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Restoration Course of Eve
Alison Byer
September 16, 2003
As a result of the fall, just as Adam came to have two natures, Adam and Archangel, so Eve also came to have two natures, those of Eve and Fallen Eve. Fallen Eve believed herself to be the worst of all beings, and believed that God hated her because she was responsible for bringing evil into the world. Fallen Eve had put herself in the object position to an archangel, falling into the dominion of his will and accusation, and she had no power to extract herself from this position. She also became object to the will of Adam, since she had placed herself in a position to try to come back to God through Adam.
Eve's true nature and position had never been realized since she had never yet come to know and embody the heart of Heavenly Mother.
Eve has to restore her original nature by growing to manifest her true self, and by coming to manifest the feminine side of God, with all its power, equal to but different from the power of God's masculine side. As Eve grows, however, she will be opposed by the archangel, whose insecurity will not permit him to let go of his control over Eve. In his eyes, as soon as she knows her own power, she will abandon him.
Eve's course of restoration then involves the complicated path of reversing the dominion between Eve and Fallen Eve within herself, as well as recognizing the difference between Adam and the Archangel, and restoring her relationship with each to the originally intended relationship. She must refuse to obey the Archangel, recognizing his insecurity and need for love, and she must establish a loving relationship as between equals between herself and Adam. Each must have the freedom to make decisions in their own areas of responsibility, and they must support each other lovingly and harmoniously.
She must become Original Eve by forgiving and raising up with love the Fallen Eve within her own being. Fallen Eve believes God hates her, but Original Eve would never have believed such a thing. Once Eve had embodied the heart of Heavenly Mother she would have looked at her actions in the garden as an immature attempt to hold on to love before all things, in the face of Adam's apparent indifference to relationships at their time of vulnerability.
Women throughout history then must seek to lay the foundation for the coming of True Eve, the Messiah who should accomplish together with True Adam the position of True Parents. This foundation consists of the foundation of faith, and the foundation of substance. The foundation of faith consists of making some condition to be regarded as separated from Satan on the part of a central figure. The foundation of substance consists in making unity of love between Eve and Fallen Eve, to harmonize the two sides of her own nature, with Eve raising up Fallen Eve by embracing and loving her.
History of Restoration
Sarah and Hagar
The first record we have in Biblical history is that of the relationship between Sarah and Hagar. Sarah is in the position of Eve, being the wife of Abraham, and has claimed her position on the basis of being returned to Abraham by Pharaoh, after posing as Abraham's sister instead of his wife. This represents symbolically Satan returning Eve to Adam.
Hagar finds herself in the position of Fallen Eve, through no fault of her own. Eve must come to embrace Fallen Eve with love, to overcome the self-hatred and judgment within her own being. Sarah and Hagar must love each other without respect to their relationship to Abraham, or their social status, or anything else. Hagar, however, makes this difficult for Sarah by showing arrogance when she is pregnant and Sarah remains barren, and they fail to unite. Sarah deals harshly with Hagar, and she runs away. God, however, sends her back and tells her to submit to her mistress. Thus the foundation of substance is failed.
God tries again based on the second covenant which He sets up with Abraham. Sarah again is given back to Abraham by Satan symbolically this time by repeating the same scenario with Abimelech as they had done with the Pharaoh. However, when it comes time for Sarah and Hagar to unite, once Sarah has a child she is afraid to let Ishmael become heir with Isaac, and she sends Hagar away. Abraham intercedes, being very displeased, but God tells him to follow Sarah, because this is specifically Eve's responsibility, and she must face the consequences of her own actions, not allow Adam or the Archangel to take responsibility. Sarah has failed in her responsibility, and thus no foundation for the Messiah is set up. The tremendous resentment that has existed throughout history between the descendants of Sarah and the descendants of Hagar is at root a problem of the inability of women to love each other as sisters, without regard to position or to the archangel's attentions.
Rebecca, Leah and Rachel
Isaac's wife Rebecca restores the foundation of faith on the Eve side of the providence by becoming Isaac's wife in accordance with God's will, and by again posing as Isaac's sister with Abimelech, king of the Philistines. Abimilech is again persuaded to return Rebecca unharmed when he realizes Rebecca is Isaac's wife, not his sister. Again, Satan returns Eve to Adam.
Rebecca then goes on in the course of restoration by following God's will in assisting her son Jacob to receive the Blessing from Isaac instead of Esau, thereby restoring the position of the elder son. In the next generation, however, Jacob's wives must set up a foundation of substance. Again we see the two sisters, Leah and Rachel, placed in the positions of Eve and Fallen Eve, through no fault of their own. As the actual wife of Jacob, Leah is placed in the position of Eve, while Rachel, who is the one actually loved by Jacob, is placed in the position of Fallen Eve. Despite their situations, they must embrace each other as sisters.
