The Words of David S. C. Kim |
The following was delivered to Berkeley Family, California, USA, on May 23, 1971 by Mr. David S.C. Kim. His speech was based on the quotations from Master's address to the Korean Family on "Day of All Things" on May I, 1966, lunar calendar.
If Jesus had not died on the cross 2,000 years ago, the history of Christianity would have started with the glory of receiving and serving Jesus as the Son of God at that time. Unfortunately, this Providence was not fulfilled. Because the Messiah, who came as King of Glory and son of Glory, died on the cross, mankind on earth must believe in the resurrected Jesus. In this way man can obtain, at most, half of the total salvation (both spiritual and physical) God planned in His Dispensation centering Jesus. Followers of Jesus then have had to follow in the same path of the Cross. Thus numerous Christians have been persecuted throughout the history of Christianity. There are three Israels in the History of God's Restoration Providence:
1st Israel (Jewish people) failed to accept Jesus as Messiah
2nd Israel (Christians) accomplished the spiritual foundation for the Second Coming
3rd Israel (Principle Family) must complete God's Restoration on the foundation of both the 1st and 2nd Israel
The third Israel shall restore God's sovereignty on earth.
(a) Origin of Israel (David Kim Text reading: p. 56 and p. 125) (Miss Kim Text p. 126-127) Israel means "Victory". Who won the "Victory"? The name has its source in the life of Jacob, grandson of Abraham, son of Isaac and father of Joseph in the course of God's Restoration providence. Over whom did he gain victory? Jacob won victory over the Angel at the Ford of Jabbok. During his prayer Jacob wrestled desperately both physically and spiritually with the angel and gained victory. Jacob was actually fighting for his life.
(b) Why was this peculiar phenomenon necessary? Jacob, after following a 21 years dispensational course in Haran, was returning to his native land. At the Ford of Jabbok he confronted the great test of fighting against the angel. Although he fought alone, in the course of God's Restoration Providence, he represented the whole of mankind at that time in its numerous races, and nations.
(c) Why then was an angel involved in Dispensational activity? God expected Jacob, whom He chose to consummate His Dispensation on the individual level, to turn the order of the whole angelic world upside down, and control it through the victory over the angel. This Victory was necessary to restore the original relationship between man and angels -- man as the image of God and subject, and angel as servant of God and of man as object -- which was lost when Archangel Lucifer and his evil angels sinned and tempted Adam and Eve to fall. God wanted to restore the lost conditions through Jacob, so he put Jacob through this test. Jacob really fought well in his desperate struggle even though his thigh was set out of joint. The angel finally surrendered to Jacob and blessed him.
(d) Why did the angel bless Jacob? Satan and his evil servants in angelic world have kept the sovereignty of the whole world and of all mankind since the fall; therefore Jacob as the Dispensational figure had to restore and inherit the right of sovereignty from the angelic world. Whether Jacob realized his heavenly mission or not, we do not know; but one thing is sure (as we experience even nowadays spiritually), God inspired Jacob in mind and spirit; Heaven exerted pressure on him to fulfill this Historical Dispensational Event. These two influences compelled him to insist of the angel. "Unless you bless me right now, I shall not release you." His life was still in grave danger until the angel surrendered completely and blessed him. God glorified Jacob because of his victory over Satan. Upon his victory God gave Jacob the new name "Israel."
Jacob, after making peace with Esau, his brother, became the first consummator of God's Individual Restoration Providence. His victory made the national and world foundations of Moses and Jesus possible later. God's new Dispensation began by Jacob's victors.
(e) Direction of Israel people. The people of Israel carry the mission of pioneers. They must endure unbearable hardship in the "land of Egypt" to which God sends them. The history of Christianity shows it may never welcomed by the world. This rejection and persecution of Israel is under the "Spiritual Formula". Israel must expect diametric opposition from Satan a d evil persons on earth and spirit world. We must expect conflict on all levels: individual to individual; individual family to individual family; race to race; nation to nation; and world to world. Nevertheless, God makes progress through the Law of Indemnity and His Restoration Providence. He has used our ancestors for 2000 years to build an altar of blood according to this Law.
The Fall of Man made mankind slaves of slave: in opposing God, Satan became the slave of God. Originally the archangel was the servant of God. Ma was the son and image of God. After the fall, God the Father never had one chance to control man. Fatherism or Sonism were never realized on earth. God cannot live with fallen mankind. They are spiritual lepers to God. Slaveism began on earth from God's point of view since the Fall. Satan, servant of God's household, conquered the son and daughter of God: thereby Satan became a slave. Satan made God's son and daughter Satan's slaves. This status and relationship is the source of Heavenly sorrows and suffering in our Father God's Mind and Heart until the present age. Thereby man has had to follow a long process to be God's blessed children: slaves of slaves, slaves, servants, adopted children, restored children and finally, blessed children.
