The Words of the Huish Family before 2020

 Table of Contents

The Words of the Huish Family - Table of Contents

14-Day FR Condition Reflection (M. Huish - June 4 - July 20, 2003)

Israel Pilgrimage September 2004 - My Time in Israel (M. Huish - October 2004)

UCL Interfaith Society Discusses "Who Is God?" (M. Huish - February 21, 2007)

Quotes From The 21-Day DP Workshop (Corne van Es - Selina Schwager - Mirjam Campman - Hannah Huish - Daniel Badosa - Misung Brady - October 1, 2007)

Models of Inter-Religious Cooperation for Community Peace-Building - Interfaith Focus Session (M. Huish - December 2, 2008)

Invitation To All Blessed Couples: (Matthew Huish - October 22, 2009)

Dreaming About Brothers (Hyun Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim) (Matthew Huish - January 2010)

Job Opportunity - Youth Ministry Director (Matthew Huish - February 5, 2010)

Sharing my faith in Croydon (Matthew Huish - February 21, 2010)

My Beef With Pirates (Matthew Huish - March 13, 2010)

Applying what I learnt in university (Matthew Huish - March 15, 2010)

The Hardest Thing I've Done In The Last 10 Years (Matthew Huish - March 19, 2010)

MBU Update - March 2010 (Matthew Huish - March 23, 2010)

Discussing Angels From Different Angles (Matthew Huish - March 31, 2010)

In Schmitten… Again (Matthew Huish - April 4, 2010)

An English Rose (Matthew Huish - April 5, 2010)

2010 A squad to be proud of (Matthew Huish - May 7, 2010)

Eggs, bacon, chips (Matthew Huish - May 12, 2010)

What a difference a season makes (Matthew Huish - May 17, 2010)

Recruiting a new HARP committee (Matthew Huish - May 18, 2010)

Introducing the next youth ministry leaders (Matthew Huish - June 1, 2010)

Invitation to UK HARP workshop (Matthew Huish - June 4, 2010)

Invitation to Arts Workshop 2010 (Matthew Huish - June 4, 2010)

Victim of crime? (Matthew Huish - June 13, 2010)

2010 What on earth am I doing on this workshop? (Matthew Huish - June 15, 2010)

Total investment of creativity (Matthew Huish - June 15, 2010)

Paint, sweat and tears (Matthew Huish - June 16, 2010)

Now it's time to apply Divine Principle (Matthew Huish - June 30, 2010)

Attending the Messiah (Matthew Huish - July 9, 2010)

True Father's autobiography - now available! (Matthew Huish - July 16, 2010)

Invitation to HARP 7-day DP workshop (Matthew Huish - July 17, 2010)

Six years later… (Matthew Huish - July 26, 2010)

Is there a special young person in your community? (Matthew Huish - July 30, 2010)

The Terror Of Stillness (Matthew Huish - September 1, 2010)

And the winner is… (Matthew Huish - September 14, 2010)

Speaking the truth (Matthew Huish - September 15, 2010)

Recruiting a pioneering CARP committee! (Matthew Huish - September 21, 2010)

A fresh start (Matthew Huish - October 4, 2010)

Angels and demons (Matthew Huish - October 4, 2010)

Launching the Word to the public (Matthew Huish - October 16, 2010)

New monthly CARP Sunday Service starting 31st Oct »by The CARP Committee (Matthew Huish - October 29, 2010)

A Nobel effort (Matthew Huish - December 11, 2010)

Festive Maturity (Matthew Huish - December 12, 2010)

When the levee broke (Matthew Huish - December 21, 2010)

Prayer in foreign lands (Matthew Huish - January 7, 2011)

Free truth for your mp3 player (Matthew Huish - January 10, 2011)

"Could I ask you a few questions?" (Matthew Huish - January 12, 2011)

The shelf life of a pastor (Matthew Huish - January 17, 2011)

Making a BIG difference -- doing small groups (Matthew Huish - February 8, 2011)

Toby's football dream (Matthew Huish - February 15, 2011)

STF members hit the streets (Matthew Huish - February 16, 2011)

