The Words of the Hill Family |
We like to share with you some experiences with our ancestors and how we are learning to live together.
People often ask us this question. So, Petra, Christabel and I have a family meeting where everyone brings ideas and requests as to how our blessed ancestors can help or support us in working for the providence either individually or as a family.
We count how many blessed couples we have (now we have 210 generations of blessed ancestors of 8 lineages which add up to 1680 couples) after each blessing ceremony and the 40 day workshop after when they are welcomed home. We ask our ancestors if we can suggest how they can help us and the providence.
This is an example of how we conducted our last meeting (please make your own list according to your circumstances, ideas and desire):
We ask a certain number of blessed couples to support True Parents directly in the providence and help with True Parent's health. Sometimes we had a tendency to give almost all ancestors for that purpose, but that is not necessary. We just feel that some ancestors should support True Parents because we can't do this ourselves and our ancestors are representatives of our lineages.
We ask some blessed ancestors to go and stay in our mission country Slovenia, because we cannot be there although we are there in spirit.
We ask some ancestors to be with our relatives and to bring our relatives closer to us in heart. We ask them to prepare situations especially when we visit for some purpose. This also goes for meeting people. Christabel benefited from this the most. When she visits her relatives, she receives money, gifts, clothes and many sweets and chocolates etc.
We ask several blessed ancestors to stay with Christabel and Robert and support or help them to focus on their studies, their future, their relationship, their activities, their health and so on.
We always ask several blessed ancestors to be with someone who is in need of special care and love such as Petra's godson who stutters -- a "gift" from his lineage.
We ask our blessed ancestors to help us with our second mission (the first is Slovenia) so that we can offer and suggest new approaches to members' problem situations and give hope to struggling and spiritually tormented members, blessed families, single and blessed 2nd gen through a spiritual reading.
The remaining blessed ancestors we ask to look after our couple, especially Petra's health. Without the power of wish papers and the enormous help (in the form of giving us ideas and inspirations as to how to cope etc.) from our blessed ancestors she would have gone long ago to the spirit world.
Recently we had our 210 generations "Welcome Home ceremony" for our ancestors and since then the atmosphere has been different. It's clearer and sharper spiritually, and more embracing and warm (love).
Since the ancestors came back, we have had more people visiting us and they never want to go home. We have also received so many little obvious blessings from several people, such as getting send flowers, beautiful cards with moving messages, food, clothes and so on.
We asked our ancestors to help us distribute 430 copies of True Father's autobiography. A few days later we received enough money to buy the books, the envelopes and pay for the postage.
Whenever Petra has an appointment in the hospital we ask our blessed ancestors to prepare a parking space for us when we arrive (there are not enough parking spaces for so many out-patients). And every time we find one space.
After you notice, feel or think your blessed ancestors have helped you, please thank them. If possible do something for them. For example they like to read through you anything on the blessed family, blessed couples, traditions and testimonies etc.
Please be aware that the ancestors want to be with you all day, every night, week, month, indeed forever and that takes a bit time to adjust to. Most ancestors cannot remember what it was like to have a physical body (would you after spending hundreds of years in the spirit world?), and they do not recall how different the concept of time is for us on earth.
If you feel that their presence is becoming spiritually heavy, because you and your family are not used to respond to such a blessing or you have not prepared yourself and the family enough for what it means to have all those blessed ancestors with you at home, at work, at school or university etc. then please talk to your blessed ancestors and explain your and your family's situation.
Believe me, they do understand and they are so compassionate and understanding. They just want to help but are just a bit overexcited to finally be free and pure, to have their spouse back at their side, so that they forget the physical limitations we have to live with (we need to eat, use the bathroom, sleep whereas they don't).
Such excited and inspired blessed ancestors kept Petra up and giving her so many ideas and inspirations that she could not sleep. Her mind is clear and sharp, but her body needs sleep and rest. They inspired her too much so both of us have been talking to our blessed ancestors, explaining that if they continue like this, Petra's body will not be able to cope and will shut down.
So whenever we feel too much "love and care" we ask them to get involved with True Parents' work anywhere in the world or to support and help anyone around us who can do more for the providence than we can at this time.
Another example of the support of blessed ancestors: during her exam time in June, Christabel would wake up, offer her daily 40 minutes prayer and Hoon Dok Hae. When she was ready to go to the exams she would ask her ancestors to accompany her. She told us, "I went arm in arm with my ancestors to the exams". She felt peaceful and calm, not nervous, sweating or close to tears. She called especially on scientists and academics and her German great-great-great-aunt who was a head teacher of a girls' school around the turn of the 20th century. As a result Christabel passed with honors and is allowed to wear a scholar's gown in university.
One more thing: it is important to live a principled focused life with Hoon Dok Hae, prayer, Sunday Service, witnessing, tithing and so on. The more this is a natural part of our lives, the more the blessed ancestors can harmonize with us and do for us.