However, there is no story of Leah embracing Rachel with love, or moving her heart, and in fact in the next generation Leah's children end up selling Rachel's child, Joseph, into slavery, showing that the disunity between the sisters remained within their descendants.
Clearly both Abraham and Jacob played major roles in the relationships amongst their wives. If Jacob could relate to Leah and Rachel from his Adamic nature it would be easier for them to live in harmony. However, we can imagine that Jacob's clear preference for Rachel, together with his feeling of injustice at having been deceived by Laban, must have made it difficult for him not to have shown partiality for Rachel.
Elizabeth and Mary
When we come to the time for Jesus' birth, there is no realm of spiritual protection set up for the successful realization of the position of the second Eve. Again we see the attempt being made in the generation before Jesus, in which Elizabeth, wife of Zechariah, and Mary, are once more placed by God's will into the positions of Eve and Fallen Eve. Both have a child in their wombs from Zechariah, but Elizabeth is the actual wife of Zechariah, while Mary is placed in the position of Fallen Eve due to her obedience to a revelation from God.
If Elizabeth can accept God's will and love Mary despite her situation, then Jesus can be raised within the house of the High Priest, and at the same time a foundation can be made for the birth of a sinless female child to become Jesus' wife.
Even though Elizabeth and Mary are cousins, Elizabeth cannot face the possible shame and rejection that might arise as a result of this situation, and causes Mary to have to leave her house while three months pregnant. As a result of this failure, Jesus' only possibility of success becomes the chance of raising up a fallen woman to set conditions to restore the lost foundation, and eventually become the True Eve on her own foundation.
This course results in failure, and Christianity inherits the mission to restore the failure and establish the foundation for the Messiah on the Eve side. The failure on the Eve side of the providence was a more essential reason for Jesus' death than John the Baptist's failure to support Jesus, since it set up the situation whereby it became very difficult for John to overcome his own archangelic nature and see Jesus clearly.
Christianity and the Foundation for the Emergence of Eve
England is chosen as the nation to raise up a sinless Third Eve for God's next attempt to accomplish the Messianic mission. English Christianity should therefore have established harmony between Protestantism and Catholicism, but achieved this only partially, thereby setting up the possibility for disunity to invade the spiritual protection for Eve's eventual mission.
Eve's role must include her claiming of the original power that should have been hers within the Principle, and therefore since the world has grown far beyond a single race of people, it will take time and preparation to set up a realm of power. We see this in the relationships within the early days of the Church of England, when Eve takes on leadership and her own power for almost the first time in history.
Bloody Mary, Elizabeth and the Church
The Church of England was begun because Henry VIII wished to divorce his wife for the reason that she had not given him a male heir (all her male children had died very young, or in childbirth.) Since the Catholic Church did not recognize divorce he had to break with the church and form a national church. His daughter Mary was raised Catholic by her mother. Henry's second wife had a daughter Elizabeth, but was beheaded, mostly because she too failed to produce a male heir. Finally, after six wives, Henry had a male heir and could die happy. However, his son died very young, so Mary came to the throne.
Mary represented an attempt for Catholicism to reclaim England, because of Henry's less than perfect motivation, and therefore Mary's younger (half) sister Elizabeth represented a threat to the crown, since she was Protestant, having been born after the break with the Pope. Elizabeth was imprisoned by Mary, but resisted all attempts of others to engage her in support of their overthrowing Mary to take the throne. At the same time, Mary martyred many Protestants, earning her the name of "Bloody Mary." Based on the faith of the martyrs, and on Elizabeth's determination not to give in to those who would use her for their own ends, Mary was unable to kill Elizabeth because of her great popular support within the country. This was in great part due to Mary's highly unpopular marriage to Philip of Spain which alienated her from the English people who feared a women ruler for exactly the reason that she would put them in the power of a king not of their choosing.
Mary died within a few years of taking the throne, and Elizabeth came to power, the first really powerful women ruler, and one of the most successful rulers of all time.
Elizabeth and Mary
After Elizabeth became Queen, the possibility for harmony between Catholicism and Protestantism was very real within Britain. Elizabeth's cousin Mary (younger than herself) became Queen of Scotland, and she had been raised Catholic, in France. Elizabeth recognized Mary's legitimate claim to the throne after herself, and was willing for Mary to become Queen of England and Scotland if she died. However, Mary did not know this, and worried that Elizabeth would reject her claim since she was Catholic. It was very possible for two closely related women to rule together in harmony and mutual trust, one (Protestant) in England and one (Catholic) in Scotland, without religion being a problem between them.