Early Exogamy Example (Matthew Huish - March 1, 2011)

A question of faith (Matthew Huish - March 8, 2011)

Vietnamese cuisine (Matthew Huish - March 28, 2011)

Anyone studying Macbeth? (Matthew Huish - April 3, 2011)

Open for business (Matthew Huish - April 13, 2011 pdf)

Now available online: Founder's Address tickets (Matthew Huish - May 4, 2011)

A journey of faiths (Matthew Huish - June 16, 2011)

Greetings from Las Vegas! (Matthew Huish - July 22, 2011)

Hitting the jackpot in Las Vegas (Matthew Huish - July 24, 2011)

A grand day out (Matthew Huish - July 27, 2011)

Welcome back, Bromley boys! (Matthew Huish - August 12, 2011 pdf)

Bringing out my fiddle (Matthew Huish - November 29, 2011)

The Death of Christian Britain (Matthew Huish - December 7, 2011)

What were we burning on this cold morning? (Matthew Huish - December 12, 2011)

Spiritual scaffolding needed (Matthew Huish - December 21, 2011)

Pilgrimage to Korea (Part 1) (Matthew Huish - February 8, 2012 pdf)

Pilgrimage to Korea (Part 2) (Matthew Huish - April 3, 2012)

Who decided what to include in the New Testament? (Matthew Huish - April 4, 2012)

Acts of the [Completed Testament Age] Apostles (Matthew Huish - April 13, 2012)

The reality of aiming for European success (Matthew Huish - April 14, 2012)

I have seen great hope… (Matthew Huish - April 24, 2012)

Devoting time for exam success (Matthew Huish - May 1, 2012)

40 Days in the Word (Matthew Huish - May 10, 2012 pdf)

Parousia (Matthew Huish - May 30, 2012)

Making time to meet people (Matthew Huish - June 27, 2012)

A driving desire (Matthew Huish - July 4, 2012 pdf)

Faster, higher, sponsor (Matthew Huish - July 26, 2012)

The Sawl family's Canterbury Tale (Matthew Huish - November 27, 2012 pdf)

Giving credit to charity (Matthew Huish - November 27, 2012 pdf)

Faith in the nation (Matthew Huish - December 11, 2012)

Inflated results (Matthew Huish - December 19, 2012 pdf)

God’s word in context: how power needs to be held to account (Matthew Huish - March 9, 2013 pdf)

Waving the flag (Matthew Huish - April 24, 2013 pdf)

We’ve got to take the power back (Matthew Huish - May 1, 2013 pdf)

The Emotional Story of the Take-Away Box (Matthew Huish - May 8, 2013 pdf)

My beef with the heavenly calendar (Matthew Huish - May 17, 2013 pdf)

…Go Together Like a Horse and Carriage (Matthew Huish - June 18, 2013 pdf)

Something (funda)mentally wrong (Matthew Huish - July 5, 2013 pdf)

Remembering First British Member Eve Hardman a Buddhist relative (Matthew Huish - July 11, 2013 pdf)

Resolution for the new year (of the heavenly calendar) (Matthew Huish - January 28, 2014 pdf)

Is this our most important activity? (Matthew Huish - February 5, 2014 pdf)

Teaching an old dog new tricks (Matthew Huish - February 14, 2014 pdf)

Feeling unfit to lead? (Matthew Huish - February 26, 2014 pdf)

Using biochemistry to understand ‘obedience’ (Matthew Huish - March 6, 2014 pdf)

Disassembling the European Assembly (Matthew Huish - March 22, 2014 pdf)

Cold calling (Matthew Huish - June 2, 2014 pdf)

Human Lineage: Lost Sense - New Opportunity? (Matthew Huish - June 21, 2014 pdf)

I want to get my teeth into this issue - Biting at the World Cup (Matthew Huish - June 28, 2014 pdf)

Living with a syndrome (Matthew Huish - July 2, 2014 pdf)

Do we remember the soldiers who lost their lives in the Great War of 1914-1918 too? (Matthew Huish - October 26, 2014pdf)

Looking for a purpose in Hallowe’en (Matthew Huish - October 30. 2014 pdf)

