The Words of the Gullery Family |
When Janna Gullery returned to college following the conclusion of the GPM in the Dominican Republic, she received a very nice surprise and a check for $500!
For those who may not know Janna, she is the Senior Program Coordinator for SFP in Latin America and the Caribbean. Janna first came to SFP in 2005 when, as a high school student, she participated in the first GPM program in the Dominican Republic. Not only did Janna continue to be involved in SFP but she also decided to develop a career in the field of international development. She therefore enrolled as a student in Clark University, a private school that has an excellent international development program.
Last week, one of Janna's professors informed her that she has won the Theodore Von Laue Endowed Undergraduate Prize in International Development.
"Established in 2002 by Mrs. Theodore (Angela) Von Laue, this fund provides an undergraduate prize for a junior majoring in international development who has demonstrated accomplishment and commitment to Professor Von Laue's values of the search for peace, equitable distribution of resources, human well being and environmental justice."
Janna is a GREAT ambassador for Service For Peace and a truly worthy recipient of this honor!