Everything then depended upon Mary knowing Elizabeth's heart and intentions. Elizabeth very much desired a meeting so she could communicate with Mary directly, but although three opportunities arose before Mary took over the Scottish throne, it never happened. This left Mary vulnerable to all the power-seeking archangelic nobles and powerful leaders who wanted to use her to attack the English throne, since they could use her insecurity over Elizabeth's position to win her to their side. Elizabeth wrote many friendly letters communicating her thoughts and feelings, but Mary was unable to trust these enough to overcome her own desires for power. This left Mary vulnerable to the Archangel's attack, and she made a disastrous marriage, followed by another disastrous relationship which left her having to flee to England for her safety because her own people rejected her.
Elizabeth sheltered her in semi-captivity for many years, but she was always plotting to take over Elizabeth's throne, and eventually the evidence was so overwhelming that Elizabeth felt she had to sign the warrant for her execution. Thus, although Mary's son took over the joint thrones of England and Scotland after Elizabeth's death, the opportunity to set up a spiritual foundation for religious harmony in Britain was lost. God is forced to work through Protestantism, but without unity the division with Catholicism leads to the disastrous phenomenon of denominationalism, which effectively sabotages the later mission of the Messiah.
Christianity comes to emphasize correct teaching at the expense of love for others, and Christian missionaries bring this problem all over the world. Eve has failed again to resolve the problem of love between people, allowing the issue of her insecurity to keep her in the power of the archangel. However, there is a foundation set up now on the side of Eve for her to claim her own power, since Elizabeth ruled well and resisted all the archangelic attempts to manipulate her. She believed her power came from God, but she was very astute also in ruling.
Lord of the Second Advent
We do not know what was set up within God's providence on the Christian side for there to be a wife prepared for the providence centered on Korea. Presumably there was to be a Christian woman in Korea, one of the missionaries, or one of their daughters, who could have married the young Sun Myung Moon, and given him the spiritual foundation of Christianity. We do know that the lack of a foundation of substance between Eve and Fallen Eve set up the possibility of spiritual invasion of the coming of the messiah on the Eve side. Somebody would have had to restore that failure in the same way that Elizabeth and Mary should have set up a foundation through their unity at the time of Jesus. Presumably it was a failure again.
Thus by the time Father actually marries his first wife, the original providence can no longer happen, his mission has to take place without his accompanying half, and the position of Eve is filled on the foundation of Father's family only. Father's mother found him a wife, as was customary in those times. Since we can imagine Father would have done anything to make the original providence happen, we must suppose he gave the first wife at least three years to appear, so very likely he was already searching for her from 1940 or 1941, and maybe even went to Japan to study in order to look for his bride there.
As well as the problem of denominationalism, Western Christianity in Korea in the early 1900s had made a pact with the Japanese, agreeing to not oppose their occupation, as long as the Japanese allowed them to witness and spread their Christian teaching. Christianity cooperated with the decimation of Korean culture. Some even encouraged the Koreans to worship at Shinto shrines, so as not to make trouble. However, by the late thirties and early forties, tensions were growing, and Japan expelled all the Christian missionaries from Korea in 1941.
When Father married in 1944, he knew the role of his wife was far different from the intended role of Eve. She would have to pay indemnity to restore the failures of the Eve providence, and herself set up the outstanding foundation of substance and faith. Then Father would have to raise her up from a lesser position to that of his equal. However, it was already inevitable that the providence would have to take longer than the original plan, before the position could be fulfilled by someone coming on a victorious Eve foundation set up by Christianity, or a unified world religions foundation. Therefore, we indeed see Father sets up the situation of Eve/Fallen Eve as he has a child with a second woman while he is married to his first wife, even though his first wife was victorious in surviving their long six year separation while he was in Communist prison camps and witnessing in North Korea.
We do not know why this occurred on the human level but we know it had to happen, to fill an outstanding spiritual vacuum. Father has said that he received a revelation from God that his first wife could not fulfill her mission in time, once she opposed his church activities. Perhaps he knew the Eve providence and set it up deliberately, so she would have to choose whether to accept it or not. Whatever the reason at the time, she could not accept it, and thus continued in the long tradition of failure of Eve to embrace Fallen Eve.
Therefore, there is no providence, Father has no foundation except those few early followers who were still faithful, so he spends years begging God to allow him to continue, until somehow he comes up with a plan that God can accept. When Father marries Mother, he does so on the UC foundation only, and treats her as a servant for years. The same Eve/Fallen Eve situation would have to arise, and Mother has to accept the situation, love whoever is in the position of Fallen Eve, and accept that Father, acting as an archangel, is doing so with the heart of Adam, and following the will of God. In accepting this, at least by not leaving her position, Mother restores all the failures of the past Eve providences, and sets up the condition for the realization of the True Parents providence.
