. S. society, there are not many who have kept that purity; but after joining this group, the possibility is greatly increased.
As I said before, it is worse than murder. If you murder a person, you are killing one person; but by doing this thing, you are killing your descendants and your lineage. Then, wouldn't you say that this is more than killing and murdering people? The law to punish this kind of act is going to be the severest. Do you know that? You know what you have been before joining this group. But upon joining -- after learning the Divine Principle -- you must repent, and try your best to keep your purity from then on. You must have the feeling that you are so happy here that you would do anything in repentance. More than anything else if you commit this mistake after joining the group and learning the Principle, that's horrible. Do you understand clearly? Your one act of sin will affect your ancestry and your future descendants, the fruits of your ancestry. You will know when you have your own children how loving they are to you; and then your act of this kind will be something like giving them poison. You must be very careful.
Whenever I bless you, you confess your past, too; but I always keep the statistics, and the statistics tell me that in Korea about 83% of the girls keep their virginity; about the same for males. In Japan, 63%, but in the U. S., they are almost rags. You must be ashamed of that. You are certainly not proud of that. That's a sign of ruin, and if you have that kind of attitude here, don't come to me. If you go out into society in the worldly way, that kind of thing is allowed; why don't you go out and do that? I am so strict on this because I want to prevent it from happening. You must keep your purity and chastity. You must think of it as more valuable, more important, than you own life. The fallen act in love will kill your descendants. If we teach you here that kind of concept, would the people outside of the U. S. like this kind of idea or not? Would they like it or not, our teaching this kind of purity? Yes. Even in the outside world, wouldn't the boys like to have pure, virgin girls as their wives, and vice versa? After the blessing it will be more strict. You are all forgiven of your sins and blessed. If you are distracted and set eyes on other males or females, that can never be forgiven. Jack, you have two boys. As a father, wouldn't you have your boys welcome pure girls as their wives? If you want that for your own children, wouldn't you have to be pure yourselves? When you marry, would you marry thinking that after a while, you are going to be divorced? If you are in the parents' position, would you have your children marry once and get divorced later? The reason for their having to get divorced is almost without exception, usually the problem between male and -female -- the love habit. In order for us to be able to prevent this from happening, we must be able to theoretically explain that.
The Divine Principle is the only truth for that. Unless one knows clearly what would be the result of the committed act of love, they will not take it seriously. Those blessed couples must stick together always. To the present you have been separated because of witnessing purposes and other things. But when you are allowed, then you must stick together, never allowing any temptation to come between you. I want to see you together. God is happy to see you seated side-by-side. But when the couple is sleeping, can other people get in there and sleep with them? That's not allowed even in the worldly standard. In our world, sometime in the future, those other people may have to bow down before the beautiful couple when they pass by. We must applaud the beauty of the couple. Isn't that true? [Yes!] They are blessed in God's sight and they have the right to be respected by the people around them. We must be very strict on this question. If you have any questions to raise, please do. If you feel you don't know too clearly, ask me questions.
Now, do you understand why I am so strict on that? [Yes.] After joining this movement, you must go through a public career of at least seven years, corresponding to the 6,000 years. . .
Yesterday I happened to go out into the city of New York, and there was a parade -- an army parade -- Army, Air Force, and Navy -- because it was Armed Forces Day. In my mind I had a great expectation: this is such a great nation, it must be grand to see an armed forces parade in this country. So I wanted to telephone to Belvedere and bring the movie camera. But from what happened, I was discouraged. There did not seem to be any strict rule in their marching and all the rest. The rows were crooked and the men talked on the way. I didn't see the rules working -- even in the army. I was discouraged, and I thought, "I will have to do something to the people of this country." They were in gorgeous uniforms, with high hats and all the decorations. But they kept no rule there and all the parade was spoiled, and the tradition of the armed forces was ruined. If we are going to do that kind of thing, we will never do it in that way.
I am good at training people; so even though I put certain people to shame, I will be strict on that and have you be awakened to the fact. I am not the type of person who can easily forgive people, in a sense. If I am too generous or tolerant to people whose behavior is questionable, then there will be Satanic invasion of other people's minds. Can I forgive that? In a sense I am frightening. I am strict and all that. But on the other hand, I am tender and sweet. But mostly I am going to be strict on you because you deserve that. This kind of thing must be eliminated from the early stages of our movement. So, if you cannot bear that now, you must go back, wrap up your things, and come back ten years or more from now. Would you want to do that? [No.] Why not? It's a hard job for me to have to be so strict on you -- by frowning all the time -- saying harsh things. I don't like this myself. I am doing something like the timber-makers would do. I will cut off the branches and cut off the tree from the root and cut the trunks into pieces. When I have to cut off the branches, I must not be reserved -- I must do it without reservation -- even the root. After you are made into timber, you are going to be used for a very great purpose -- not before that. In training I am going to cut off the parts from you which are not needed. Do you understand? [Yes.]