Empathetic charity vs. cautious suspicion (Matthew Huish - November 20, 2014 pdf)

Is honesty is the best policy? (Matthew Huish - December 5, 2014 pdf)

Live Lounge comes to Bromley (Matthew Huish - December 26, 2014 pdf)

What’s the final score for 2014? (Matthew Huish - December 27, 2014 pdf)

40 Days (Matthew Huish - March 30, 2015 pdf)

Radio Phone-Ins (Matthew Huish - April 2, 2015 pdf)

Baby Blues (Matthew Huish - April 3, 2015 pdf)

The Sacred Heart of Jesus (Matthew Huish - April 3, 2015 pdf)

Taking Elections Seriously (Matthew Huish - April 5, 2015 pdf)

Garden Hymn (Matthew Huish - April 5, 2015 pdf)

European Road Trip – Part 1 (Matthew Huish - April 6, 2015 pdf)

Missed Children (Matthew Huish - April 7, 2015 pdf)

A bee in my green bonnet (Matthew Huish - April 8, 2015 pdf)

The future of world religions (Matthew Huish - April 9, 2015 pdf)

Seasonal living (Matthew Huish - April 10, 2015 pdf)

I think I’m falling in love (Matthew Huish - April 11, 2015 pdf)

Loyalty song (Matthew Huish - April 12, 2015 pdf)

A child’s journey through story (Matthew Huish - April 13, 2015 pdf)

Being remembered for the right reasons (Matthew Huish - April 14, 2015 pdf)

Immigration and Xenophobia (Matthew Huish - April 16, 2015 pdf)

Defining divinity (Matthew Huish - April 16, 2015 pdf)

Wrestling through the night (Matthew Huish - April 18, 2015 pdf)

Unconventional Conception (Matthew Huish - April 18, 2015 pdf)

Happy True Parents’ Day! (Matthew Huish - April 19, 2015 pdf)

Family Day (Matthew Huish - April 20, 2015 pdf)

European Road Trip – Part 2 (Matthew Huish - April 21, 2015 pdf)

Earth Day 2015 (Matthew Huish - April 22, 2015 pdf)

Socialist idealism (Matthew Huish - April 25, 2015 pdf)

Normal vs. Natural (Matthew Huish - April 28, 2015 pdf)

European Road Trip – Part 3 (Matthew Huish - April 30, 2015 pdf)

Theological beef with lyrics (Matthew Huish - April 30, 2015 pdf)

Appreciating the spring season (Matthew Huish - May 1, 2015 pdf)

Pioneers behind the Iron Curtain (Matthew Huish - May 2, 2015 pdf)

Sleeping like a baby (Matthew Huish - May 3, 2015 pdf)

A rubbish gift (Matthew Huish - May 6, 2015 pdf)

Peace Road 2015 in Scotland (Matthew Huish - July 5, 2015 pdf)

Peace Road 2015 in Wales (Matthew Huish - July 11, 2015 pdf)

UK National Leader Handover Ceremony from Jack Corley to Matthew Huish (Tom O’Connell - July 12, 2015 pdf)

UK National Leader Handover Ceremony in London, United Kingdom (Tom O’Connell - July 12, 2015 pdf)

50th Anniversary of the creation of the first UK Holy Ground in Kensington Gardens, London (Matthew Huish - July 15, 2015 pdf)

50th Anniversary of the creation of the first UK Holy Ground in Kensington Gardens, London (Tom O’Connell - July 15, 2015 pdf)

Dublin Peace Forum in Ireland (Matthew Huish - September 20, 2015 pdf)

WFWP Ireland: EU Migrant Crisis and our Quest for Peace (Matthew Huish - September 22, 2015 pdf)

UN Peace Day held in Iceland (Matthew Huish - September 24, 2015 pdf)

Sincerely search our deepest part and seek God's love and wisdom (Natasha Huish - November 6, 2015 pdf)

Seeking a Pastor for the Central London Community Church (Matthew Huish - November 18, 2015 pdf)

WFWP Youth UK - UN Day of Elimination of Violence against Women (Matthew Huish - November 25, 2015 pdf)

