The Words of Sun Myung Moon from 1973 |
It is important for you to know about heart in order to love each other. "Heart" is a very difficult word to translate from Korean to English. What we mean has a deeper meaning than is conveyed by the English word. It means to be loving, caring, sensitive.
Heart is the source of love. God has an ideal within Him, just as we have an ideal we long for within our hearts. God's ideal can be realized through man. Then what is the vehicle through which man can express God's heart? In order for us to realize God's ideal, we were created masculine and feminine. Unless male and female beings come together and are united, there is no way for God to express His love ultimately. Unity is the measure of your love, and the source of joy in marriage. If you have your counterpart entirely one with you, working with you toward one goal, joy comes about. When you are happy, there is always you, the subject, and someone else, the object, with whom to share. In direct proportion to the degree of your love in being one with each other, your joy increases. The core of love in the true sense is something magnetic, and once you are united you can never be separated. So love means to be united internally and externally. Unless you find oneness, you cannot find joy. When you are one with a person, you don't want to be parted; you want to be with each other for eternity. You never tire of each other.
Which comes first, unity or love? You can love yourself when your mind and body are in harmony with each other. If you love yourself when your desire and actions are going different directions, then your love has little meaning. When your mind and body are united into one, then your love will be eternally protected by God. Unity is the beginning point of love, the point where love can come to abide. This is God's ideal. Unless God can find persons whose quality is in accordance with His ideal, He cannot be happy at all. He has no one He can love.
Since this Principle is the core, we in our movement seek unity first. And then we talk about heart and love. Then only can our ideal be realized. Before the ideal can be realized, there must be unity, and then love.
When God created man, His ideal, Logos, was expressed in a male being and a female being; and in their unity, God's love was to be enjoyed by them. To repeat: God's ideal exists. To fulfill it, unity must come about; then love will develop. When your two eyes are focused on one thing, your vision plays the proper role. If your eyes focus on two different things, you can't see anything at all. Likewise, when any subject and object are united to fulfill their function, love will be expressed there.
When you quarrel with a brother or sister, then God, as the Parent, cannot love either of you. If you have your own children, you will know this is true. As a leader of a group, would you love the members of your group when they fight with each other? Where there is harmony, there is beauty, and where there is beauty, love can come. In Matthew Chapter 5, in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." Being sons of God means being loved by God.
When two fingers want to grasp something, they must come together. If two hands are clasped, the very deepest places in both are opened and joined together. When any two people love each other, they want to embrace, not turn their backs on each other. Remaining united is also the expression of love, so when you love each other, you will not separate from each other. If there is no love between you, you may come together anyway, but you will be easily drawn apart. But where there is love, its magnetic power will keep you together. To be united means to be perfected in function.
Between nations, too, if any two nations are united, God's love will be there, and they will be blessed with good fortune in their partnership. There is an Oriental saying that where there is harmony in the family, everything can be done. Where there is unity and harmony, the love of God is present, and the ideal can be realized there. In the ideal family, the husband and wife must be one. The children must become united with each other, brothers and sisters, and all together they will be in harmony like a symphony orchestra or a beautiful painting. With love there, no other power can intervene.
So we can come to the conclusion that if and when you want to receive God's love, you must be united. If that is done, you are already living in the Kingdom of God on earth. From there, the straight path to God is reached.
If anyone is asked whether he wants to receive God's love, he will answer in the affirmative. What should you be doing if you really want God's love? As an individual, your body and mind must be united. That is the basic thing. Then God's love will be with you. With that done, you can proceed on to be united with other people, and then the degree of God's love with you will be deeper and broader. Have you ever had the experience that your mind and body were entirely one in achieving some purpose? Have you thought it possible in the real sense? You try hard, but your thought and action are sometimes far apart, sometimes a little closer, and then they are separated again. The relationship between them zigzags all the time. There is a Korean saying that our mind fluctuates and vacillates from morning to night. "Mountains never change, but the human mind is always changing." So before wanting to be loved, you must have unity within yourself. In this world, everybody wants to be loved by others, without first trying to become one with them by understanding their hearts. No one can ever receive perfect love with that approach.
