The Words of David S. C. Kim |
It is a great honor and privilege for me, as one of the three Korean pioneer missionaries in the United States, to be able to greet all of the Heavenly Families, both in the United States other countries as well, and to express my feelings after ten years dedication to The Principle Movement.
The year of 1970 is very important for God's dispensation centering in our great Master and True Parents. Not only are individually spiritually sensitive people scattered throughout the world receiving revelations on the facts, but also many other advanced spiritual groups are openly recognizing and confirming the importance of this coming year. As children of our True Parents -- and His Heavenly Soldiers, we should realize this fact and fulfill, by all means available, our mission and his will for this special time.
First of all, we are obligated to spread our precious message as quickly as possible at the country, state, city and local level where we are now flying. Since our message is the only channel for complete restoration of man and all things at our localities, we must ourselves strive for the victory even under ever increasing hardships, difficulties and circumstances, that we might win the battle for God.
In 1959, the seeds of our message and new gospel for the new age were planted in the United States and has spread to whole world. We owe this mostly to the toils and hardships, blood-shedding fight and unseen sacrifice by those Korean pioneer missionaries and, their early followers. I think that from the year of 1970 all of The Heavenly Families, other than the land of Korea, should take initiative" and launch out movement under the direct guidance and supervision of our great Master and True Parents, thereby taking over most of the burdens of the Korean missionaries.
God's dispensation centering in our True Parents cannot be complete solely by the Principle Movement until our economic and social foundation set up on this earth. To accomplish this we must become involved in the existing system of the present world in order to completely restore all things including man on this earth. Further, it is essential that we engage in a strong anti-communist campaign based on the Principle Movement, and above all, there must be practical application of the Principle Truth in our daily living so that our lives might be an example guiding light to lead all mankind.
Since the Land of Korea is the chosen nation for the completion of God's Restoration Dispensation, we must be alert and sensitive to the movements and activities of our Headquarters in Korea, and be attentive and obedient to the instructions and plans of our great Master and True Parents. Our great Master is our commander-in-chief for the sacred battle. As His soldiers of His army, we must follow his strategy and cooperate with Him. Sometimes we may not understand what He does, but at the proper time when the time is ripe, we shall know and understand if we have patience, obedience and deep faith. Just go forward with prayer, humbleness and loyalty, as individual family, continuing our own Heavenly mission and responsibilities at our localities.
We must rid ourselves of all narrow minded, based attitudes toward each other and other groups. This type of attitude can only be followed by our depraved natures such as jealousy, slandering, domineering, non-cooperation, etc. All of this must be stopped, be completely eliminated if our goal of the Principle Movement throughout the world is to be fully realized on this earth. Instead, we should cooperate fully, help one another, learn from one another, comfort and encourage one another, with love, understanding, and mutual respect. We all are in One Family under our "True Parents and we are to form United Front Line for our survival, our victory in the Sacred Battle, and our accomplishment of His will.
May God bless all our Heavenly Families throughout the world in the coming year of 1970, and I pray that we will be victors in our battle field to restore man and the universe to please and glorify our Father.
Good luck to all of you in the coming year of 1970.
Martin [Spurgin]
As we approach each New Year, we have the sense of being on the threshold of life.
We have the expectancy of new and greater things ahead, as well as the fears of meeting experiences for which we are unprepared. Above all, we have the hope of growing into new depths of love for our Father.
It is my prayer for both myself and for America as a country, that we may live each day on the cutting edge, or frontier, always ready to take the next step. As a world-wide movement may we be open and sensitive enough to know God's Will -- and may we be bold enough to take the necessary leaps of faith to fulfill His will.
Each heart longs for that New Year when all men will say. "We are of one heart -- God's." Let us move forward as humble servants filled with the Spirit of God, to bring about a new world.
Dear Family
As we know, 1960 was not only the start of a new decade; it was also the start of a New Age. Because of the dedicated work of our parents and the early followers, much has been accomplished since that time. In America and throughout the world many, many lives have been deeply brightened by understanding and applying Father's great new word. It is in full gratitude for our new lives that we close this decade.
It is in concern for the new lives of others that we begin 1970. It is our task to bring the heavenly way of living to still greater numbers of people.
On the foundation of what has gone before, we go forth this year to deepen and expand the Father's world.
In our True parents,
Farley Jones
Since 1970 is not only a new year, but also marks the beginning of a new decade, it is so important to our movement and the world that it be a successful one.
I want to join with all our members in sending my deepest love and best wishes to our true parents and their family. I pray that this decade will bring them great happiness and prosperity, and that Father's will be done on earth.
Neil Winterbottom
Washington Family
As we usher in
The new year proudly singing
Father's praise,
Let's win
The victory for Him and
The True parents! banner
Barry Cohen
American Family
It is on the way, and all to soon the New Year shall be upon us. But what are my hopes, ye, my prayers for the New Year?
I could say that I pray that we have an overwhelming membership.
Or that FLF become more prosperous in the U.S.
I pray that Communism is totally overthrown and people freed from its bonds. But what I really hope and pray for is to see in people throughout the world a freedom with in them. A new way of seeing of enjoying, of loving and living. A New Age people to inhabit the New Age.
Father, it is with this prayer that I enter the New Year and the New Age.
My heart is full, of love and hope. Fuller than it has ever been before.
I was blind and my eyes have been opened; I was deaf and my ears have been made to hear; I was mute and now my voice sends forth Your praises. I could not speak to my brother and now I can tell him of You.
Thank You For my life,
Virginia M. Brennan