Whenever the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth had been set up, God planned to come down on earth; mankind would not go to Heaven by believing in God. Therefore Rev. 21:2-3:
And I, John, saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a bridge adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying. Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God, Then man will live with God.
As the 3rd Israel seeks to fulfill its mission to help restore man from slaves of slave to blessed children, what are the symptoms of the end of this process? God or religion will not be welcomed by the world. The Unification Church will be exposed to severe attack by Satan's world. All mankind will not welcome us as restored children of God. This condition is symptomatic of the End of the World. Under these circumstances, the movement of God's Restoration must begin philosophy and science.
Even now Satan, the betrayer and enemy of God, is still asking God for his legitimate sovereignty of the world -- man and Universe. Satan is promising his loyalty to God. However, God cannot break His Principle of Creation: He created man as His own image and the angel as his servant. God has been waiting the time when His restored children conquer and subjugate Satan and his evil forces on earth. Satan knows God's circumstance very well. Satan knows God's Heart and Mind very well, better than devoted Christians and religious persons, and even better than most of the Principle family throughout the world. By this lack of faith we disqualify ourselves to go to heaven. Satan won't let us get into Heaven. Satan laughs at us if we do not know what Satan knows.
Everything will become vague and ambiguous in the End of the World. There will be confusion in one's religion. All teachings in the world and even the circumstances of one's favorite thought will appear very complicated. Confusion in spirit-world will be reflected here on earth. Both communism and democracy themselves will be divided into two camps opposing not only each other but fighting their own ranks. Nations and races will rise up against each other.
The key to open the door to Heaver will not come from any system of thought in the Satanic world -- not from academic circles or from popular heroes, nor from even Man himself. Only God and His only Son from Heaven can open the door. Fallen man can do nothing to open the door to Heaven. One Master should come as His son. This event in Messianic thought is the Second Coming of the Lord.
In the initial juncture of the Last Days, the Unification Church should appear, centering in our Master. One person, Adam, failed in front of God, so completion of Restoration must start from one person, our Master, following Divine Law.
Our Master had to follow historically inevitable events of persecution and opposition, hardships and all kinds of evil treatment by Satan and his world. Late-comers to the Heavenly family can easily forget our church, the traditional historical background of the movement, our Master's thorny road to save us and the whole world. We must love the Heavenly Parents, brothers and sisters more than our own blood relations. This love is the standard of our faith.
Among many confusions appearing in the Last Days, the most confusion is in the spirit-world. The name and position, Israel, came after the spiritual and physical victory won by Jacob over the angel. The same process applies to gaining victory in the present world. Kingship cannot come unless victory over spirit-world is completed. The Unification Church Movement cannot be shaken down even by the most subtle trickery of Communist brain-washing technique. As long as one knows the existence of God, one cannot become a Communist. Our system of teaching our ideology cannot be tainted or polluted by Communist thought. If a man or woman can control spiritual phenomena based on the Principle, they are son and daughter of God and have Heavenly Authority, Heavenly Value, Heavenly Totality and Might, on behalf of God. Our Master wants all of us to exercise these authorities. Since God's Dispensation must be fulfilled, the mission centering land of Korea, that is, the Unification Church Movement (the Principle Movement, Unification Family Movement or United Faith Movement and so forth), is the historical challenge to the world in this time of the Last Days.
Unification Church is not to judge the world, but above all, all family members must become sacrifices on the altar in the course of God's Restoration Providence before they exercise judgment of the world.
a. We are sacrifices on the altar. The purpose has been 11 clearly manifest in the lives of your Korean pioneer missionaries, early key followers in the Korean church, and especially in our Master's thorny course of life.
b. We are Heavenly Soldiers in the front Line of Restoration. 30 million people die yearly without knowing the Heavenly Truth, without knowing the Principle Message, the True Parents or the status of restored children. This time is the Glorious Day for Blessing by God.
Satan tries to enslave God's children while we want to liberate them to God's Are you scared or do you want to run away from this confrontation and battle?
Jesus won no resurrection on the Cross. Only when Jesus overcame the Cross could God resurrect Jesus.
