Unification Sermons and Talks |
Rev. David S. C. Kim |
Let Us Work Together For Good
by Dr. David S.C. Kim
This is the second of two excerpts from the text of the address given by Dr. Kim at the Inauguration Ceremony of the Family Federation for Unification and World Peace, October 15, 1996, Glory House Hotel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Dr. Kim is the chairman of the FFUWP-The Netherlands
Our True Parents have completed their mission in Korea, Japan and America. However, as they have reminded us repeatedly in numerous leaders meetings, the problem is that we have not fulfilled our portion of responsibility as Blessed Couples, church leaders, national and international leaders of our movement. Despite this lack of fulfillment on our part, our True Parents continue to advance with more speaking tours, World Peace conferences, pioneering work in South America, Christian ministers outreach and interfaith dialogue with leaders of other major religions. Their goal is to work together to bring about the ideal of peace and prosperity on earth.
Looking back on our life of faith and reflecting on our mission as Tribal Messiahs, we see lots of problems: financial instability, disharmony between husband and wife, miscommunication between parents and children, lack of positive stimulation and clear motivation to continue as church members, no follow-up work or nurturing of young members, no clear discernment of good and evil in this secular world and temptations from everywhere. As you can see we fall far short of the ideal of true Tribal Messiahship.
Part of the problem lies in our failure to practice the instructions and guidelines from our True Parents or from the church hierarchy on a national and international level. For example, take our True Parents guideline of "1-1-1"--that is, each member brings one person every month to join our movement. The "1-1-1" motto is a spiritual law for the advancement of our church and for recruiting citizens for the Kingdom of Heaven from this world--from our hometowns, our neighborhoods, our work places, whenever and wherever we go. This spiritual law should be practiced by each of us as long as we live on earth as church members. We must try hard to fulfill this commitment while we are living on earth.
Another set of guidelines that we have failed to practice is: 1) to pray constantly, 2) study the Divine Principle and 3) read True Parents words and speeches on a daily basis. Just as our body needs daily physical sustenance to live, so our soul, spirit body and spirit mind, need the daily provision of spiritual food. Without it, we can not grow to perfection and maturity as individuals. Furthermore, daily spiritual food enables us to eliminate worldly temptations and maintain spiritual stability. Satan still targets Blessed Couples who are weak in this area. Many troubled Blessed marriages exist all over the world, leading them to be inactive in their witnessing life. As Tribal Messiahs, your "hometown providence" may be in name only. Even your relatives and neighbors may not be in your witnessing plans. Didn't Jesus say, "love thy neighbor?" Without witnessing, how can we build the Kingdom of God in our own homes, in our own neighborhoods, in our own communities, our own towns, cities, states and the nation? The truth that our True Parents gave to us must be practiced in the contemporary world.
Another problem is that we have become spiritually "burnt out." Jesus proclaimed that the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand 2000 years ago, but it has not been realized yet. True Parents have ushered in the Completed Testament Age, but that ideal has not been embraced. Under these difficult circumstances, we are inclined to criticize church leaders and their directions. Our absolute obedience to church instructions is disappearing. We have lost our exuberant spirit of dedication and sacrifice for others. We even forgot the experience of "first love" that we felt when we initially met the church. The result is an emptiness in spirit, hunger for alternatives and divergence from the mainstream of our Unification faith.
My brief description of these problems will not apply to those who are truly dedicating and sacrificing themselves to build the Kingdom of God on earth. However, we have to seriously assess our individual situations. If these problems are even partially applicable to the situation in the Netherlands, we have to do something about it. We must address these problems and correct them so that we may rededicate ourselves, renew ourselves and recover our "first love" for God and True Parents. With the enthusiasm and power of our deepened faith, we will be able to spread True Parents message throughout the Netherlands, giving rebirth to the people of this providentially important nation.
Proposals for the Future
As the newly appointed chairman of both the Family Federation for Unification and World Peace and HSA-UWC, I may not be with you in person all the time. My spirit is often willing to go where my physical body can not follow. However, I can still contribute greatly to leadership training for the church, business operations, Christian ministers outreach, Women's Federation for World Peace, Family Federation for World Peace, campus ministry, CARP work and other programs of the Unification movement. My spiritual, intellectual and academic resources, built up over the past 42 years in our movement, can be utilized for this nation as long as I am on this earth. I am still full of energy, zeal and enthusiasm, though I am 82 years old and have health problems.
In addition, as past president of the Unification Theological Seminary, my connection to nearly 800 Seminary graduates all over the world can be utilized. Some of them occupy important positions on the national or international level and can help you in your work in this nation. The European alumni association of the Seminary, directed in Germany by Secretary General Ann Schaffner, can be an especially valuable resource.
I would like to offer some suggestions on how we may be able to accomplish our mission to restore this nation to God and True Parents. We need to: 1) organize our lives, 2) work together for good, 3) study Divine Principle and True Parents speeches daily, 4) utilize the Trinity system, 5) practice the "1-1-1" guideline, 6) support the witnessing programs and 7) participate in the Chung Pyung Lake providence. Let me elaborate on these suggestions.