CARP Talk: Maturity at Lancaster Gate, London, UK (Matthew Huish - December 9, 2015 pdf)

UK CARP 2015 Report August - December 2015 (Matthew Huish - December 31, 2015 pdf)

Inaugural British Council of Communities Meeting Leaves Attendees Looking Forward to the Next One (Selina Luis - February 15, 2016 pdf)

In search of a new Finance Committee Member for The Unification Movement [Great Britain] (Simon Rosselli - March 11, 2016 pdf)

Celebrating International Women’s Day in 2016 - South London, UK (Matthew Huish - March 12, 2016 pdf)

Blessing Information Day at the South London Peace Embassy (Matthew Huish - March 12, 2016 pdf)

Returning Joy To God Through Worship (Matthew Huish - April 8, 2016 pdf)

Rev. Dr. Willie Weston Visit to London, UK (Matthew Huish - April 9, 2016 pdf)

UN International Day of Families 2016 in South London, UK (Matthew Huish - May 14, 2016 pdf)

Blessing Information Day Links - Newcastle and Scotland (Matthew Huish - May 26, 2016 pdf)

Virtue of Self-Discipline for Primary School Children (Matthew Huish - June 16, 2016 pdf)

How I will vote in the European Referendum - Should the UK leave the EU (Matthew Huish - June 18, 2016 pdf)

Unification Movement UK Job Vacancy – Accounts Administration Officer (Matthew Huish - June 24, 2016 pdf)

What hope for the UK’s future? - The United Kingdom voted to leave the EU (Matthew Huish - June 25, 2015 pdf)

Fundraising Team Leader Required for new Japanese Cheon Il Guk missionaries! (Matthew Huish - July 2, 2016 pdf)

Special Grace and Holy Items – Important Information (Matthew Huish - July 2, 2016 pdf)

Is it strategic to invest in the UK? (Matthew Huish - July 16, 2016 pdf)

The UK was left out Nations for 2020, but there is hope for future selection (Matthew Huish - July 29, 2016 pdf)

Find out what will be happening at this year’s Annual UK Gathering Festival! (Matthew Huish - August 1, 2016 pdf)

Celebrating Chil Il Jeol and Chil Pal Jeol in Bromley Community (Matthew Huish - August 3, 2016 pdf)

Weekly Report in Manchester (Matthew Huish - August 16, 2016 pdf)

40 days of devotion starting this Sunday for bequeathing 4 Holy Gifts (Matthew Huish - September 2, 2016 pdf)

STF Stories in South London (Matthew Huish - September 3, 2016 pdf)

Peter and Su-fang Kong replace the Germans as shepherds of our Welsh flock (Matthew Huish - September 4, 2016 pdf)

Would you like to serve as a trustee? (Matthew Huish - September 11, 2016 pdf)

When can I attend the Special Grace 1-day education? (Matthew Huish - September 11, 2016 pdf)

Do You Have A Business Proposal for Cleeve House? (Matthew Huish - September 28, 2016 pdf)

Help us commemorated the 40th anniversary of The Washington Monument Rally (Matthew Huish - September 30, 2016 pdf)

Recruitment of a CARP Director: Lead the next generation of students (Matthew Huish - September 30, 2016 pdf)

Holy Blessing Event - Interfaith Marriage Rededication (Matthew Huish - September 30, 2016 pdf)

Wales Peace Road Event 2016 (Matthew Huish - October 22, 2016 pdf)

Explaining True Children’s Day to children (Matthew Huish - October 29, 2016 pdf)

You are invited to the Marriage & Family Festival (Matthew Huish - October 29, 2016 pdf)

Want to be Paid to Drive STF Europe Around Calgary, Canada? (Matthew Huish - October 31, 2016 pdf)

Association of British Clergy (A.B.C) Meeting (Matthew Huish - October 31, 2016 pdf)

CARP UK: We have new regular guests (Matthew Huish - November 3, 2016 pdf)

Latest UPF Event in Cleeve House (Matthew Huish - November 14, 2016 pdf)

The Holy Marriage & Family Festival: I didn’t expect all of this! (Matthew Huish - November 19, 2016 pdf)

