The Words of David S. C. Kim |
David S.C. Kim
Once an anonymous philosopher in the Orient stated the plain truth of the concept of Time and Mankind. Yet most of us do not seem to understand the point he made. He said that time passes by according to a certain predestined course set for the world and for the destiny of mankind. In this course, mankind, like actors on a dramatic stage, perform certain roles as might be assigned to them in the script of a play. He stated that mankind is just a moment of the infinite time cycle and only a tiny part of the universe. Further he stressed that mankind cannot stop or even change this predestined course. We can only adjust, adapt and co-operate with the course predestined in the cycle of time.
How true this philosopher's statements are when I see the year of 1971 fade into eternity with respect to myself and the Principle work and in relation to the Principle Family throughout the world. His statements are especially significant when I look at our Master in the course of His Heavenly missions and at our True Parents with our invisible Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father created Adam and Eve, all things and the universe, and then lost His actual, objective positions of first Son and Daughter in the Garden of Eden. Entirely alone through long centuries, Heavenly Father endured incredible suffering and heartache to restore His dead children and give them His absolute love. In 1960 our True Parents fulfilled the first positions of True Son and Daughter. In that year the age of the restored Garden of Eden actually began centering in our Master, the Lord of the Second Coming, and our True Parents. In 1960 both the Heavenly direction of the world history and the destiny of all mankind in and through God's Restoration Providence were laid out clearly, officially and unchangeably before the whole world.
Personally I and the West Coast Family in 1971 followed the above direction by adjusting, adapting and cooperating with the primary dispensational projects of our Master for the continent of America. When we did our parts to our best ability within the framework His spiritual plans, our work succeeded tremendously. I deeply believe that the same pattern should succeed practically as well as spiritually for every overseas family and in all Unification Church Movements outside the Land of Korea. The primary key for complete success in a specific project has been and will be that the individual, family, church and nation in the respective countries in the Principle Movement all quickly find and take responsible parts within the over-all plans given by our Great 'Commander-in-Chief rather than just snap-judging, criticizing and blaming others with one's own depraved natures such as jealousy, arrogance, pride and hot-bloodedness on the basis of knowledge and experience accumulated in the world of Satan.
Knowledge and social experiences in the world of Satan is nothing but a grain of sand lost in the vast ocean beach when compared to our Master's understanding of life and to the example of the True Parents and further when compared with the infinite true points -of view of our Father, God. Do not think that I flatly ignore all scientific and social knowledge and experience. Understand instead that this knowledge is indeed valuable only when clarified by the Principle and applied in life to serve God and the True Parents by advancing the restoration of this world to the Heavenly Kingdom of God on earth.
In the year of 1971, many individuals, families, churches and nations in the Principle work did not seem to understand the point stated above: that we must adjust, adapt, cooperate and finally unite with the course of God's dispensation, through totally following our Master. Consequently their lack of understanding of this Heavenly Law brought deep pain and turmoil spiritually and physically to the movement as a whole. A long time passed until our fellow members came back to the original track from which they had temporarily derailed. Our work, our church and our life are the prime targets of Satan and his agents at this time. They are constantly watching and waiting for us to lose faith in God, the Principles and our Master; and then to attack and destroy us; and thereby hinder God's Restoration Providence. Here I want to emphasize that with faith, obedience and heavenly wisdom we must unite and cooperate with the Heavenly Laws and with our Master's dispensational programs on the individual, family, church and national levels in our respective countries. Only by living in this manner on a daily basis can we -realize and fully manifest the absolute value of the Principles and our desire to be restored children of God.
Recently centering in the Land of Korea, tremendous accomplishments are being made especially in academic and intellectual circles as well as in the religious circle:
(1) The Korean Unification Church is holding public seminars on the Principle message and inviting to them all renowned scholars, deans and professors of the main universities and colleges throughout the Land of Korea. Consequently new insights into the Principle message are being offered by many scholars of various scientific, philosophical and religious disciplines. They are not only fascinated with the message of the Principle, but also they are -witnessing of it to the whole nation.
(2) All ministers of established Christian churches in Korea have been invited to the public lectures on the Principle. Many of them have found new stimulus and zeal for the revival of their own churches after they studied this message. Now the ministers are forming a great revival of spiritually dying churches.
(3)Because all high-ranking officials in the national government 'as well as high-ranking military personnel have received training in the Victory-Over-Communism message, our nation of Korea can be ready now to meet all ideological wars with Communism on all fronts under the Victory-Over-Communism Movement.
(4). Recent developments to unite existing Christian denominations and other religions in Korea such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Mohammedanism and Confucianism and so forth are progressing beautifully. Since the "Korea Religious Council", a gathering of delegates of various religions in Korea, was established a few years ago, this same movement has been making tremendous strides 'in uniting all religious leaders and individuals of different faiths to dead to One God, One Christ and then to the United World.
Further in the year of 1971, the publication of the "Religion Weekly" newspaper in the Korean language is really gathering and uniting the forces of all Christian denominations and other main religions in Korea.
The above are just a few among many accomplishments in the Restoration in the year 1971 in Korea alone. The Korean Unification Church has set the pattern for dispensational Projects under the guidance of our Master. You should follow their example in your home cities, states and nations wherever you have been assigned for this glorious work. These projects have succeeded in the Land of Korea, Fatherland of all mankind. Therefore there is a definite guarantee that these projects will work in overseas missions. Again I wish to emphasize clearly this point: If we adjust, adapt, cooperate and unite with our Master's dispensational projects with our complete faith, we shall realize and see the victory for God, Master and ourselves. Each moment of the Heavenly time is so precious to God. The year 1971 is gone eternally. It will never return. If we really love and believe in both and our Master we really cannot afford or bear to waste this time with fruitless, self-centered action. I sincerely hope we have learned this lesson in the year of 1971. Further I sincerely want each of you to be an indispensable part of our Master's projects not a fence-sitter, nor a person who is just blindly enjoying the seeming privilege and luxury of criticism in nations free from obvious and urgent spiritual and political threats. This age is the time of practice in action both spiritually and physically in the positions of Heavenly front-line commanders, not the age for just talking, irresponsible argument and debate.
According to expert observers' diagnoses of the world situation, scientific, technological, political and diplomatic approaches to solve crises in both free and Communist nations undeniably have reached a deadlock. This obvious impasse in life on all levels is the herald of the coming of the Last Days. Often our Master has said that the time in which confusions after confusions appear in the world is very much the time of the Consummation of Human History. The time of God's Intervention is near. This dwelling of God into man will be accomplished only through our Master and through His dispensation and Principle Movement throughout the whole world.
Fortunately, we know the way, God's only way to save both free nations and communist nations who are equally in trouble. Through this Principle, we know how God has been restoring mankind from the slave of slave in the dungeon of hell to the original state of God's children in the world of eternal peace centering in One God, One Christ, and the United World of "Common-living, Common-prosperity and Common-justice." We, as true children of God, shall wipe all tears of sorrow from the earth. This movement is the very "New Jerusalem Coming Down from Heaven," as spoken of in the Book of Revelation. As faithful workers of our Unification Church, we are all part of the Heavenly Dispensation. We must feel very much honored for this privilege. We should be proud of ourselves as children of God in all ways and at all times. Finally we must be determined to fulfill our missions as Heavenly Soldiers centering our Great Master and True Parents.
Good luck to all of you in the Principle Movement throughout the whole world in the coming year 1972.