The Words of the Hill Family |
[Marjorie, our. new sister in Madison, Wisconsin, completed the DP Study Course in mid-March, was visited almost immediately by our Leader and his party, came to San Francisco for Parents' Day, and returned with Miss Kim to Washington DC where she will be spending several weeks with our Master in further study. This is the first report of her activities there.]
So much has happened in barely more than 48 hours. The pace -- inner pace as well as outer events -- is faster here even than in San Francisco.
I was overwhelmed by the reception here at the airport. The Leader, Mrs. Choi, Col. Pak, Mr. Nishikawa, two Korean girls, an American girl and a Syrian boy named Joe -- all were there with a red carnation to pin on each of us. Flash pictures of the whole group and then, astoundingly, of the Leader and just me. I was so aquiver by this time, dazzled again, that as we stood beside each other I asked him to hold my hand. And so he did.
We stood hand in hand, and when the picture was over he gave it a little squeeze. I loved him then.
At the Pak's we were taken to a small room I have named the Throne Room. In a magnificent wing-chair covered with rich gold brocade, he sits at one end of the room. Usually in slippers or stocking feet, and wriggling around in his walk with a foot often up under him. Those invited in to talk with him respectfully sit below along each side or at the opposite end, at the end of a long coffee table which goes down the center of the small room. When water or fruit is brought him, it comes on a red lacquer tray, the water in a gleaming silver pitcher.
After some talk, dinner was served, and I was placed at the side of the table next him. White linen, white and silver china, a center piece of gracefully arranged American Beauty roses in a golden footed container. Rice with many Korean dishes, I ate from the bowls before the Leader, from the same dishes, it was truly an overwhelming experience. I wasn't too overwhelmed to eat and enjoy it.
Saturday was a festive day -- the National Cherry Blossom Festival. The big thing in the day was the Parade. The party had seats in the bleachers. It was the one mild fair day in a week of bad weather before and after! A gala day. The parade was fine, the float of the Korean Foundation for Culture and Freedom was not large, but respectable. Doris, three other girls and some Karate boys were on it. All made a deep obeisance as the float passed the stand where the Leader sat. After, we watched in the Sylvan Theater beside the Washington Monument the crowning of the Cherry Blossom Queen, selected from among more than 50 girls representing the states and territories. The Leader and all of us enjoyed the good show of music and dancing that went with this.
Then back to Arlington for a rest and a bit to eat before driving in several cars to the Karate Tournament under the auspices of the Korean Foundation and the Jhoon Rhee Institute of Karate. The gala day ended with a couple of hours afterwards at Col. Pak's, celebrating the successful tournament and honoring Jhoon Rhee.
Sunday, orders from on high permitted us to rest. All at Fellowship House slept late. Gordon is living here now, several of the boys, about four girls, and me. Later in the afternoon, back to Col. Pak's. Some of us had another session talking with the Leader in the Throne Room. Later, about 25 came for a class. Col. Pak lectured on the Resurrection and then had a coffee time upstairs when people just talked to each other.
Col. Pak made the announcement that now the parade and tournament were over we must not relax, but start something new and different. A serious study program was to begin next morning at 7 am, for all living at Fellowship House. Gordon Ross was to take charge as resident director. Col. Pak would come each morning to lecture, in the afternoon study and prepare our own notes, ready to lecture if asked the same principle we had heard in the morning. This began to sound grim, especially when it was said we would have to go out in teams and lecture in parks, etc. This for practice in self confidence and speaking to all kinds of people, not so much to get members. For our own growth, it was a quiet and sober group of 10 who went to bed last night at the early hour of 11 pm. Very sober again at this morning's first lecture.
Col. Pak impressed on us the need for cheerful obedience from the heart. He had looked rather unhappy the night before and also this morning, "Even I don't like some of these things," he confessed, "but I must do it cheerfully as our Leader directs. He is directing this primary, first study course in Washington, and from it, from you, as we talk things over the next three weeks, we will learn much for future training."
It is a great honor, someone said on the way home last night, to be in the Leader's own group here. He plans and directs, Col. Pak executes. Yes, you can envy us, but we shall be worked hard -- as hard as we can take, I have no doubt. First orders today were to clean up the house, organize daily schedule, meals, etc. -- Keep household accounts. Doris is the kitchen manager. Both she and Gordon have done so much Lecturing and teaching already, but here they are, required to do beginner work all over again. And me -- older than all the rest in years -- doing all this stuff too! It is quite a workout, and no telling what we will be like when we complete the course.
I am to go tomorrow to visit Philadelphia with Miss Kim, I am excused from lessons here. No one can do anything or miss a meeting morning or evening without permission. Remember my dream about taking dictation in God's workshop? I think this is it -- the dictation, I'm afraid I slide in to the subject position too often and easily (due to my years and pride in intellectual grasp), and probably this is to keep me in the object position -- train me thoroughly to feel it. Probably also the same for Doris and Gordon. Anyhow we three, and Mr. Nishikawa, are getting the works as well as several quite young new ones.
About the Karate Tournament: NBC was there and the officials were excited about this new art or sport of Karate, and said they would certainly televise it every year. It will be on a national hook-up May 15. Doris sang Korean and American anthems very well, The Korean Ambassador, who has not cooperated so far with the Korean Foundation for Culture and Freedom, was there and was impressed; promised wholehearted support from now on. Also White House Chief of secret police. Also Marshal of District of Columbia. Also a few other officials. The Leader is much pleased, and from now on Jhoon Rhee's Karate will be linked with the Korean foundation (and, of course, Principles). Through Karate the hoodlums will be reached. The Leader thinks of everything! We have several appointments with important people, including the Senator from Wisconsin. One little link after another is being forged -- very fast now the Leader is in Washington. It's fascinating to watch this, and will grow more so.
Much love, Marjorie