The Words of the Becker Family |
Dear Mr. [Hyo Won] Eu,
On World Day I started working in the street. To lay a condition I fasted 3 days and went to the Holy Ground. Then I began distributing printed handbills which I had prepared in cooperation with a local teacher -- the text on it was an extraction of the preface in Miss Kim's book -- and speaking to young girls. 400 handbills have been distributed up to now and I talked to about 40 young girls.
Their reaction was mostly positive. Nearly all of them took the handbill with my address and promised either to give me a telephone call or to come. For making contacts in the street I found an ideal place within center of the city, a street only for 'pedestrians where people come just for a stroll or window-shopping.
Although it might appear that the young people in Sweden only talk superficially on topics like weather, job, sport etc. And one is inclined to think that their mentality is like this, I am convinced that after having got their confidence it is possible to have a deeper relationship and to work successfully. Surely, they do not go to a Sunday service and the beautiful churches in Stockholm are empty, but there are many small religious groups which are very active, and I am surprised to see how they put emphasis on the return of Christ.
Two of these groups are the Svenska Missions Förbundet and Filadelfia Församlingen with many young and active' members. The Tyska Kyrkan starts preparing a free discussion in Christianity and religions, which has to take place in autumn and where young people are supposed to take part in; I hope that this will be a fine opportunity to tell about our message.
This month I could teach the Divine Principle to more than a dozen persons; some of them came for the first time, others had been here already before.
I celebrated World Day by having a midnight-service from 23:00 01.00 o'clock, praying, listening to music and reading Master's answers on the occasion of his visit. There was a wonderful and comforting atmosphere.
Now it is the fourth year that I am in the Principle. The more I can work for spreading out and realizing the Truth, the more precious this message becomes. More and more I admire our Master's deep wisdom and am grateful that I was found so clearly by the Principle. May we do our best in gratitude and love for the glorification of our Heavenly Father and our True Parents.
In their Name
Friedhilde Bachle [Becker]