On Calvary, the two thieves crucified on either side of Jesus represented Abel and Cain. One thief accepted God and the Son of God; the other rejected God and Jesus. The one represents Democracy, the other represents Communism. Barabbas, the third person set free by Pilate, represents Mohammedans.
c. New history for mankind in the New Age. We are to bring the Age of Aquarius with new culture, new civilization and new religious faith. We are Re-makers of History. The Unification Church, especially our Master, acts of necessity and by law in a manner incomprehensible to the world. He has dedicated and celebrated four Heavenly Holidays -- God's Day, Parent's Day, Children's Day and Day of All Things. He has established 120 Sacred Grounds, God's Land in forty nations throughout the whole world. He has performed Mass Sacred Marriage Ceremonies. This day, the Day of All Things cannot be celebrated before True Parents and True Children appear on earth. There is a Heavenly order in God's Restoration Providence which applies to the present time and to all of us.
i. Of the above four holidays, first the True Parents Day must be set up (March 1, lunar). Because of the fall of Adam and Eve, man lost true Parentship. All mankind has had no day to celebrate the day of the True Parents. Their Parents have been dead. Jesus, because of the crucifixion, was unable to become True Father. He died before he found the second Eve, his bride to be. God could not bless them in marriage. He disqualified himself.
ii. True Parents are beyond Satan's accusation. They are in the sphere which Satan cannot enter. The Shining Sun of Mankind is our True Parent. Thus after 6,000 years of long sinful history, all mankind can have a homeland now, and can sisters and brothers centering in the True Parents.
iii. Heavenly Children's Day (October 1, Lunar) is set up after True Parent's Day. Up to the present, all mankind belonged to Satan and his evil sovereignty, but now true, restored children of God, legitimate heirs of the Universe, have appeared on earth. They will exercise lordship over all things which have been in the fallen universe up to the present.
iv. Next, Day of all Things (May 1, Lunar) is set up. All things created by God were complete before man reached his perfection. Although all things were in the place of perfection, they could not be perfect man, the Lord of all things appeared and claimed them. If parents prepare a nice home and million dollars for their son and his wife, and the children die, then what good is the house? The universe is the house of beauty prepared by God for His son and daughter. They died. The universe then is beautiful but useless and meaningless to God without His family. Since the fall of man, the proper relationship between God, man and all things has not been established, contrary to God's Ideal for Creation.
Unexpectedly, God's Repentance Sphere, Satan's Control Sphere and the Groaning Sphere of All Things appeared in the Universe because of the Fall.
Originally, God made all things for man, and man should give love to all things. Because of the Fall, man cannot give love to all things, though all things return beauty to man constantly. This inability is described by Paul in Romans 8:19-23:
For the good I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man; But I see another law in. my members, warring against the law of my mind, bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. Because of the fall, man fell in spirit far below all things. He has even worshipped angels, who originally are man's servants and ministering spirits. Therefore God let fallen man begin to restore his relationship to God by offering of all things -- animals and grains -- who are closer to God than man is after the man's fall. Cain and Abel began the process. Now we have opened the proper relation man and all things. Man can render love to all things, and enjoy the original beauty they return to him.
(iv) After the above three Heavenly Holidays were set up, Our Master established God's Day (January 1, solar), so that our Father God can enjoy for the first time and eternally restored Adam and Eve, Children, and All Things after 6,000 years prolongation.
Before I conclude this expounding and interpretation of some parts of Our Master's Address on "Day of All Things", 1966, I would like to throw some questions to all of you for your self-examination, to strengthen your constant spiritual growth:
Our Master opened the door to all mankind and especially to you to gain the privilege to be citizens of the 3rd Israel Kingdom.
Question One:
Are you worthy of the name of Israel -- which is victory or victor in our movement? Master wants you to be as persistent, desperate and serious to win the battle to get you blessing, as was Jacob at the Ford of Jabbok. Are you ready?
Question Two:
What spiritual stage are you in? Slave of slave, slave, servant, adopted child, restored child, or blessed child? If you are not in the sixth stage, you have to try hard to climb up to the highest stage of the ladder.
Question Three:
Are you aware of your individual responsibility and mission in our movement? Is it in finance, in witnessing, in business, in teaching or praying?
Question Four:
Especially today, "Day of All Things", I ask these final questions: Do you return your genuine beauty to God Father and Our Master, and in turn do you receive Divine Love? Do you give your love to all things God created, and in turn do you since genuine beauty from all things?
For a few moments, let us meditate on these thoughts on this meaningful Heavenly Holiday.