The Words of David S. C. Kim

West Coast Annual Conference in America

David S. C. Kim
December 27, 1970

Held in Layton, Utah, on Saturday the 26th and Sunday the 27th of December, 1970 and attended by State Representatives and Directors of United Faith, Inc.

I 12-26-70 (Saturday)

1. 9:00 A. M.

(a) Prayer Meeting

(b) Exchange information and annual report from each representative.

2. 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon

Supplementary lecture on the Principle by David S. C. Kim 12:00 noon to 1:00 P.M.

Lunch Break

3. 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M.

(a) Discussion on suggestions and methods on approaches to improve work in the West.

(b) Review of various schools of Bible interpretation

(c) Special study method on the Book of Revelation by David S. C. Kim.

4. 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Board of Directors Meeting and State Representative Meeting

(a) Representatives meeting

Re-appointment of four department of United Faith, Inc.
Re-appointment of President, vice-president
Re-appointment of State Representatives

(b) Business Enterprises to raise funds for advancement in work.

Amway products
Vernon's presentation of Amway products
Air gun sales

(c) Inter-group relations among 3 groups in U.S.A.

Washington, D.C.
San Francisco

5. 5:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.


Presentation of gift to Mr. David S.C. Kim by Vernon Pearson



II. 12-27-70 (Sunday)

1. 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon

Visit to Promontory Summit

2. 12:00 noon on


3. Some of the Family leave in the evening.

A. New Appointment of Department Directors of United Faith Inc.

At a special meeting held at the Utah Chapel on the 28th of December, 1970, the retention and appointment of State Representatives and Department Directors.

1. Department of Administrative affairs

Director: Maxine Pearson
Assis. Direct.: Sarah Witt
Assis. Direct.: Sandra Hilts

II. Department of Home and Foreign Missions Director: Dianne Pitts

Assis. Direct.: Sung Soo Kim
Assis. Direct.: Wayne Knapp

III. Department of International Cultural Exchange

Director: Galen Brooks
Committeeman: Young Soo Kim
Committeeman: Marilynne Brooks

IV. Department of Business Enterprise

Director: Larry Trenbeath
Assis. Dirct.: Vern Pearson
Committeeman: Bob Sparks
Committeeman: John Schmidli
Committeeman: Galen Brooks

B. State Representatives in the West

1. Oregon: Vernon Pearson
2. Washington: Dianne Pitts
3. Utah: Galen Brooks
4. Idaho: Wayne Knapp
5. Illinois: Sarah Witt
6. California: John Schmidli
7. Montana: Maxine Pearson
8. Wyoming: Galen Brooks
9. Nevada: Larry Trenbeath
10. Alaska: Sandra Hilts
11. Canada: Glen Hilts

Notes: Dianne Pitts is overall Regional Director for North Region of Washington, Canada, and Alaska.

C. Executive Body

All Board of Directors will remain the same with some change in Executive Body.

President: Vernon Pearson
Vice-President: David S.C. Kim
Vice-President: Galen Brooks
Sec.-Treas.: Maxine Pearson

Wayne Knapp in Idaho is newly appointed as a member of Board of Directors as of Nov. 9, 1970. 

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