I can read your faces. From the way you talk, the way you smile, I can judge your personality. When I matched 235 couples out of the Japanese Family, it took me only eight hours and some minutes. Can you imagine? How could I do this? To others eyes I looked as though I was drawing lots or something like that. I had some male member in mind, and I would look at all the girls, each one of the girls. When you look at nature, all the trees in sight at the first glance would look the same. But could a pine tree be engrafted to an acacia tree? They would both be ruined. If there are several pine trees, even though one of them is crooked and small, I have to cut one of the branches and engraft it to another pine tree, not other kinds. Some persons have the characteristics of waterfalls, very sensitive and flowing. In that case, if I am not careful in matching that person, he will die. If I have a person of explosiveness, then they will be well-matched -- they will complement each other. If the waterfall comes down with beating power, there must be some power lifting it up or stopping it from doing that, or else that cannot be harmonized.
Only those who have eyes for that can match people -- and if you go on like you are in the U. S., as I see it, there will be many underdeveloped people, or idiots, born in this country. That's true. There will be ruin. I am serious in wanting to match you. You don't know who will suit you best. Isn't it so? [Yes!] If you are going to marry, you are not going to marry for your own sake. Marriage is like heaven and earth meeting together and being united into one, centered on you. On the horizontal level, I am responsible for the whole nation in marriage. In that sense, if you deny your wife, it means to deny the earth and to deny all the people on the horizontal level, the nation. When you love her, it means you love the whole earth and love your nation. It is because your wife is the closest person to you out of the people of your nation. You are going to love the nation through your wife. If you are not loving your wife, you have no face before the earth, before your nation. Then, can divorce be possible in our movement?
All the way I have gone through is in accordance with the Principle. My job is to gather together what has once been dispersed, and sew together what has been torn apart. I have the iron law in myself and no woman can ever tempt me. Adam fell because he was enticed by Eve, and fell into temptation. So, in me, there is no temptation possible, and I am not vulnerable to it. No one can induce, seduce, force, persuade me in that thing. I know that if Adam had been intact from Satanic temptation, restoration would have been possible centered on him. Eve can be recreated or restored by the person of Adam if he is intact -- that is the Principle.
Do you know that, do you understand? Everything fits the Principle. Nothing is done without conformity to the Principle. Centering on Abraham, too, between Sarah and another woman -- Hagar, the mother of Ishmael -- there were many particulars in light of the Principle. Mother is now trying hard to unite the minds of such women. You must know that I have gone through a difficult path which you can never imagine. I sometimes even feel fearful of women. In the fallen world, it is easy for fallen women to tempt males. Since I have gone through such difficulties, I wouldn't let you, and I don't want you to go through the same path. Rather, after my having paid the indemnity, I want you to go straight on the road with purity. Regarding this problem, I am not a forgiving type of person. I feel rage in me if I find that kind of thing happening here. The Messiah being the Second Adam and the Lord of the Second Advent -- in the same position to him, as in the case of Adam falling away, there should be a woman who, like Eve, is seduced into failing by the Archangel. Also there must be a woman who is in the position of the Bride to him, with him as the Messiah.
There have been many types of women in human history who have had a resentment toward men, either spiritually or physically, and have come to me to get this indemnified. If I had listened to them and had been dragged back to their side, I would have become a failure. So, I had to be very strict with those people. But if Adam were intact from Satanic invasion, he would have had his bride. And with Mother, he could go on with his mission. During my first seven year course I had to educate Mother, to recreate her. It took God 7,000 years to locate the bride for me, so during the seven year course I had to indemnify all those things. My first absolute course means that. I have been able to recreate Mother. From her part, she must be absolutely obedient to me. She must be different from fallen Eve. Do you understand that in light of the Principle?
Then, you would say, "I must follow the example of Master in that, too, in the way he has trodden?" That's something that has been done and has to be done through the man who is the Messiah, as the central figure, because he has to undo the entanglement. What took place in the Old Testament Age and New Testament Age around the central personage must be solved, centered on me. I hate the idea of my having to go through all those things. So, I did this in order for these kinds of things not to happen. So, even at the idea of those things -- when I recall those things -- it makes me feel horrible. In the Principle, I can love Eve only when she is in obedience to me -- not in other cases. Do you understand? [Yes.]
