The Words of Reverend Sun Myung Moon from 1998 |
The Fruit of the Blessings
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Sunday, April 12, 1998
East Garden, New York
Translation by Col. Sang Kil Han
Unofficial notes by Dr. Tyler Hendricks
Brothers and sisters: Here are excerpts from a very deep speech Father gave this morning at East Garden. I have to check the accuracy of my notes on some parts, which I have omitted and hope to send more officially later. But may these words offer some inspiration . . . Dr. Tyler Hendricks
Just as spring revives the earth, Father hopes that all Unification Church members can be revived. God wanted to give blessings to all His children in the Garden. God's hope to give blessings to Adam and Eve failed, and He sent Jesus to restore the blessings on the family, tribal and national levels. God had not succeeded in giving the blessings until that time, so to give them through Jesus would restore His dignity.
Israel was prepared for Jesus to give the blessings. This providence also failed, and 2,000 years later the Unification Church emerged. God again has planned to restore the blessings from the family to the nation, world and all the way to the universe, just as it was in His original plan. God and humankind suffered thousands of years to reach this simple point. The Old Testament were the dark ages after the Fall. Then the New Testament age came, but it failed to bring the blessings of God to the Earth, and God had to build the Completed Testament Age. So much blood was spilled for this.
What was the essential cause? It is simple; it has to do with Adam and Eve failing to receive the blessings, and that has to do with love. The cause of human suffering is our wrongdoing in love; it is as simple as that. As if it were a parable, we see this fact being acted out now by all humanity, who are acting worse than animals. Now we see the seriousness and gravity of the situation. There was no way for humankind to go back to God on our own. We see how we have to cleanse and rectify this world through a great deal of effort. When Jesus came, he proclaimed that we were to repent for the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand. What is the Kingdom of Heaven? What is it to repent?
By repent, Jesus meant that we should understand that the fall of our ancestors and ourselves was and is sexual in nature. The Kingdom of Heaven means that vertical perfection is brought into the horizontal realm. God had to agonize over the task of cleansing everything at the time of Jesus, by repentance, so that Jesus could perfect everything, bringing in God's Kingdom. The human failure had to be reversed, and then on top of that the original blessings had to be given.
How disrespectful of God it is for someone to stand in front of Him, pretending to be ready to do something, without having indemnified what you have done wrong historically. We can place ourselves in God's position and look at the world and ask what was God's ideal of the family in comparison with what He is seeing today.
God called Moses from the secular world, to fulfill an individual calling, not a family-level calling. It was not yet God's family in Egypt. God had to set up Israel, get them out of Egypt and work through Moses. It was not easy. Moses himself and the first generation could not get into Canaan. The second generation entered. Then they re-indemnified what Moses and Israel failed to do during the 40 years in the wilderness. Thus they had entered Canaan, but still were in what was an extension of the time period in Egypt. Their indemnity was to emerge as beggars from the wilderness, and pay indemnity among the tribes of Canaan in order to be prepared as the chosen nation.
In Moses' time, God led the 40 years in the wilderness, but God could not lead them in Canaan. At that point it became man's responsibility. They had to qualify themselves, God could not help them. But none of them knew that this was their responsibility. Unlike now, none of the Israelites knew it was their responsibility to win over the seven tribes, surpass them, and prepare for the Messiah to come. They did not have any idea that this was their responsibility. We know that Moses struck the rock twice, which foreshadowed Jesus departing the earth without winning victory, and how the people divided in following him, centering on the bronze serpent. This and other failures to prepare for Jesus' course came about because the Israelites did not know their responsibility.
From the individual to the family level and beyond, failure does not go away; rather it stays and accumulates. So Jesus had to do everything again. Israel did not know the consequences of its failure, and this also added to the accumulation of historical problems. All things became difficult indemnity for Israel at the time of Christ. When God set up the indemnity conditions, they all ended up getting placed on Jesus, although it should not have at the beginning. Israel should have paid all the indemnity. But the mission of Israel shifted onto Jesus' shoulders.
Similarly, we see the total failure of Christianity and everything passing over to True Parents. World War II was part of the indemnity to be paid by Christianity. After that war, Christianity was re-arranged and ready to make a new start. But the new start did not happen. The Allies and Axis powers were as mind and body, and after the war they became one. Then the wild and true olive trees could have been engrafted. If Christianity had unified with the Lord of the Second Advent, with the engrafting taking place, then no more suffering would have been necessary, and victory would have come in seven years. There was one royal way. It is not difficult to figure out; they should have practiced absolute faith, love and obedience. If they had done it within seven years, the condition would have been established.
Absolute faith, love and obedience is the root of the ideal of creation. We see it demonstrated by all the providential figures. It is the common denominator of all providential missions. This is because it is where we came from. It is the original way of life. At the end of World War 2, 800 million Christians just needed absolute faith in the one who is to come, and absolute love and obedience to him. Then in seven years he would have worked everything out to God's satisfaction. But a mere 50 years ago, because of differences of culture, not one person succeeded before God. No one knew what to do. Not one person.
