The Words of Reverend Sun Myung Moon from 1973 |
The Significance Of July 1st, 1973 (My 21 Year Course)
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
Fourth Directors' Conference
July 1, 1973
Master Speaks
Belvedere, Tarrytown, NY
Translator: Bo Hi Pak
As you know, today is July first, 1973. This is also a holy day, Sunday. Even though you do not understand the contents of my prayer, just offered, today is a most significant day for us as members of the Unification Church. This morning at 5:00 in the Main House there was an assembly of blessed couples and the leaders of our church in many nations and states were gathered there. We had a significant ceremony and a message was given to them. I would like to give you the same message today.
My subject concerns July first, 1973 in relation to the last three years in America. The years 1972, 1973 and 1974 are the last part of the second seven year course in our dispensation. It is not commonplace for me to come to America and take command of you so that we can work together here in America. This is very rare, very important and a vital opportunity for us. You and I first started this three year course together in America in 1972. In order to make this three year course possible, I already went through the first seven year course from 1961 to 1967, and I also passed through four prior years of the second seven year course, 1968 through 1971. From the Divine Principle we learn that history repeats itself in expanded versions. Because of the failure of the mission of Jesus 2,000 years ago, the pattern of history has to be repeated in our time, and we have to pay the indemnity for the failure at the time of Jesus. We are in a position to accomplish his mission. From the Divine Principle, we have already learned that the Messiah could not come through an independent nation, and he cannot come in a glorious way. Jesus came to accomplish the dispensation upon the foundation of Jewish faith, and upon the foundation of the nation of Israel. However, the people failed him and the nation did not accept him. Therefore, in order to restore this particular dispensation, we have to follow a similar pattern. Since they brought about the failure of Jesus' mission, the nation of Israel and the Jewish people were disintegrated, thus the mission of Jesus has had no base on which to operate. God has since prepared a similar foundation upon which the Messiah could come and restore the. mission of Jesus. God has been seeking a similar nation -- the nation of suffering -- for the base of the second coming of the Messiah.
For that position, Korea was chosen, and Korea had the necessary characteristics. Both the geography of Israel and Korea and the characteristics of the people are similar. Korean history has been repeating the pattern of the struggle between Cain and Abel in various forms. Korea has been attacked throughout history by foreign powers, but internally her struggle has not been diminished. She has struggled both internally and externally. Also Korea has had the fate of being annexed and subjugated by Japan for 36 years. This 36 years of tribulation undergone by the Korean people is the symbolic equivalent of the 400 years of Christian tribulation in Rome, and is also symbolically equivalent to the 400 years prior to the coming of Jesus where internal and external confusion were great. In order to compensate and pay indemnity for this period, Korea had to pass through 40 years of tribulation.
As you know, Japan was the nation which worshipped a female god. It is also very significant in the light of the dispensation that Japan has made such remarkable advancement in the last 120 years. Japan has moved up to the top of the world as a first class nation in 120 years time. However, while Japan is making external advancement to the top of the world, Korea is developing internally or spiritually. First, 80 years of Christian history, then 40 years of tribulation -- altogether going through a course of 120 years.
Ever since the struggle of Cain and Abel when Cain slew Abel, history has been dominated by Cain. In this pattern, Japan was in Cain's position and Korea in Abel's. Then Japan's subjugation of Korea for 40 years in light of Cain and Abel's position was fitting. Then, when a new history has begun in the light of the dispensation, the following 40 years was where Abel was to subjugate and control Cain in reverse. In 1960 the holy wedding marked the beginning of this 40 years. This 40 years was the period of our Leader's 40 years of age. God plans to make the twenty years between 1960 and 1980 a period of total advancement for the heavenly dispensation.
This twenty years between 1960 and 1980 is symbolically equivalent to the 2,000 years of history since Jesus. It can also be symbolically equivalent to the total of 6,000 years of fallen history. The history of God has been divided into three distinct parts. This is equivalent to formation, growth and perfection through three stages: 2,000 years pre-Old Testament, 2,000 years Old Testament, 2,000 years since Jesus. This is a total of 6,000 years. It is God's plan to have this vertical history of 6,000 years restored horizontally in twenty years by the payment of indemnity. Therefore, in this twenty years every phenomenon which occurred in the 6,000 years of history must reoccur either symbolically or directly. Therefore, this twenty years is a time of unprecedented confusion and chaos, and the situation will develop in a totally unexpected fashion.
