The Words of the Huish Family |
I just discovered a fantastic tool for feeding my soul's appetite for truth. This will be helpful especially if you have a busy lifestyle and can't always put time aside at the start of the day for devotional reading.
Introducing Hoon Dok Hae on the go, you can now download audio files of the Peace Messages which you can listen to from any mp3 player. I heard about this from Irene Nikayin (née Tamsi), who sent me an email back in November which I've only just had the time to investigate. It appears as if a blessed couple in the USA, Kenneth and Daniele Cohen, have published many voice recordings of True Father's words (available free at HoonDokHae.org/). I found it easy to download the peace message files from a blog dedicated to the audion files of the Peace Messages.
I remember, many years ago, going to a meeting with the acting national leader, Mr Tim Read. Arriving before the other meeting participants did, I noticed that Uncle Tim was listening to something through his earphones. Assuming it to be music, I asked him what it was. To my surprise, he told me that he was actually listening to a recital of a Peace Message, and he explained that regularly listening to Peace Messages as he travelled gave him a lot of spiritual strength. At the time, I was quite happy listening to music, especially during my commuting time, and couldn't imagine substituting the dopamine-releasing effects of my favorite tracks with God's word. It felt like something I should do, but I wasn't quite prepared to do something as radical as that.
Now, however, after a few years of maturing, this is something I'd actually be prepared to do. And even if I have already done my daily dose of reading scripture, I could see myself listening to these recordings even while I commute. (God forbid, they might transform me into a polite commuter.)