When you have made your mind and body united, then you have nothing to do with Satan. When your mind and body are one, you resemble God, so God will play the role of Subject to you, as a perfect object. Try to feel it. You must be able to feel God's love actually being with you when your mind and body are in harmony. When they are quarreling with each other and you are divided within yourself, God will be far away.
If you can love one person, God's love will be there in proportion to the depth and size of that love. If you can love many people like this, God's love will come in proportion to the greatness of that love, to the depth of that love. Good people must be able to win others, not in such a way as to conquer them, but to love them, and to bring them into greater harmony and unity. Unity is the first thing you should desire. And if you love anyone at all, you should want to love him with your whole heart, even at the cost of your life. Then you can overcome hell. If you are not united, if there is disharmony, hell is there in your mind.
When you love someone, you always find that person is sacrificial toward you. There is already unity between you and that person. To bring that about requires sacrifice of individuality. Our purpose in uniting with others is to receive God's love. Then God's ideal will be realized.
Suppose there is a married couple, and they have some differences and distance between them. Would it be all right for the wife to take her position and call to her husband, "Come to me and you can become one with me," while the husband insists on his wife coming closer to him to be united with him while he stands solidly in his own position? That will never do. When you hold selfish love, then true oneness in God's love can never come about.
Then what is true love at all? This person does not have to go to the other to unite with him or vice versa, but both, when they come closer and closer can meet at one point between them. This can be true love. In other words, by both of them denying themselves, they can really unite with each other. And that is the standard of true love. Just one harmonious wholeness will be there. Love alone can make things round, harmonious, circular or spherical. In true love nothing can invade or interfere. Both parties must be obedient to each other, both must be willing to be united with each other. Together they will enjoy harmony and beauty. You may say, "Oh, no, I hate the word obedience. Why do I have to obey my husband or wife? I want to be freed from that bondage, and I want to be a free person." But in true love, obedience, loyalty, surrender -- everything is possible, and you are not humiliated by it. You want to be controlled by your love.
In true love, then, there is a heavenly dictatorship of one to the other, and you want to live in this way throughout eternity. That is the intrinsic nature of love. You can be open about everything, let go of everything. This is glorious love, and the husband and wife do not think of themselves individually. Together, there is new meaning and significance. But that love doesn't originate from the man or the woman. It comes from no one else but God, the absolute Being of love, the highest dimension, the Source and Origin of love. And it can come only on the basis of unity.
The same theory can be applied beyond the family level. If there is unity among nations and the people of the world, then God's love will surely abound in that. Again I must say, there must be unity, and then God's love will appear. Then God's ideal will be realized. Not only among people is this true, but this principle applies also to the relationship between man and nature. To love nature is to become one with it. You must feel a closeness to nature. If you are the reflection of God's love, then nature is attracted to you. That love is the starting point of everything.
Suppose you want to write in a notebook. While you write, yourself and the notebook are one. If you love that notebook and pour out your whole soul and energy into it, then inspired writing can come out of it. You must have a strong feeling of this. Before you do anything, you must contemplate that thing and be sure you are one with it, or with that purpose. Then you can begin united in harmony, and the love of the work you are doing will be realized as the idea is actualized. In looking at things, you don't want to just vaguely gaze at things and see them with your eyes alone. If you focus your deep attention in looking at an object, you can penetrate into that object and it will become yours -- you are in it and it is in you, in complete oneness. If your glance is focused fully on one point, from there it will broaden its scope, rather than just being cast about at random. When two meet at one point, they will go on together forever. Thus we can become aware of the world of spiritual dimension instead of this horizontal three-dimensional world alone.
If you meet another person and are united with each other, from then on something new is created. In that case, even though you are by yourself, you are not alone. Always you should live and act from a triangular base God, your mind and body. Those three must be one. Your mind knowing and feeling that, senses that you are not alone. Then you are never lonely. Your body feels the same sensation. In that case, can you ever be dishonest, can you ever be false, when you realize God is always with you?