Eve and the Archangel
Eve came to live in a world which was shaped by immature Adam and the Archangel, and to which she contributed only from a lesser, mostly powerless, position, due to the fall. Therefore throughout history we have seen a world ruled by external power focused in a few strong leaders. Compassion has never come from a position of power, except in unusual cases based on the personal foundation of isolated individuals, or at times within a religious community or nation. Even religions however have tended to lose their initial thrust towards compassion as they gave in to the needs for institutionalization in order to preserve their existence and identity over long periods of time.
Without a spiritual foundation on the Eve side of the providence, understanding, compassion, embrace and trust of the individual have always had to struggle against the archangelic forces, and mankind has been left to deal with accusation and punishment in its attempts to overcome sin. Of course sin cannot be solved by this method alone. Mankind needs to be healed by the love of Heavenly Mother in order to receive the judgment of truth that comes with the love of Heavenly Father.
Three Stages of Liberation
Eve lives in a world where she is dominated by Adam and by the Archangel. She has a different mission in her relationship with each of these, although the goal of raising each from immaturity to maturity through her love is the same. She has to refuse to accept the Archangel's dominion over her, by direct disobedience if necessary, but she has to support Adam and raise him up to become mature and fulfill his own destiny. In order to accomplish this, her first problem is to recognize who is Adam and who is the Archangel. This is usually experienced as two natures within the same individual, making the recognition even more difficult.
Therefore the first stage in a relationship involves a period of unconditional support and love, where Eve must be ready to sacrifice her own good ideas and to some extent her own external progress for the sake of encouraging those of Adam. This lays a foundation for a relationship, which otherwise may never happen if both individuals are competing to do things their way right from the beginning. In a marriage, where Eve/Fallen Eve has to love Adam/Archangel, this could well take three or even seven years, since the insecurity of the Archangel is so deep it is very hard for him to believe that someone will stay with him, and he may need much convincing by behavior, not just words.
The Archangel should not be allowed to be violent or to be criminal, however, and these have to be dealt with by someone with more and more appropriate power than Eve could have on her own. The society in which she lives should be able to deal with this situation.
This first stage is the time for Eve to focus on the family, and to develop her own motherly potential through having children, although she should not be expected to irreversibly harm her own career through this time. Again, society should deal with this, providing flexible schedules, part-time positions, etc.
After an appropriate time period, Eve should have a clear idea of who is Adam and who is Archangel, or, in her marriage, of the two sides of her husband's nature. It now becomes time for Eve to challenge the archangelic aspects, by direct disobedience to the Archangel's orders if absolutely necessary, but much better indirectly by an insistence on her own growth. Adam cannot be happy and fulfilled ultimately if Eve does not grow alongside with him, but the archangel's insecurity finds this very threatening. Therefore sometimes Eve has to be very strong to insist on her own career, or her own community involvement, or whatever she sees as the path to fulfilling her own potential and manifesting her own divinity. This allows Adam also to come to develop the more feminine aspects of his own nature, since each individual is a unique combination of the natures that exist in oneness within God.
The third stage of a relationship between a man and a woman is that of mutual respect and cooperation, in which neither is insecure, neither is dependent on the other, and they can cooperate on projects without conflicts. Each is free to emphasize both masculine and feminine sides of their own natures, although obviously they will emphasize these to different degrees.
Eve's Insecurity and Dependence
Eve's is vulnerable to several likely problems, such as her tendency to avoid responsibility by allowing the archangel to make her decisions for her, thereby not taking her proper role in a relationship or in the world. She tends to have little idea of her own identity, since women have not been encouraged to follow their own goals historically. If she allows herself to be abused, she then ends up living to please the archangel just so as to avoid abuse. This is good for neither person in the relationship, and both end up hating themselves and each other.
Eve may also fall into the trap of accepting society's definition of fulfillment and power, thereby thinking the things that men have traditionally sought are the things that will liberate her. Eve then finds herself having obtained external power, probably not having been a very good mother to her children, and then trapped in that external power.
Eve thus also stands in danger of setting up a "hierarchy of heart" in imitation of the hierarchical society of the archangel, but ultimately Eve must recognize that heart is distributed throughout God's world, and throughout humanity, and recognize it as existing perfectly within each person, although maybe not yet manifested in their lives. Eve also cannot pretend that sin is not sin, thus rejecting Adam's perspective, or else human society will degenerate into a free for all where everything goes, but Eve must love all people in order to take away the need for them to sin, and give them strength not to seek to take love in unprincipled ways.
Ultimately neither Adam nor Eve can be truly liberated until they can together accomplish the Third Blessing, and convince the world of nature to give up its secrets and cease its dominion over mankind. Our ignorance, even with all the knowledge gained through western science, stems from the very material focus of such science, but Eve's equal participation in scientific inquiry, together with the participation of Eastern traditions, will eventually result in a much more comprehensive and holistic understanding of nature and its relationship to human consciousness.
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