We can divide history into three parts. In the time of the Old Testament, we offered sacrifices through animals. During the New Testament man (the son) became the sacrifice. Then in the last part of the history, the consummation, the True Parents have to be in the position to pay indemnity. The beginning point of the new history is the appearance of the True Parents. So, the entire vertical history is now enacted horizontally at one time to be indemnified and then restored. The history of the Unification Church began at that point. The first part of God's history stressed denying the material, because the material, the things of creation, were sacrificed then. Therefore, in the first part of our movement, we emphasized the denial of material things. In the second part, we emphasize the sacrifice of man and the son. Therefore, in the second stage of our church we emphasize denial of self. The final stage is the time for the Parents to pay the indemnity. Therefore, the True Parents are in a position to go through untold tribulation in that period. The history of restoration can be consummated only by having the True Parents pay the entire debt. So, Master has to be in a position to negate, to deny everything. When I am in the sight of God, I am in the position of positive or subject, and my family is in the position of minus, and in the objective position. So, my family has to suffer as the object to me. The object has to pay indemnity too.
The nation which receives the True Parents has to be in the position of object as well. That nation has to suffer. Therefore, the nation in which the Messianic mission began must be in the position of suffering and has to go through untold tribulation. Then, that nation must be in a position of despair -- the people are in despair, and their families and everyone else is despairing. Then the new hope of truth will appear to the people and the nation together. Then, the new acceptance of the truth will come, and there will be new hope, new life and a new history will have begun. This is the hope of the 1945 liberation of Korea, the hope that came to this suffering land. This is the year, as far as Japan is concerned, which was the day of doom. But, as far as Korea is concerned, this year marked a day of hope.
Therefore, it was my mission at that time to connect that new day of hope to the family, people and nation. Under these circumstances in which God can restore His people, His nation, His tribe and His family. This is the promising situation, in which Korea is placed in the position of the restored Israel, the nation where Jesus lost hope. Then the Lord of the Second Advent can come, gain hope and restore his nation to order. Jesus failed because the people did not have faith in him. The way we regain that lost status is through hope and faith. The failure of Jesus can be attributed to a lack of faith on the part of the Jewish people. Therefore, we are in a position to restore the Jewish faith. To do this, we must be in a position to accept the Lord of the Second Advent. For the Christian population to actually serve as a base on which to accept the Lord was very important. And every nation of big power was in a position to protect this little country of Korea. Therefore, at that time, I intended to start my public ministry by having good relations with the people in the highest positions of power. But in the most important groups in Korea at that time there were several Christian leaders. They violently persecuted us, and I was thus unable to carry out my initial plan.
I am giving you a message that was never given and will not be given again -- this is a unique message to you today. So, I would like to ask your fullest attention.
Then, those several Christian leaders in the highest level not only influenced other people in the highest level, but they also influenced the entire Christian population in all of Korea. That preparation was done in three years time -- 1965, 1966 and 1967. Until our independence in 1948, 1 was on the surface just one man, just an individual. But nobody in Korea knew of my vast historical significance. Since I knew the cause of Jesus' failure, I developed my tactic to perfection. I have such a wise tactic that I will not repeat the failure of Jesus. At the same time, God knew that my path was not going to be smooth, so He prepared in His own way many spiritual groups to be influenced by those who would testify to me. It was amazing to know how precisely God planned according to the Principle. No matter how much God prepared the path of ministry for the Lord of the Second Advent, there was a certain period in which man had to fulfill his condition of faith just as in the time of Jesus. The Christians and the government rejected me in disbelief -- thus, the same failure happened in Korea as did in the time of Jesus. Therefore, I could not go through the original course. I had to alter my direction.
At the time of Jesus, the people of the Jewish faith, and as well as the Israeli government, used their power to persecute Jesus and crucified him. When history was repeated in Korea, the Korean Christian population used their power to destroy my life. When this division occurred, the nation had to be divided, to face the persecution of the Christian population. Externally I had to go against the God denying power of communism. The communist invasion was inevitable. Therefore, God prepared Christianity to accept the coming Lord. When they failed to fulfill this mission, the Korean Christian churches were doomed.
During World War II, Hitler massacred many Jewish people. By the same token, when Korea repeated the pattern of history, her tribulation promised to be insurmountable. Just as in the time of Jesus, therefore, Christianity was in the position to be doomed. In order to carry out this purpose, communism became strong and aggressive and is sweeping into the Christian community. The communist march is becoming stronger and stronger -- not only against democracy, but to ultimately destroy the Christian churches and Christianity.