1) Organize Our Lives
Let us organize our lives to channel Gods Power and Love. Begin by answering the question, "What am I and what do I want to become?" This is our Mission Statement, the purpose of our life. Next we need to ask, "Where am I going?" The answers will determine our Objectives or Goals. These goals may span the individual level, family level, business and community level, regional level and national level. Then we need to ask, "How and when will I get there?" in order to develop concrete Strategies or Plans, both long-term and short-term, for achieving those objectives. These may consist of annual plans, five- year plans and perhaps even lifetime plans. Finally, we need to assign specific, action-oriented Tasks to achieve those plans.
Each successive level of your plan is more concrete and specific. For example, your Mission Statement should embrace the broadest concept, such as "I will become a child of God and True Parents" or "I will become a person who embodies the words of our Family Pledge." Each concept contained in the Family Pledge then becomes an Objective or Goal to be achieved. Next, you develop specific Strategies or Plans to achieve those objectives such as: "I will bring one person every month to God and True Parents" or "I will learn to lecture the Divine Principle effectively in one year." Finally, specific Tasks are set to meet each Strategy such as: "I will witness to three new people each day" or "I will read the Divine Principle completely once a month for the next 12 months." Review your strategies/plans and tasks regularly. Sometimes an objective may change, a strategy may not be effective or a task may not be achievable. Be flexible. Growth invariably requires change.
2) Work Together for Good
The Unification organizations should work in harmony together, like the organs of a healthy persons body. Church businesses, CARP, Women's Federation, Family Federation and all the church departments should hold monthly meetings together to exchange information and help each other fulfill their goals. Church activities must take the central role to provide spiritual power and strength to the members. Solidarity is necessary for our survival. I suggest that we establish a national council for the Unification movement in the Netherlands, made up of representative members from each Unification organization in the nation. Meeting at least once a month, the purpose of this council will be to bring the Netherlands to God and True Parents in the shortest time period. My role will be to maintain harmony and cooperation among the organizations and to insure the smooth flow of communication among its representatives. Although I am the chairman of only the Family Federation and HSA-UWC in this nation, I encourage the other organizations to participate in this council. I will serve in communicating your issues, concerns and problems to the World Mission headquarters, Rev. Kwak and True Parents.
3) Study Divine Principle and True Parents Speeches Daily
Devoted Christians read the 66 books of the Bible systematically and on a daily basis in order to witness to God and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We must learn from their example, studying and reading the Divine Principle and True Parents speeches daily to regain our power and strength. Only in this way can we influence the world and embrace not only Christianity, but all religious people throughout the world.
4) Utilize the Trinity System
We need to establish and promote our Blessed Family Trinity system. Three Blessed Families working and cooperating together will multiply their abilities exponentially. Jesus said: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matt. 18:20 KJV) In addition, the strengths of some members of the Trinity will offset the weaknesses of others in areas such as witnessing, fund-raising, the raising and educating of children, etc. My motto is: "Let us work together for good to build the Kingdom of God." Let us work together as husband and wife. Let us work together as parents and children. Let us work together as Trinity members. And let us work together as church leaders and church members.
5) Practice the "1-1-1" Guideline
The "1-1-1" motto should be promoted and encouraged throughout the nation. Heaven will cooperate with us if we seriously seek to practice this heavenly guideline. We must start accomplishing this goal as soon as possible. We have less than three months left in 1996, but if we believe in and work hard for this goal, we can more than double our membership in this short time period.
6) Support Witnessing Programs
Witnessing is a full-time activity that requires an investment of heart, will power and constant prayer. One can not do both fundraising and witnessing and be effective at both. If witnessing members can work full-time without worrying about neglecting their family, they will be more effective. If business-oriented organizations would support the full-time workers in spiritual missions, so that they may be free from the exhausting daily fundraising for their family and children, our witnessing will bring more result and increase our membership. An increase in membership will help the business-oriented organizations further expand and flourish.
7) Chung Pyung Lake Workshops
I advise you to pay special attention to the 40-day special training taking place at Chung Pyung, Seoul, Korea. Dae-mo Nim is performing miracles and healing the problems of individuals, broken Blessed Couples, incurable or unknown illnesses and other spiritual disturbances caused by the possession of our members by evil or ancestral spirits. She drives out these spirits, sending them to 100- day training sessions in the spirit world directed by Heung Jin Nim. After such training, these spirits will not return to possess the people on earth. I suggest that you seriously pray and ask Dae-mo Nim for special help with your difficulties. Along with constant prayer, sincere confession and deep repentance, she may be able to bring spiritual healing to you.
Recently, I prayed that a few broken Blessed marriages under my care could be helped by Dae-mo Nim and Heung Jin Nim. Since then, I have seen positive changes taking place in each spouse as Dae-mo Nim sent the evil ancestral spirits away from them and their homes, never to bother those Blessed Couples again. Believe it! It will work for you, too.
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