What True Father and the Unification Church is, is the blessed couples indemnifying the settlement of Canaan on the family level, and extending it to the world, and digesting everything in between. To digest means to understand and solve the problems.
Father had to go through eight levels. [Here Father started a complex diagram. It started with a vertical line bisected by a horizontal line which extended a good distance to the right. The vertical line had eight stages up and eight stages down from the horizontal line. From each of the eight stages up and down, he drew a line diagonally to the horizontal line. The lines from the first stage up and down intersected; the lines from the second stage up and down intersected, and so forth. That intersection point represented the crossing of good and evil, with those crossing points extending forward on the horizontal line. Then on the far right side of the horizontal line Father drew another vertical line, again with eight stages up and down. This, if I understood it correctly, represented the Lord of the Second Advent. That's about all I could catch. It was Father's only diagram for the speech.]
The individual with a united body and mind must unite with each level's work. This means practically that we have to check each day if our mind and body are united. This is God's expectation. The blessings come after the eight stages of united mind and body. This is individual restoration. This is the most important part of the Unification Church members mission. Even to the cosmic level, the individual plays the crucial role. We are too vague and must become precise to check ourselves on the individual level.
Then God replaces the individual with the family. That is the line of true love [the top of the growth stage]. God and Satan are fighting over that line. The upper one is God's domain. When good and evil cross, that is where the Lord of the Second Advent comes. Then he does the eight stages all over again. Then at each stage, the entirety can be indemnified. The Lord of the Second Advent is not just an individual, but represents the world. He can perfect everything. Are we acting consistent with this principle? We always have to check.
Now the Unification Church is moving toward the 360 couples blessing. We do this with the imperative to cut the satanic lineage. For 40 years Father has been working harder than anyone has ever worked. It all should have been indemnified by Christianity, but now it comes to the Lord of the Second Advent, and he has to re-indemnify everything. So the Unification Church did away with its signboard. Father did away with it.
Korea is divided. South and North each claim a messiah. Until now, it was church level, and all the churches opposed our church. Where does the Unification Church go now? When the 360 million blessing is done, then the incumbent party in Korea will crumble in front of absolute faith, love and obedience. This is the time of great movement or migration for the third Israel. All people will want to go to Korea when they know its providential centrality.
This fits into the providential pattern so perfectly. Following Father, we enter Canaan as individuals and families. Father will invest more and more and broaden the dispensation. Rule one is to love and obey God absolutely. This was true for Adam and Eve and is so today. This is the settlement of the family. The Completed Testament Age means the settlement of the family. Where will you settle? Just anywhere?
When South Korea does Hoon Dok Hae, North Korea has to follow and do the same thing. We must have a clear idea of Hoon Dok Hae starting in Korea and moving to Japan and to America. It unites the father, mother and elder son countries. The rest of nations will follow. Father sent out National Messiahs to all nations, to connect them with the core three countries. Today's countries are ungodly. The third Israel will be completely different. It will bear no resemblance to other countries.
Now Americans see the Hoon Dok Hae meaning, and learn from it even economic and political lessons. All who hear know that it is the only way to survive. When they see that 40 million are blessed, and soon 360 million will be, they know Father is not just a human being working, but that this process can solve the world's problems.
Father never gave this much detail, but he is now because the day is approaching. By 2000 this overall plan will be accomplished. In the world, confusion will be added to confusion. God's Kingdom is coming near. Political and economic figures will be directly opposed and kicked out because they are not honest. We are the exceptions who have the opportunity to settle and register. If we do not, we will be floating off.
Father is investing more in South America, where he has been preparing for twenty years. It is opposite to Korea on the globe. Many coincidences connect Uruguay and Korea: the same number of states, 33 signers of the declaration of independence, and so forth. Jardim also connects with 33. It is too much to be a coincidence. They vaguely hope that Father will do something. After North America, South America has the greatest potential to save the world. It has 800 million people. God created and preserved it. He did not use it yet.
Uruguay is Cain and Korea is Abel. If Korea fails, the providence will go to Uruguay. We must prepare. Prepare krill from Antarctica. Big countries ruled this shrimp out as uneconomic. But Father's rules are different. He built four 7,000 ton boats to harvest krill. So the krill industry takes hope in Father. It looked impractical, but it is practical. What ever Father did is this way. Now Father is thinking how to manage outer space. He envisions an Olympics in the air. Will Father achieve it? Is Father worthy of absolute faith? If he directs Mr. Oh to become an elementary school teacher in Africa, he will have to leave UTS.