Meanwhile, as communism advances against Christianity, the Unification Church grows inwardly, and now is advancing rapidly. We are growing in strength parallel to the communist aggression. We are in a position to restore both the democratic ranks and the Christian churches. We have to organize sufficient strength to stand against communism. Fourteen years after I began my public ministry, in 1960, 1 performed the holy wedding -- the wedding of the Lamb, that the Bible predicted, in 1960. In 1960, therefore, the first heavenly family was established upon the earth. That was equivalent in significance to the very moment of the crucifixion of Jesus. Therefore, the Christian power and as well as the national power together tried to destroy us in 1960, and untold phenomena occurred. Until just before the day of my holy wedding, there was tremendous persecution. Particularly 12 members who were the satanic imitation of the 12 disciples of Jesus banded together and tried to destroy me, even at the very moment of our holy wedding. There were nothing but enemies in front of me at that time. There were many people who fell from the church and who became the enemy. Many Christian churches and the Korean government banded together to try to destroy me.
The high peak of this came at April, 1960. This was a life or death matter. This step was very critical. Under those very adverse conditions, I won the first and most important victory. I consummated the Heavenly plan. This was the most historical day in the history of God. This was the day that the Heavenly Son came to the earth, restored the base, and welcomed the first Bride of Heaven. Therefore, on this day God has had His first true base on the earth from which He could continue to expand-He had His one focal point.
Jesus died on the cross before he was able to restore his bride. Therefore, the base was not formed upon the earth -- this was restored in 1960 by having one Heavenly Bride restored on the earth. After the crucifixion, Jesus restored the spiritual foundation in 40 days, after his resurrection. However, in our movement, I am in the position to restore the spiritual as well as the physical. Therefore, the history of the Unification Church began at that time, and the twenty years was that period. From that day, the new ministry has begun and God is now having His true base on the earth. Now He can open up His heart and welcome the children to the heart of God.
The vertical history, the formal history, has to be restored in a horizontal way. Therefore, this is the new beginning of the entire restoration history, and is symbolically equivalent in importance to the day of Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve never had the opportunity to be blessed. But this is the time of the blessing of one blessed couple. Then the ministry has to go through the formation and growth stages. At the time of Jesus, God had restored up to the formation stage. By the New Testament Age, God has restored up to the growth stage. However, the perfection period is still in the domain of Satan. Therefore, we must expect difficulties which can be divided into three separate parts, each seven years in the 21 years consisting of hard struggle. These three seven year periods will end in 1981 -- 21 years. By this 21 years, we are restoring the entire fallen history in a horizontal way.
At the time of Moses, God directly intervened in human affairs. This is almost inconsistent with the Principle because at this time in Old Testament history, the formation period, God directly intervened. Why did God have to do this? Because He had to show His pattern to Moses, so that Jesus could follow the pattern of Moses. In turn, Jesus' pattern is the pattern we have to follow. Do you understand? So, this horizontal restoration -- the first seven years -- is equivalent to the first seven years of the formation era in which God directly intervened to show Himself. By the same token, the leader has to show his own example to his followers. This is the first seven year course. In this first seven years I do away with the satanic conditions, any condition that Satan could invade through. In other words, I eliminate all possibility of satanic persecution.
Of course you do not know the hidden history of the first family, the relationship of the father and the mother -- a symbolically significant and deep relationship of heart. Master is paying the indemnity for Jesus' followers -- he is setting the example so that all people of the world in his time can follow to be restored. Also, his ministry is on the world wide scale to make the link between all people and all nations. This was made through several processes of blessing. We go beyond the boundary of nation, race, and creed, and we are able to be purely united as children of God. By 1967 this base was formed and completely consummated. This blessing was conducted in several stages, and the last one was 777 in which all nations and races were included in the number 777, so we went beyond the national base and well into the worldwide scale. In other words, I laid the foundation for all races to be victorious by sending their representatives to participate in this holy wedding.
The second seven years is the course that the blessed family has to go. The second seven years is the age of the children. According to history, the first period is equivalent to Old Testament era and the second seven years is equivalent to the New Testament era. Jesus could not restore his people; therefore, this period is the period to restore your own people -- own family, own tribe, own nation. Jesus could not have his own people because he could not have his family. Therefore, he could not truly fulfill as a son. So, in our time we already have Heavenly couples all over the country, and these people are in the position that Jesus was never in. We are in the position . to restore our own family, people, and tribe. To set out on his public ministry, Jesus had to give up everything -- including his own family, mother and brothers.
