The Words of the Burton Family |
at the Original Substance of the Divine Principle workshop that took
place in Atlantic City.
True Parents' historic outreach to Christian clergy continued apace as the third Registration for God's kingdom conference concluded Nov 9, 2011 at the Trump Plaza hotel in Atlantic City.
Approximately 500 participants, including 140 clergy of various denominations, were on hand to hear lectures on the biblical insights of Father Sun Myung Moon. Most attendees were from the eastern seaboard with a few others from as far away as Las Vegas.
In contrast to 13 previous seminars on the Original Substance of the Divine Principle, there were several presentations in English by Rev. Michael Jenkins, chairman of the ACLC, and Archbishop George A. Stallings, co-chairman.
"We are igniting a revolution through teaching the Word. We will heal the world through application of the word," Rev. Jenkins told the gathering.
A few of the ministers at the conference were among the 172 clergy who had been on the two-week tour of Korea in September. Some of these brought several guests.
Said one woman from North Carolina," I will tell the whole world about the Divine Principle. Korea challenged me, but it also changed and transformed me."
Each of the ordained ministers was challenged to go back home and to recruit 12 members of their congregation to join the next four-day conference commencing in Atlantic City on Nov 28, 2011.
According to Rev. Jenkins, Father Moon has requested that his church educate 12,000 faith leaders in the United States by the end of 2012.