The Words of David S. C. Kim |
David S.C. Kim
On November 21, 1986, the New York State Board of Regents approved by a 12-2 vote a provisional charter and master plan for two degree programs for the Unification Theological Seminary. Following the registration of the programs by the New York State Education Department, which is now in progress, graduates will receive master's degrees in either Religious Education (M.R.E.) or Divinity (M.Div.).
The granting of the charter marks the end of a monumental 10-year effort. A previous attempt to gain a provisional charter was denied in 1978 on the grounds that the seminary and its programs did not meet academic and financial requirements. The seminary took the matter to court, claiming discrimination and unfair treatment, narrowly losing a 4-3 decision of the New York State Court of Appeals in 1981. Reapplication for the charter was made in April 1984.
The reapplication was handled by Dr. Edwin Ang, the executive vice-president of UTS, Therese Stewart, the academic dean, and other members of the seminary administration. They were aided by several consultants in theological education and other professional fields. It would be impossible to give an accounting of all the hours of hard work, the documents, the telephone calls, the meetings with consultants and lawyers, and the prayers that made this victory possible. Beyond these external efforts, God's blessing came through the unity of the UTS administration with Father's directions.
main building at the Unification Theological Seminary.
However, in the final analysis, it is our True Parents who must be given credit for this victory. The spiritual conditions by which the Board of Regents could support the charter can only be due to Father's sacrificial course in America and specifically in Danbury. Because of this foundation, the majority of Regents acted fairly by judging the seminary on its merits alone. The staff of the State Education Department defended the application to the Board of Regents stating that UTS has met the "threshold of requirements" for any beginning graduate school and urged that the charter be granted without delay.
UTS President David S.C. Kim, under whose dedicated and distinguished guidance the seminary has grown and flourished since its inception in 1975, expressed his joy at the long-awaited decision and stressed his commitment to achieving the highest educational standards. Dr. Mose Durst, chairman of the UTS Board of Trustees, stated that the decision by the Regents "represents a milestone in the growth and development of the Unification Church as an important member of the religious community
Over 450 students, all of whom have been Unification Church members, have graduated from UTS. Provisional charter status will enable foreign students to obtain visas to attend UTS. According to Dr. Ang, the charter action will also make it possible for the school to accept "a wider spectrum of students, both interdenominational and international, as non-church members will likely seek admission in the foreseeable future."
As a result of the Regents' decision, the seminary has been given an incredible opportunity to expand God's providence. Although an enormous amount of work remains to be accomplished, there is hope of building a strong and viable relationship with the Board of Regents and the State Education Department that will bring closer the fulfillment of Father's hopes for the seminary. For this clear and decisive victory we are extremely grateful for the love and sacrifice of God and True Parents.