The Words of the Hong Family

 Table of Contents

Master speaks at the 7th General Meeting of Sunghwa Students (Yun Pyo Hong - August 19 - 22, 1971)

Armament Campaign for Victorious Unification over Communism (Yun Pyo Hong - February 10, 1972)

New Il Hwa Ginseng Factory Inaugurated (Sung-pyo Hong - August 3, 1973 pdf)

The blessing of Hyo Jin Moon to Nan Sook Hong on at Belvedere (Nora Spurgin - January 7, 1982 pdf)

Blessings Come from Obedience (Sung Pyo Hong - February 1982)

A Pattern Of Family Norm (Hong Jeong Phyo - January, 1995)

Black Heung Jin (Cleopas Kundioni) (Nansook Hong - September 2, 1998)

ACLC Sports Banquet - Thursday, October 30th, 7:00 pm (John P. Hong - October 21, 2003)

To a Man of Sagacity and Foresight (Il-shik Hong - January 31, 2009)

True Parents' bottomless sorrow (Yo Jin Hong - January 1, 2010)

Tong-il gyo Position on the Yoido Land court case (Sun Pyo Hong - July 21, 2011)

My Journey to Africa (Sun Pyo Hong - December 7, 2012)

Interview of Il-Shik Hong, Sunhak Peace Prize Council Chairman (Moon Myungho - November 8, 2014 pdf)

Sunhak Peace Prizes are Awarded in Korea (Il Sik Hong - August 28, 2015 pdf)

Sunhak Peace Prize: Global Citizens Building Future Peace (Il Sik Hong - September 10, 2015 pdf)

In Memory of Sun Jeong Hong, a Victorious Son (Ki Sung Lee - November 25, 2016 pdf)

2017 Sunhak Peace Prize recipients revealed at ILC in Washington, D.C. (Il-Sik Hong - November 29, 2016 pdf)

Announcement: Gino Strada and Sakena Yacoobi awarded Sunhak Peace Prize (Il Sik Hong - November 29, 2016 pdf)

2017 Sunhak Peace Prize Laureate Announcement (Il Sik Hong - November 30, 2016 pdf)

The 2017 Sunhak Peace Prize Awarded to Gino Strada and Sakena Yacoobi (Il Sik Hong - November 30, 2016 pdf)

The 2017 Sunhak Peace Prize Awarded to Gino Strada and Sakena Yacoobi (Il Sik Hong - December 1, 2016 pdf)

Memorial Address and Prayer for Rev. Sun Jeong Hong (Ki Sung Lee - December 3, 2016 pdf)

Rev. Lee Ki Sung’s Memorial Address and Prayer for Rev. Hong Sun Jeong (December 3, 2016 pdf)

Distribution of Materials Announcing the 2nd Sunhak Peace Prize Laureates (Il Sik Hong - December 9, 2016 pdf)

Sunhak Peace Prize 2017 Award Ceremony (Il Sik Hong - February 3, 2017 pdf)

Nansook Hong (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - February 12, 2018 pdf)

Latin America Leader Rev. Dae Hee Hong visits Costa Rica to strengthen HTMs (Oscar Mario Barquero - October 7, 2018 pdf)

Colombia Holds National Youth Seminar Called Victorious Camp in Medellin (Dae Hee Hong - October 15, 2018 pdf)

Waris Dirie and Akinwumi Ayodeji Adesina awarded the 2019 Sunhak Peace Prize (Il Sik Hong - November 22, 2018 pdf)

What is the Sunhak Peace Prize - Magazine (Il Sik Hong - March 28, 2019 pdf)

The Sunhak Peace Prize - An Introductory Brochure (Il Shik Hong - March 28, 2019 pdf)

True Mother's $30,000 scholarships delivered to Fervan Schools in Columbia (Dae Hee Hong - April 9, 2019 pdf)

Colombia's First HTM Workshop and Blessing in the cities of Medellín and Bogotá (Dae Hee Hong - April 11, 2019 pdf)

Please recommend a candidate for the 4th Sunhak Peace Prize by the end of May (Il Sik Hong - May 3, 2019 pdf)

2020 Sunhak Peace Prize Laureate Announcement and Laureate Achievements (Il Shik Hong - October 5, 2019 pdf)

2020 Sunhak Peace Prize Laureates Announcement Press Release (Il Shik Hong - October 5, 2019 pdf)

Sun Jin Moon speaks at UPF's 2019 Latin America and Caribbean Summit (Dae Hee Hong - December 15, 2019 pdf)

2020 Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony - Founders' Centenary Award (Il Sik Hong - February 5, 2020 pdf)

Heavenly Parent's Holy Community inauguration in Sub-Region 5, Latin America (Dae Hee Hong - May 23, 2020 pdf)

Latin America Sub-Region 1 Inauguration of Heavenly Parent's Holy Community (Koichi Sasaki - May 24, 2020 pdf)

Latin America Sub-Region 4's Inauguration of Heavenly Parent's Holy Community (Juan Deara - May 24, 2020 pdf)

Sunhak 2020 Peace Motion Graphics Competition - Call for Entries - August 2020 (Il Sik Hong - June 27, 2020 pdf)

Central America Sub-Region 4's Online International Internal Guidance Meetings (Dae Hee Hong - July 19, 2020 pdf)

Rev. Sun Myung Moon, first to propagate the culture of Korea to the world (Il-Shik Hong - August 24, 2021 pdf)

Interview of Jim Rogers, American investor, commentator and supporter of Korean reunification (Hyeon-gi Hong - November 22, 2021. pdf)

FFWPU UK: 2022 Sunhak Peace Prize winners Sarah Gilbert and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (Michael Balcomb - February 8, 2022 pdf)

5th Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony (Alan Sillitoe - February 12, 2022 pdf)

University of Oxford's Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert receives Sunhak Peace Prize (University of Oxford - February 14, 2022 pdf)

Sunhak Peace Prize - History and Past Laureates (Il Sik Hong - October 2022 pdf)

2025 Sunhak Peace Prize: Honoring Global Leaders in Peace innovation (Il Sik Hong - January 14, 2025, 21:00 ET pdf)

Patrick Aoua, and Three Others Named as Sunhak Peace Prize Recipients (Il Sik Hong - January 14, 2025 pdf)

FFWPU UK: 2025 Sunhak Peace Prize Laureates Announced (Michael Balcomb - January 27, 2025 pdf)

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