Rev Levy Daugherty’s visit to the Association of British Clergy (A.B.C) Meeting (Matthew Huish - December 23, 2016 pdf)

"We Can Do It" is coming to Europe (Matthew Huish - January 1, 2017 pdf)

Come to Prague for the European 2017 CIG Assembly (Matthew Huish - January 1, 2017 pdf)

Recruitment of a Pastor for the Scottish Community (Matthew Huish - January 7, 2017 pdf)

Ocean Church in Wales – ‘The first activity of its kind’ (Matthew Huish - January 19, 2017 pdf)

God’s Day – from misery to manifestation (Matthew Huish - January 26, 2017 pdf)

UK's New Trustees: Terry Sweeney and Tim Read (Matthew Huish - March 1, 2017 pdf)

A workshop exploring Bible (Matthew Huish - March 11, 2017 pdf)

What have the Cheon Il Guk Missionaries been up to? (Matthew Huish - March 16, 2017 pdf)

Disassembling the European Cheon Il Guk Assembly (Matthew Huish - March 20, 2017 pdf)

2017 Cosmic Blessing to take place on 7th September! (Matthew Huish - April 2, 2017 pdf)

Cranes Club Europe - 2017 Annual Meeting Report (Matthew Huish - April 2, 2017 pdf)

Association of British Clergy: Speaking in Public as a Mouthpiece of the Gospel (Matthew Huish - April 6, 2017 pdf)

FFWPU UK can help your donation reach its international destination for free (Matthew Huish - April 6, 2017 pdf)

2017 Global Top Gun Workshop for 1,000 young adults (Matthew Huish - April 18, 2017 pdf)

Summer Camp 2017: Voyage of Discovery (Matthew Huish - April 21, 2017 pdf)

Job Advert: Communications Officer (Matthew Huish - April 23, 2017 pdf)

Property & Financial Reports for the UK - Livingstone House, etc. (Matthew Huish - April 25, 2017 pdf)

Budgeting for the growth of the Family Federation in the United Kingdom (Matthew Huish - May 12, 2017 pdf)

Invitation to Tim Miller's “Principles of Living” (Matthew Huish - May 13, 2017 pdf)

UK Lancaster Gate headquarters - Farewell, Joanna; Welcome, Helena! (Eddie Hartley - May 19, 2017 pdf)

CIG Grace comes to Maidstone (Matthew Huish - May 19, 2017 pdf)

Albania needs YOU! (Matthew Huish - May 20, 2017 pdf)

Seeking a new pastor for the Bromley, UK community (Matthew Huish - June 2, 2017 pdf)

14th Annual Forum of the UTS graduates in the UK (Matthew Huish - June 3, 2017 pdf)

Report from the South London Family Festival 3rd June 2017 (Matthew Huish - June 3, 2017 pdf)

Gianni Raineri Will Be Running the Communications Office at LG HQ Update (Matthew Huish - July 8, 2017 pdf)

Donation for the 30th Anniversary of the CARP Rally Berlin 1987 in August (Matthew Huish - July 8, 2017 pdf)

European Cultural Presentation for the Fifth Anniversary of True Father's Seonghwa – A call for choir participants! (Matthew Huish - July 8, 2017 pdf)

Unificationist Gergely Raccuja’s wins £250,000 Wolfson Economics Prize (Matthew Huish - July 13, 2017 pdf)

Make nominations for the Grace Miller Award 2017 (Matthew Huish - July 15, 2017 pdf)

Duty Manager Required, two day paid job at Cleeve House August 27th and 28th (Matthew Huish - July 25, 2017 pdf)

Looking for Volunteer University Chaplains (Young & Old) (Matthew Huish - July 28, 2017 pdf)

WAIT Team UK teaches abstinence in the Philippines (Matthew Huish - July 30, 2017 pdf)

British Unificationists Annual Gathering Festival August 27 and 28 (Matthew Huish - August 1, 2017 pdf)

New possibilities open up with exciting regional restructuring (Matthew Huish - August 4, 2017 pdf)