So, up to the present, I have never given Mother my pure heart. Because she had not yet been to the standard. I have gone through all this without your knowing it. I now let you know all these things, because you must have a clear idea of what I have gone through. So, when you are blessed in marriage, you women must be absolutely obedient to your husbands. You must know that. In your public career in this movement -- in your mission -- you must be cooperative with your husband and in obedience to him. If you, in holy marriage, are going to divorce, Satan will accuse you of that. You can never be restored. Do you understand?
This morning, I wanted to be frank with you, to let you know all these things that have happened to me. In fact, I was going to tell you about something else this morning, but this is very important. You men must think that women are something horrible, fearful. They are apt to be a nuisance to you, in public -- 80% obstacles. You have your own family -- but is your wife helpful to your work? She means to be cooperative with you; but still, you are sometimes distracted or drawn back by her. Women by nature want to have their husbands confined to the home.
But you can feel safe that the women in this movement are so brave, so generous, as to let you go -- and they would love you more when you are good at carrying out your public mission. As a whole, women are above the standard of the men. So (in the reverse way), men are apt to drag the women backward. I warn you! When you feel lifted, it's because the women, knowing the Principle, make themselves obedient to you.
You must not ever think of yourselves as being high. You are so only because your women want you to be elevated. In that way they are going to restore the position from what happened in Eve's day. Eve would drag the men down into the fallen position. But not those women who would want to lift their husbands high above them, in the course of restoration. Do you female folks know that and understand? In the Pioneers flower selling, most women excel the men. That's why I am sending out more women for the Pioneer work. When they do well and earn a few members, then I will send the male members as the leaders. That's how the Principle goes.
I must come back to tell you, even the girls of the U. S. must be obedient to their husbands. Because in the States, up to the present, the women somehow occupied a higher position over the men. Up to the present moment, women, being in the position of Eve, had to restore the men to the elevated, original standard. That's why in the U. S., which is the leading nation of the world, women have been in the leading position. Is that true in this nation? I learned that there are about 800,000 people in Washington, D. C. who work for the government; and out of that number, 200,000 women are secretaries for high level officials. The secretaries could influence their bosses. I heard the press men say that the U. S. is being manipulated by women's hands. In a sense it is true, isn't it? It is because we are still in the stage of restoration, and the fallen Eve must drag up the men who are in the position of the Archangel. The men in the U. S. are as yet in the position of the Archangel, and women in the position of Eve. So, the Archangel is in the position of a servant.
That's why, in this country, the man opens the door for the woman, helping her to come out. At first it looked funny to me: until the driver would come out of there and open the other door, the woman would sit and wait for him to do so. How could that kind of thing happen elsewhere? In that case, the man is in the position of king and the woman, queen. In that case, can the queen act like that before the king? It is because, up to the present, men here are in the position of the Archangel. The U. S. has enjoyed 200 years of peace -- and then comes 21, which means three sevens, and going beyond that it enters 200 years and corresponds to the history of 200 years and over. You are now crossing over the peak of the 200 year history; do you feel you are going down from there, or are you going up again? [Yes.] The actions of Americans show the opposite. You are somehow descending. Without our efforts, the U. S. cannot be lifted up again. It is like Adam and Eve while they were still in the stage of indirect dominion, or dominion according to the result.
So, we are going to go through the last stage having restored this much; and then when we enter into the direct sphere of God's dominion, that is the ideal world. After our three seven year courses are concluded, the ideal world must begin to come at least in this nation of the U. S. If within seven years from now, this cannot be realized, it may be prolonged to 21 more years. Then, it can be prolonged to the year 2,000. By that time I will be 80 years old. That would correspond to Moses' 80 years of age. At the latest, by that time, our way will be paved to reach out to the end of the world. This seven year course will be concluded when I am 60 years old. From the year 1960 up to my age of 80, it will be 40 years time. So, we must try our best to conclude our mission -- or to make our mission a success, if possible -- in 40 years at the latest. Do we have an indefinite time ahead of us. or can we see the conclusion? Even though you may be a failure, I will go on and accomplish my mission.