In order to restore this family in the first seven years, Master also has to disregard his own people. So, I passed through this first seven year period with the same spirit as Jesus: "Those who are doing the will of God are my brothers and sisters". No blood relationship was considered important to me. Because I laid the foundation for the first seven years in this fashion, upon which you are blessed, so, you are in a most fortunate position where you can reach out to your own family members. You can preach the gospel to your family: mother, sisters, aunt, relatives. The eventual purpose of the restoration is to restore the Heavenly family. So, in order to go out and preach to strangers, it is far better to relate by preaching the gospel to the people nearest to you, which is the Heavenly family. I urge you to reach out to your own parents and own people.
However, in my time there was no such thing. I knew that the first seven years was the period of utmost tribulation. There was no family around me. I went into North Korea where there was severe persecution, and I had to work with only strangers. When I was fortunately released from the prison in North Korea, I was in the position to visit my parents who were within one hour's drive. However, I sought instead for strangers, and I permanently parted from my family. Since then my beloved mother, who loved me most, and my beloved elder brother became the victims of communism, and were never seen again. I denied them and sought strangers. You came, and therefore I came to meet you.
This is the history of the Unification Church. So, the first seven years is that part of the history of the Unification Church during which our Leader went through tremendous tribulation. During the first 5 years of the second seven year course in which we are now, I was doing my very best, before I came to America, to restore some form of national sovereignty in Korea. The Unification Church is in the Abel position, and the Christians are in the Cain position. In order to subjugate Cain in a wise way, I wanted to restore a certain position for our national influence in Korea. There are many existing churches in Korea, but compared to those, the only living church is the Unification Church. I am proud of this. During his time, Jesus was in the position of the enemy, and they nailed him down. But in my time in Korea, I welcomed persecution, I persuaded many and taught them the Principle. Many ministers came to our church. In other words, the Christian church is in a position to follow us. In Cain's position, the existing churches are in the position to be threatened by us in a good way. I also prepared a great movement, linking Korea, Japan and China all in one rank. Korea is in Adam's position. Therefore, unless Adam links together with his neighbors in a friendly manner, the worldwide dispensation cannot begin. So, especially until 1971, I have never neglected Japan or Free China, and I have done my very best to win them over and a beautiful bond was formed. Also, internally, spiritually, I linked all three nations together.
In other words, before I came here to America, I paid all my dues -- all indemnity that was due to me. I fulfilled my part completely for Korea, Japan and Free China. I have done my part. I gave tremendous advice to Free China. If they followed my advice consistently, then they would never have been expelled from the United Nations. I gave advice to Generallissimo Chaing Kai-Shek, and I used Mr. Kuboki as my messenger. Since I am in Adam's position, I cannot deal with this country directly. Free China is in the archangel's position; therefore, I had to use Eve -- Japan. Mr. Kuboki is the leader there. The Japanese are faithfully following my commands, and are ruthlessly attacking the enemy camp in tears and blood. I created this atmosphere by 1971 -- this was destined to be, and I have done it. Now, my chance has come to land in America, since I have done my part in Asia. Even though Free China did. not follow my advice and failed, I remained in a victorious position because it was not my responsibility to fulfill -- it was their responsibility to follow my advice.
So, I completed my responsibility in that part of the world, and I was ready to come to America. If Free China is in the position of archangel in the formation stage, America is in the position of archangel in the growth stage. So, the final battleground I have chosen is here in America. America is in the archangel position in the growth stage, and the battle between Heavenly archangel and Satanic archangel, which is communism, must be fought in this land and won on this ground, here in America. The Satanic archangel is strong and victorious in any areas, and the communists are proclaiming the ideal nation, their heavenly kingdom on earth. Therefore, in 1972 I came to America and now a new phase of the dispensation has begun since my arrival. I am now here and the showdown is imminent. I have to be here to prepare the Heavenly archangel to stand against the satanic archangel, and we are the ones who have to proclaim the Heavenly Kingdom -- not the satanic archangel, the communists. Jesus went through three years public ministry -- the confrontation was made in these three years. My public ministry in Korea was likewise a showdown and was completed in three years. Also here in America there is a showdown in three years --1972, 1973, and 1974. These three years are the most critical period of battle -- the second year was the most critical, and Jesus' failure came in the second part of Jesus' ministry. Whether we do it right or wrong in the second year of this ministry will decide the entire outcome.