This is the whole nature of our conscience. When your mind is telling a lie, then your mind is cheating your body. Or when your body is disobeying your mind, then it means that you are also cheating God and cheating the creation, your parents, your brothers and sisters. Your mind and body being the core of your world, if those two are in strong oneness, you can become one with God, one with your parents, one with your whole family, one with your nation, and one with the whole world. If you are honest, you want to become one with each other and to unite your mind and body. If you are dishonest, you separate yourself, and you are destined to ruin.
This formula must be deeply rooted in your mind. Asleep or awake, whether you eat or study, you must always remember this. Then you are already receiving God's love. In order to be able to overcome unhappiness, you must be able to achieve unity. That's God's strategy to win the human heart. In order for you to win someone's heart, you must apply the same understanding.
When your mind and body are in perfect oneness, you can even hear your mind singing, and you feel light, as if you are flying or dancing. When you look at the world, it is so much more beautiful. It's as if you have eyeglasses of unity, and you are looking at things through God's eyes. Through those eyeglasses, everything in the world is beautiful. There is no ugliness.
Suppose the Son of God gave you a handkerchief. That handkerchief is worth more than gold, more than life, more than anything else in the world. If you are a real son of God, whatever the humble place you may lay yourself down, it is a palace. Then our clothing is no problem, and the place we sleep is no problem, because we are already rich. We are the princes of God. What kind of attitude must be created in ourselves? We will not feel hunger or thirst, difficulty or persecution, or anything which people in general may think hard to endure. On our way there is happiness, joy, and love. If you have God's love reflected in you, you want to reach out to every corner of the world, because God's mind is like that. If you have that attitude, the people around you will be attracted to you like iron filings to a magnet.
If you witness to people and you fail to convince them, it's not because God is not present, it's not because the people are evil, but it's because of yourself being without love. Then you must become a person capable of bringing unity. If you are united with someone, there will automatically come love, like air flowing into a vacuum. If your mind and body are really one, you feel God's love there like an electric current. Then you forget about fatigue, forget about hardship. You can experiment with living like that, and it will prove true. When you want to speak to the congregation, you want to have God speak through you. You must have your mind and body unified, or God cannot be with you. And before speaking to the people, you must repent if your mind and body are separate. Pray before God in repentance, shedding tears, and in deep prayer you must beg God's forgiveness, and then you can start talking. In that case you can be the spokesman of God. God may speak through you. The first step is for your mind to become one with God, and then your body will become one with your mind. In that case, God can work through you. Go on and try it, and it will prove true to you.
So you must have unity first, because without unity there is no love unity first, love, and then God's ideal. You must think with God, say things with God, and plan things with God. The base of those three elements unity, love, ideal -- is heart. Heart is the deeper expression of the mind. Starting from heart, unity, love and ideal are all realized. We are told that everything starts from God. The core of oneself being heart, everything starts from there centered on God. Since our heart is the core, then God is the object to us. We seek Him. But in relationship to God's love, our heart is in the object position, receiving His love. When heart and God are put together, they love each other. We must know that the basic thing is our heart, our infinite heart. Creation came about from God's heart, a heart of love.
When those three are realized -- unity, love, and the ideal -- there is no distinction between the three. Unity is love, love is unity, the ideal is unity, the ideal is love. Then why are those three ultimately one? Unity came about on the horizontal level first. Two elements are one, and then God's love can dwell there. In this way we have a vertical relationship, also. Love will be the director of the three. Then the ideal can be fulfilled.
To repeat this, there must be unity on the horizontal level between the two. Then God can become one with that unit. You can have both a horizontal relationship and a vertical relationship, and those three will be put together with perfect love. They will be in ideal harmony throughout all eternity. When you dance around in joy together, you don't make a distinction between your place and your partner's position. There is no distinction between you. You can stand in his position, and he can stand in your position. There is unity, love, and your ideal. But knowing this alone cannot do anything. If you really understand, put it into practice.
When you say about anything, "This is mine," you must love that thing and must be able to realize your ideal through it. If those three are accomplished in you, you cannot be anything else other than a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. Is that clear to you? You must always be thinking of unity, unity, unity. When you see, see unity. Eat unity, smell unity, hear unity. Everything must be unity first, and then love and harmony, and then the ideal.