In order for a woman to be loved by her man in the real sense, she must first of all be able to lift her man up to the standard where he can be loved by God, and then with him in place of God, she can be loved by him. That's why I am separating even the blessed couples for the time being. During that three years, I would want the male folks to restore their rights and dignity. After restoring the rights and dignity of the male being, and putting him above the woman, then alone does he have the right or qualification to love his wife. That's why I have been doing this. When you go over this standard, a woman is in back of the man. We have three stages in this period, too. That is to say, three years. In Korea, for three years time, I separated all the blessed couples. That's what happened in the U. S., too. When I sent out the blessed women to the frontline, I meant that they should follow the example of their husbands, who had been working in the frontline, to experience the same thing. Their husbands are in the position of having accomplished those three years, and by treading the same way, by going through the way paved by them and reaching that point, only then could they be really loved by their husbands. Entering that age, they could be under the direct dominion of God, and they could come to the original position where a man can love his wife. In the family, if they have children, the children must also be obedient to their parents. They must feel like going out to the frontline to work with them and live with them. With that unity of spirit they can be elevated to their standard.
When they first went out, of course, they went out deserting their children, leaving them behind. It is because, only after the parent is restored will the children be restored, automatically. If, in that case, the children would object to their parents having to go to the frontline, they would be repeating the act of sin. There were many tragic things which happened during that interval of time. Something like the tragedy that has happened in the course of restoration was happening in some of the families. Some would have someone taking care of their children, but some had to leave the children in their grandmother's hands or mother in-law's hands -- or when they didn't have people to take care of their children, they had to leave them in orphanages. They had the same experience as what happened between man and God in the early days of human history. Between God and Adam and Eve there was a great gap. The children wanted to reach God and they missed Him. This is a very important thing. Someday, you will have to have an examination on these questions.
Didn't I go through the same thing in Korea? You must realize that in Korea your brothers and sisters have gone through untold misery in your place -- to indemnify all the conditions. I have gone through the indemnity course in my own family, and Korean blessed families have gone through the indemnity course, and all those things are being passed on to you. Thus, your way is paved, and you cannot complain about having to work hard. Without this already done by the Korean people, your road would be more bumpy and difficult to tread. So, you must be grateful to the Korean members. Down at the bottom, the Korean members laid the foundation stones, and struggled hard to pave the way, and now the road is smooth and wide. Can't you go -- dash forward on the road? Now, in the worldwide level road, you must be in the vanguard of others, struggling hard on the way. Are you ready for that? [Yes.]
For you to have to go through all these things is, by the worldly measure, a sort of tragedy. But knowing the Principle, I have to solve all those things, undo the entanglement, and I have to solve it with you -- and without me you cannot do it. By our going through these three years, we are in the position of having resurrected Jesus, who failed in being the True Parents to his would-be children. So, by going through these stages we could have made these three into one -- Jesus in the position of the True Parents, having a relationship with the true children. In this way, he will have laid the foundation on the national level, centering on his own family, corresponding to Jesus.
So, from this time on, the toll gate to the worldwide level is open, and we are in the next stage. Without this having been laid in Korea, I could not have come to the U. S. for more work. I have received a letter from home which is a very good report of what happened recently in Korea. Before long, being caused by just one person, something great will happen overnight. That is possible.
Yesterday, I went to the Madison center, and I met a new member there who had been receiving revelations from God. While walking on the street she saw a vision of beautiful blooming flowers and shady trees all green and leafy, and there appeared young people dancing and singing, hand-in-hand, working together. She thought it was such a beautiful scene, and she asked Father to let her find that place; and the very next day she was led to the weekend workshop here. When she came out of her car she saw the same scenery she had seen in her dream. At that moment she felt that this was the very place where God was going to lead her. With that kind of person such things can happen overnight. In the U. S. you will see many people walking on the street and murmuring, talking to themselves. They are not mad people at all. Before long the whole spirit world will be mobilized to work through the people of the earth.
Master can take charge of these people. He alone can do that. You must be able to work in place of me, too. Can I reach out to the end of the world at one time, being limited in flesh and body? So, you must be well armed with the Divine Principle yourselves. You must be able to manipulate those people. That's what is happening in actuality. It is no dream, no illusion. What is happening in the spirit world is transcending time and space. Can you believe that? Do you believe in it -- do you know it and understand it? Do the people of the world know that? They cannot believe it.