When I sent out the missionaries to America, I divided the country into two parts. To the East I sent a man, and to the West I sent a woman. Then another man came to the Western part of America to assist. The person who came to the East at that time was Bo Hi Pak, who was in Adam's position, Miss Young Oon Kim was in Eve's position in the West, and Mr. David Kim was in the archangel's position in the West. So in order for the archangel to fulfill his position in America, Eve has to come first. She is the one who prepares and lays the carpet to unite all three parts of the mission in America. However, this unity was not made, and all three were divided. This is the most critical mistake they were making, and this was not the way this nation's ministry could be decisive in victory.
I have a master strategy to win America, and they did not know or truly understand my entire strategy. Therefore, when I as the commander and chief landed in America, there should have been troops to join and engage in the greatest battle ever. But that order was not there. So, in the entire year of 1972, instead of engaging in the outward battle, I had to reestablish our own ranks myself. According to the Principle, I determined to have this internal reorganization and strengthening our own ranks by the end of June, 1973. So, prior to this meeting, I instructed all the leaders in America to have a church established by the State Representative in every state -- maybe not substantially, but in form -- and a mobile team in every state, at least in form. This can represent the organization of the church to the whole nation. The state church was in the internal position, and the mobile unit was in the external position. So, the One World Crusade is the attacker, going out and doing rallies and spreading the message externally. It was very significant from the point of heavenly history that I came and did this, and that by the end of June, which was yesterday, we arrived at that point of fulfillment.
So, the destiny of America, upon which the destiny of the world is hinged, depends on you as a Mobile Unit Director and you as a State Representative -- if you two are able to completely become one. The State Representative is in a position to represent us to all the American churches in the religious community, and the One World Crusade unit commander is in the position to represent us to the power of government and the social community. Therefore, the State Representative is in a position of representing the Israeli religion at the time of Jesus, and the mobile unit in the position of the Israeli government at the time of Jesus. Jesus, the Jewish faith, and the Israeli people -- these three united into one was the fulfillment. At this time the same thing is true. The unity of Master, the Mobile Unit Commander, and the State Representative is the key to victory. So, just as in the time of Jesus, if these three became one, they would have Jesus as their commander and chief. Then, in his lifetime, these living forces could move courageously toward Rome, and Rome would have been collapsed by the Heavenly forces at that time. By the same token, Father, Mobile Unit Commander, and State Representative must become one, then we can march forward.
Once we have this rank and this unity and strength here in America, then the ultimate enemy is Soviet Russia. Then the "March to Moscow" is going to be our motto. That new command begins today. The determination of the disciples of Jesus, when they would march toward Rome, was such that they would give their lives. By this same token, our resolution today must be "We fight with our lives to achieve the final victory." If at the time of Jesus, with Jesus as a center, the Jewish church and the Israeli people were resolved to unite into one, they would never have died, they would all have become the victorious conquerors. At the time of Jesus that position was, not there. Each sought their own lives, so one by one they were systematically destroyed, instead of dying all together, all the people of the Jewish nation died individual. Jesus died, by himself, his disciples died separately. Because they did not unite with Jesus, they lost the, most fortunate moment to die for God -- which is the true way to live. So, the, Bible says that those who seek life will lose it, and those who lose life for his sake will find it. This tremendous promise was not fulfilled at that time.
So the State Representatives and the Mobile Unit Commanders must realize today that we are very fortunate that God has given us this glorious I moment in which we can die for the cause. Then, if we have that resolve, we will never die. So, the declaration of the first of July is this, "You must become absolutely one with our path." This is the essential key for our complete victory. There is such a battle to be fought. You must be resolved that "I am going to be the front line soldier, not our Father; let me do the fighting." If you do that, what you are doing is what the Israeli people failed to do 2,000 years ago. However, what you are doing now is for the worldwide scale. Do you understand me? [Yes!] It is a very serious moment. Whether the heavenly nation stands or falls depends upon this very significant moment. You are attending this very meeting of a new resolve. We have ten nations gathered in this room: Korea, Japan, China, England, Netherlands, France, Austria, Germany, Italy, and America -- the most important one last. We are, creating here a new epoch of history -- ten nations of people gathered together in one, room making one common resolve. This alone is very historical. Here we must build a firm conviction that all ten nationalities can die together for one cause. Therefore, this is a historical moment. Who will say, "I can do that?" If you think like this raise your hands -- only the ones who are absolutely sure. In order to complete the three year course -- the balance of the second seven year course, we have one year and a half to go. The invitation of the university people from England and Japan is merely part of the whole scheme -- the whole strategy. I also met the leaders of this country and many senators. and congressmen -- about 60-in the last year and a half. This also comes from this one course strategy and purpose in my mind. Last year I first organized the public speaking tour of seven cities in America, and this year 21 cities, and next year 50 cities. Through these three years, we are going to proclaim that all the people of America must know the Divine Principle and the coming of our Father. This is the course of the third restoration into Canaan.