The fruit of the blessing finally allows us to settle down. This is the fruit. We have been like refugees, and Father wanted us to be so. But we are not even refugees -- we don't even have a country to go back to. We are like gypsies, constantly moving, like Father. He wears no shoes in South America; he wears shorts, he is not fully dressed. This is natural, not just an image. He connects with the everyday people, the farmers, the fishermen, and professors too. This is to bear the fruit.
True Parents are the ones to re-indemnify all of history. This is what parents are. If we were not here, we would hot have heard these dreamlike things. But we know it is reality. When True Father goes to Spirit World, he has to do an amount of work there equal to what he has done on Earth. We can only imagine the amount of work. We don't know, but at least we can follow absolutely.
We have the opportunity to become a family which represents a part of the historical dispensation. Do not try to follow Father while doing your own thing. Just do the same things Father is doing. Heighten and broaden your perspective. Keep the correct position, the true love standard. Our degree is different, but it is Father's path we are following. So make no change from the one line of true love. Live by Father's instruction and teach the Spirit World to do the same.
After doing all he has done, should Father return to Korea? Yes, and we should go there with him and be good examples to Korea. Now Korea welcomes all foreign people. Follow, and do not bring yourself regret. This is the soundest foundation of your future life. Americans are responsible to be willing to go to Africa. That is the only alternative to going to Korea. Going there will be more challenging than going to Korea.
Father could sit and wait for Korea to realize what he is doing, but then it will be too late. This is family restoration of Canaan. Many do not understand Hoon Dok Hae. Now we know how to bear the fruit of a blessed country. Bring your clan with you.
Additional excerpts sent on 4/18/98.
Korea is divided. South and North each claim a messiah. When the 360 million blessing is done, then the incumbent party in Korea will crumble in front of absolute faith, love and obedience. The IMF is providential. Korea is not just in the time of the extension of history. They are facing a new time now. Satanic sovereignty must be nullified. The major IMF players are Japan, the United States and Germany. So all are involved in Korea's turmoil. Korea's fate is their fate, and their future will be determined by their ability to deal with the crisis in Korea.
This is the time of great movement or migration for the third Israel. All people will want to go to Korea when they know its providential centrality. Father wishes these countries of the IMF will dedicate to help Korea, and he asks us to do the same.
This fits into the providential pattern so perfectly. Following Father, we enter Canaan as individuals and families. Father will invest more and more and broaden the dispensation. Rule one is to love and obey God absolutely. This was true for Adam and Eve and is so today. This is the settlement of the family. The Completed Testament Age means the settlement of the family. Where will you settle? Just anywhere?
When South Korea does Hoon Dok Hae, North Korea has to follow and do the same thing. We must have a clear idea of Hoon Dok Hae starting in Korea and moving to Japan and to America. It unites the father, mother and elder son countries. The rest of the nations will follow. Father sent out National Messiahs to all nations, to connect them with the core three countries. The third Israel is Korea. The third Israel is where the Completed Testament Age settles. We must go there. Thus we enter into registration. Today's countries are ungodly. The third Israel will be completely different. It will bear no resemblance to other countries.
God's love is to provide us the way of lesser indemnity. When we enter the new country, there will be a clear law. It will be for the purpose of cutting off old evil ways, drinking, drugs and free sex. Who will make the constitution? Not America, Japan or Korea. Now Americans see the Hoon Dok Hae meaning, and learn from it even economic and political lessons. All who hear know that it is the only way to survive. When they see that 40 million are blessed, and soon 360 million will be, they know Father is not just a human being working, but that this process can solve the world's problems.
The fruit of the blessing finally allows us to settle down. This is the fruit. We have been like refugees, and Father wanted us to be so. But we are not even refugees--we don't even have a country to go back to. We are like gypsies, constantly moving, like Father. He wears no shoes in South America; he wears shorts; he is not fully dressed. This is natural, not just an image. He connects with the everyday people, the farmers, the fishermen, and professors too. This is to bear the fruit.
You should live three to seven years in Korea before settling down. We have the ability to teach many people through the UN. You will never understand how it came about that True Mother spoke in the UN. In general, average members do not understand what is behind of the providential events. Father has a working plan for Russia, China and all nations.
To learn Korean is what we can do with our freedom. Father now officially asks that all families in the advanced nations contribute $12,000. It is a privilege for us to pay this indemnity so that more can be accomplished. Father has made more money than any religious leader, but he has nothing. He spends it all for others, for greater purposes. Millions are going onto Korea. We can buy much property in Korea. America must work as the main force to do what Father is doing. If it does not, it will decline. The Washington Times subsidization is not Father's idea or work. It is America's job. A patriot has to love and support his country and God. That's how Father has worked all his life.
The Completed Testament Age was proclaimed seven years ago. Now Father proclaims the Settlement of the Third Israel. This means that we have to do what Father tells us to do. Many do not understand Hoon Dok Hae. Now we know how to bear the fruit of a blessed country. Bring your clan with you.
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