So, there is a vast gap between the worldly people and our group. But those who are here, you folks, don't realize the value of it. You have still a long way to go. You have to go through those final stages which are left before you. Can you be attached to each other -- between male and female and be vulnerable before the fall? When you commit any mistake there, it's something like killing each other or disfiguring the person -- plucking the eyes out. You must know the horror of the thing. Wouldn't that make me stern, strict? I am serious, because I know it took God so many thousands of years to bring the people back to the original position without having to do that kind of sin. Jesus died for that -- because of that -- because he failed in righting the wrongs. We are in the position to have to carry out this mission. We are so serious as not to heed anything else, and if I find that kind of thing taking place, can I leave it?
In Korea, only after ten years from the early stages of our movement, I began to talk about these things -- by telling them that by going through those three final stages, you can reach that point. Can you say you cannot do it starting from that point? In Korea, those who had already married had to remain in abstinence for ten years or more. There are couples who had already married in the work remained in abstinence for 12 or 13 years or more, and then were blessed. Then, can you commit mistakes? Even after you get blessed in the holy marriage, you have to have three years separation. Can you ever dream of being together before the blessing? Can you promise among yourselves you want to be blessed with each other under Father's blessing? Can you dream of it? I have to warn you against those things. That is the point where you are apt to fall into the place where in Principle you will never be saved. Strictly speaking, there will be no restoration possible from there. Don't you ever dream of being restored from there. Even descendants, when they sin, give birth to other descendants, and will never be forgiven.
How many Jewish members are there here? In the olden days, under the Jewish law, they were supposed to stone the adulterous people to death. Under our law, in the Divine Principle, it's going to be more strict. Do you understand why I am so serious? Without knowing this, you are apt to commit mistakes. At one pace you can fall down off the cliff. So, you must be very careful and keep yourself intact from that kind of sin. Is everything clear to you? The part of the men which is different from women is like a serpent's head. Can you wield that in misuse? The part of the woman is something like a poison pot. That's true. You must purify it. That's why in the Jewish custom, they circumcised their children to drain out the stained blood. There was no such thing even possible on women. If they were in utter obedience, they could be saved.
That's the core of what happened in those days, and the misconduct right at the time of the human fall must be reversed or undone. It cannot be easy. You must again realize that if you commit adultery or any such thing, it means you poison yourselves to death. From now on, men, more than women, must keep their chastity. Especially for you, as the leaders of groups, you must know this clearly enough so that you never commit it. If you clearly understand what I mean, raise your hands. Those who are determined not to commit such a mistake in any way, will you please raise up your hands in pledge before God. Do you have any questions?
Question: When we teach the Principle of the Fall, how soon are the people responsible for what they've heard?
Answer: Right at the very moment when they are taught. As the lecturer, you must plant in their minds the notion that the woman's part is poisonous, and that the man's is the serpent's head, and that committing adultery is the most horrible sin. You must teach it thoroughly. It's more than that. By this they are killing not only themselves, but also their descendants. A contagious disease can kill many people. Likewise, those who are born out of stained blood will be infected. You must teach them thoroughly. I want you to be exemplary in this area. We have to purify the people in our movement first of all.
Question: When we witness on the street, should we witness men to men and women to women?
Answer: That's okay, for you to witness to women -- only you must put yourself in the position of a father to them, as a father to daughters. Don't ever feel yourself being her possible spouse or things like that. But try to avoid being with her alone -- by yourselves -- because even though you may not be in that mood, other people will misunderstand, and in their eyes you may look like lovers.
Question: What about the biblical statement, "If you think it in your mind you have already committed adultery"?
Answer: We must go beyond that, and we must try to eliminate even the thought of it, because we are in the position to have to indemnify all those things. By the year 1967, till 1968, when I first established God's Day, I tried to straighten up this thing -- the problem of heart in love. In order to put it in order or straighten it up, I spent so many years up to that year. In a way, I am in the position of the body and tail. If you cling to me, holding fast to me, then you can go along on that way. In crossing over the three years, it's going to be most difficult -- you must be hurt. That must be something like Jesus' three years of public ministry, in which he had to have at least three major disciples entirely in cooperation with him; then he could have gotten married through their cooperation, and could have wedded those three disciples as his spiritual children, and he could have restored Noah's family and Adam's family. Had it not been for the fall of Adam and Eve, in Adam's family the eight members could have been brought about. But because of their separation from God, the fall came about, and caused the separation between them on the horizontal level, too.