So, we have to save this people and save this country, and lead them into Canaan together. Our ultimate goal is a march to Moscow. You must have that conviction. Communists are now pursuing their goal to take America. But this plan has to be reversed. Where will we meet this force of aggression? We will meet them in Asia -- in Korea. A strange situation developed in Asia which cannot be explained in any other way except through the Divine Principle. During these three years I have to win the influence of intellectual people in America. There again the existing Christian churches may be in a position to persecute us. But even so, once we win the intellectual people, we will not be defeated, we will be the victors again. So, I am making preparation to invite all the famous college professors from all the Ivy League schools to come to us and learn about us. As Abel, what we can give to them? We have to give the truth -- spiritual food -- internally. We also give external service. For this three years I am giving the spiritual food, truth, myself directly. Throughout my life, this is my first experience to speak publicly. The stage of the coming of the Messiah is not limited to one nation or any one geographical section. He has to come on a worldwide scale. So, his public ministry has to be on a worldwide scale. This precious three years must be fruitful. This moment is truly making the strongest impact in human history. In our work, in our public speaking crusade, all ten nationalities must work together as brothers. We must begin the prayer for the October crusade. Everyone must possess this conviction -- we are going to win, we must win. The entire spiritual world is with us; they are going to support us. Since we are the ones physically acting we are important to them. I also have a master plan to distribute our books to an entire intellectual community of America. College professors, ministers, priests, celebrities, VIP's in all walks of life. We are going to distribute the Divine Principle analysis of Communism and the Unification ideology. I plan to distribute these books freely. I assume that will be more than 400,000 copies. Suppose it costs $1 per person to give them one book. Then it will already cost $400,000. This is a historical thing. Inwardly, Father and State Representative and Mobile Unit Commander united make a core. Externally we are giving out this truth. This is the way we can pay sufficient indemnity for America. Also in three years internally Our Leader is directly giving spiritual food -- the message to all people. This is a tremendous thing, really. We must win the heart of America, the public opinion of America and then the whole world will come to us.
In the last seven months since my arrival here in America, many significant events have occurred. The Christian community is now falling down, democracy is falling down. But in the heavenly center, our church movement and our mobile unit crusade is now booming. In number we are small, compared to millions, but this group has the power to. support and stop the falling of the Christian community. Our real enemy is communism. However, the American government and the Christian community is not yet on our side -- we are still sort of isolated. Now, all sides are open, and in a way we are defenseless -- the government, the communists, even the Christian community can attack. But in strength, in the strength of our faith, though those powers seem to be incredible, they will not touch a finger upon you. This is equivalent to the battle of David against Goliath in the United States. I am like the shepherd in the desert to the American people. However, in this entire vast land of America, no one really dare says "I am going to take the responsibility to restore this country and stop communism." No one -- none dare bear that responsibility. Not even in the Christian community. So, the communist power is now growing daily and seems to be invincible. They say, "You, God fearing country of America, how much power do you have?" Communism is now approaching us as a formidable Goliath. America is now in the position to ask, "where is David?", where is the man who can stand up to communism? God, however, has things ready. David did not have any armament, he was dressed humbly and he stood up to Goliath. I am sure, from the position of communism, they are surely decided that the size of our Unification Church is so insignificant and our VOC is so small, that they are laughing at us.
However, God will persevere and wait until the very last moment when things look bad; He will persist until the very last moment. That's the way God makes his victory dramatic -- from extreme to extreme. There, America's David is you, the Unification Church -- we are summoned. David stands forward to Goliath -- now Goliath is laughing at David but David, however small, knows that God is with him. He has firm belief that God is with him and untiring faith that God's power is working within him. He never fears. With God with him, David became an invincible and fearless person. There, David is waiting for the final command from God. As soon as the command comes, he fought as with one stroke, and the decisive victory was done. How perfectly identical our position is to that of David. However, we should be better than David. At least David had his own nation -- Israel ---but we do not have our own nation; yet we emerge out of our wilderness -- we come to this power.
So, our battle could be more dramatic than the battle of David. Because we formed our power in the wilderness, and came against a giant more dramatic than Goliath. Our victory will be a victory for God. The command to march forward against Goliath is coming today, July first. I only hope you are ready -- in your spirit, in your faith, your determination, and your physical well being. We must realize at the end of this battle what kinds of situations are waiting for us. We are in a position to pay the indemnity for all the worldwide causes in the final day. Once we fail this battle, once we become a defeated David, then the untold tribulation is ahead of this country, the people of the world, this country and you. We have no way to pay, except by our blood and flesh. We came this far in the history of the Unification Church working progress for the twenty years of history since 1960. We come to this final three years and the key to victory is in your hands -- the Mobile Unit Commander and State Representative becoming one with our Father. Actually, I have been waiting for this battlefield, waiting for this moment and 6,000 years history -- the True Parents have been waiting for this final moment of battle. This movement must come in order for us to go over and go beyond. So, we have 18 months and only 18 months, and must do our utmost best.
We are in the position to die either way. We retreat, then death is waiting for us. We march forward, then death is waiting for us. What shall we do? [March!] You have to decide that point. Those who make that resolve raise your hands. This day whether we win hope for the world, or disaster for the world. This is a life or death matter, and your life or death will be decided by you on this very day. Don't worry about the surrounding. Don't worry about the outlook of our enemies -- these are not the factors to decide victory. The key of victory is within you, it is not external. All I fear is that you may disobey God. This is the one fear I have -- I have no other fear. I am so glad I am here to be able to make this proclamation, this declaration -- this is already a step toward victory, since in order to make this declaration, I had to make certain preparation. So, by making that preparation, we have made the declaration of it.
I am not speaking to you at random, but this is the absolute truth and the world will follow this pattern. There is no other way. The great crisis is it hand here in America. In the next seven years, up to 1978, the most catastrophic and chaotic situation will persist in America. Then, when we've fulfilled our three years, we can turn the history of the next seven years crisis in our favor. We can then promise new history, new hope to this land, America. In this particular period we are really restoring, we are doing a total restoration equivalent to the 200 years of American history. This 200 years of American history must conclude when these twenty years of our Father's life and the twenty years of the Unification Church make a most successful conclusion together. These three years, in a way, are the preparation for the final seven years which will be ended in 1981. In the Divine Principle you learn that all the great dispensations have been prepared for three years. These three years are critical, and preparation so important that this will in fact decide the final seven years history.
The final seven years is nothing but a straightforward pioneering path. In these three years, if America does not listen to us, follow us, then America is destined to a doomed fate thereafter. Our fate is no better. So, we have to combat this physical battle, and win this physical victory. When you look at the world situation today, don't you feel this urgency? [Yes!] If it is so apparent on the surface of the world, then you can well imagine how much hard work and labor God has been doing in order to have this opportunity ready for us. So, we are to fulfill for America, more than any other great saint that has come to America. We are doing the greatest for this country and for the world. Our heart is a historical heart in which 6,000 years of history has been dwelling; thus we have this feeling for history, God labored so hard for 6,000 years, but he wants to reap the final crop.
Whether you like it or not, God has given you this mission. It is now up to us to fulfill our task and win for God. If we fail, the first one to be punished is us. Love is a two edged sword, in case we fail in His love. As you know, in order to come to this particular mission, I certainly walked a more miserable path than any man ever walked. There is no second chance -- no redoing it. If we fail, there is no restoration beyond us. Then, how will the world be restored? God will throw out this world, because this world will be no good to God anymore. When God abandons our world, then this world will become a world of beasts in which there is no ideology, everyone just beating and fighting each other. This would continue eternally. The human race was not destined for that struggle. Truly, truly a serious moment.
Now You Must think of yourselves as a representative of God, as a champion of God, and willingly accept this responsibility. Let us fulfill our goals and return glory and joy to God, becoming true sons and daughters to God. This is the message of July first. In order to win the love of God, we Must become the victors.
So, my message was "Three Years and Today", stressing the importance of these three years and the significance of today. Shall we do it? [Yes!] Shall we pray.
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