So, in the course of the restoration, there is also the separation between mother and children, parents and children. So, in the course of restoration, there must be oneness between brother and sister, and they must be vertically centered on God. Brothers and sisters must become one and parents must become one -- and then those two levels must unite into one. Then those in wholesome oneness can go to the kingdom of heaven. So, until you have three spiritual children and raise them in wholesome oneness and have them blessed, you cannot reach the kingdom of heaven. At the time of Jesus, when the three chief disciples of his were not willing to die in place of Jesus, he was a failure. In this age, you are in the position of Jesus. When you have gained three spiritual children, you must be able to raise them till they become so dedicated to you that they will be willing to die for you -- or else your mission will not be a success in the real sense.
What was committed at the time of the fall must be restored or undone or done all over in the reverse way. Because Adam and Eve failed to be united into one with God in love, they are under the position of Satan. Now we must cut off our bondage from Satan and bring ourselves back to God, to come to God with love. So, among our members, we must feel closer in the bonds of love than with our brothers and sisters. You must never love each other as lovers would in the world. When Adam and Even were going to be blessed, they were in the position of brother and sister. At the time that they were in the stage of brother and sister, they did not know that they were going to be blessed. You must put yourselves in that position. If you talk about being future husband and wife, it's already a mistake or sin. You must restore yourselves from the position of brothers and sisters. Without knowing that they were going to be future spouses, they could still fall. So, if you know this and commit that kind of thing with conscience, it's more dangerous.
You can never think or talk about things in terms of what you are going to do as future husband and wife. The Divine Principle can never allow this to happen. Do you understand? So, you can never imagine who is going to be your spouse. Who knows -- God's will can be the only motivation, and the True Parents alone can do it. Not now, but in the future. In the Unification Movement, who is in the position of the parents? You know that Master is; then without Master's position, how can you do that kind of thing? Master allows you in marriage -- that's the time you begin to think of that. At that time I will assemble you and have enough time to associate with you and see each other in terms of your possible spouses, and then alone can you think of people in that way. Before my permission you can never do that, or you will feel impurity working in you before the time is due. Under this strict law, there is even the possibility of your falling into misdeed. Then, if I were to let you alone there is more possibility of your committing that kind of mistake. That's why even God in the very beginning had to tell Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit.
How can I give you permission to eat freely? I must be more strict than God because I know the fallen nature inherent in you. Have you fully understood what I meant? Even after you give birth to your own children, you must raise them wholesomely intact from Satanic invasion in terms of that. Every one of my children is accompanied by someone else when he goes out on the street. Because Satan would set eyes on them. With those who are above ten or entering adolescence, I am more careful. In this sinful world, for me to set up this kind of standard is a tremendous job, a most difficult job. That is why God and myself and everybody else in this movement need a nation; if we can lay the foundation or set up a nation of our own, there will be no such anxiety. Do you understand? [Yes!] Unlike your children, if one of my children should be invaded by Satanic power, it's going to be a terrible, untold misery. If in the beginning, God would insist on Eve's being with two more -- not Eve and the Archangel alone, nor Eve and Adam alone -- they could not have fallen. So, from now on, I am thinking that two persons should follow the eldest child, who is entering adolescence. It is not because I love them more in the worldly sense, but it is because I have the responsibility to protect them from Satanic hands. It's such a serious problem. You must be able to actually feel that if you are inclined to that kind of thing, Satan will applaud and be happy of the fact, while if you are inclined to the Godly side, God is happy over what you are doing.
One more thing I want you to know, especially the men, is this: Don't ever dream of proposing to women first, or saying, "I love you." Don't initiate that kind of thing. From the women's part, it's more so, because they initiated the fall, so how can they ever say that to men? You are in the position not to have been born or not to know what love really is as yet. So, unless the parents would bring you love, or plant the notion of love in your heart, you cannot initiate love or talk about love. That is the core of the Christian ideology in terms of bride and bridegroom. Before this, celibacy is advocated. In the Bible we read that St. Paul said that if you cannot overcome lust, you may as well make yourselves into eunuchs. You must know that when I repeat this over and over again I am really serious. I warn you against committing a mistake.
So, once you commit that kind of mistake, there is no way for me to save you and there is no measurement of how to be saved. You will be doomed to Hades. Then you will have no excuse even in the spirit world when you pass away. You can never say to me, "Why didn't you let me know this? Why did you allow me to fall into the pits?" Did I tell you? Are you sure you understood? I have done my part. You must try hard not to fall into the snare, into the trap. This is very far or high from the standard of what you have been thinking and acting in the world. So, I know it's going to be difficult for you -- but all the more, you must try hard. This is the formula, this is what the Divine Principle demands of you.
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