Sunday at Lancaster Gate Jack and Renee Corley New Mission Celebration (Matthew Huish - August 11, 2017 pdf)

Peace and Freedom for This Generation (Matthew Huish - August 12, 2017 pdf)

Donation for the 5th Anniversary of True Father’s Seonghwa (Matthew Huish - August 14, 2017 pdf)

Figuring out how to work together - FFWPU, UPF, WFWP, ABC, IRFF and WAIT (Matthew Huish - August 15, 2017 pdf)

New hope in New Tirana (Matthew Huish - August 15, 2017 pdf)

Celebrating the commission to tribal messiahship (Matthew Huish - August 17, 2017 pdf)

Invitation Second Generation International Art Camp in Croatia (Matthew Huish - August 17, 2017 pdf)

FFWPU Bromley UK Community Seeking a new pastor (Matthew Huish - August 17, 2017 pdf)

Fed Talks, Sports and Video Games at Next Weekend's Annual Gathering Festival (Matthew Huish - August 18, 2017 pdf)

Vacancy: Trainee Press Officer, FFWPU Application Deadline: 21st September (Matthew Huish - August 24, 2017 pdf)

FFWPU UK's Finance Committee Needs New Member - Eddie Hartley steps down (Matthew Huish - September 1, 2017 pdf)

STF & DONE Graduation at the FFWPU South London Peace Embassy (Matthew Huish - September 1, 2017 pdf)

Shane Simon, winner of 2017 Grace Miller Award (Matthew Huish - September 2, 2017 pdf)

Keeping the Kingdom in Focus (Matthew Huish - September 2, 2017 pdf)

CARP UK University Student Association Fresher’s Week (Matthew Huish - September 11, 2017 pdf)

Remembrance Tree for Patrick Murphy (Matthew Huish - September 14, 2017 pdf)

We recommend the whole experience to people of all ages at Southend-on-Sea (Matthew Huish - September 15, 2017 pdf)

Week of Prayer for World Peace - Planting and Prayers in Peace Garden Watford (Matthew Huish - October 7, 2017 pdf)

FFWPU, WFWP and UPF's South London Family Festival (Matthew Huish - October 12, 2017 pdf)

WFWP UK Speech Contest Saturday, 14th October 12:30 – 4:00 in London (Matthew Huish - October 12, 2017 pdf)

Scottish We Can Do It Workshop - Preparing Tribal Messiah Activities (Matthew Huish - October 13, 2017 pdf)

Reading Life through the Principle: Leadership and Community Building (Matthew Huish - October 19, 2017 pdf)

WFWP S. London UK's talk: How to succeed and overcome obstacles in life (Matthew Huish - October 19, 2017 pdf)

Divine Principle Workshop - Healing Relationships - at Cleeve House (Matthew Huish - October 20, 2017 pdf)

National Sunday service with Michael Balcomb in London - 19th November 2017 (Matthew Huish - October 26, 2017 pdf)

Peace starts with me From inner peace to world peace November 17 – 19 (Matthew Huish - November 3, 2017 pdf)

Do Hard Things skit for the Bromley community (Matthew Huish - November 4, 2017 pdf)

UK National Sunday Service with Michael Balcomb on Sunday 19th November (Matthew Huish - November 7, 2017 pdf)

Recruiting a Director of CARP UK Student Leadership Organization (Matthew Huish - November 10, 2017 pdf)

One-Day UK Media Team Outreach Workshops in Your Area (Matthew Huish - November 13, 2017 pdf)

West Country and Welsh Community initiative Two Day Workshop (Matthew Huish - November 18, 2017 pdf)

Get ready for the Joy Giving Campaign! (Matthew Huish - November 23, 2017 pdf)

Robert Mugabe resigns a week after the Blessing of 2,000 couples in Zimbabwe (Matthew Huish - November 30, 2017 pdf)

Trip to Japan and Television Opportunity for a Japanese/British couple (Matthew Huish - December 4, 2017 pdf)

Understanding Emotions, Healing Trauma and Conflicts - Seminars, Counselling (Matthew Huish - December 15, 2017 pdf)

Applications and CVs for Vacancy at FFWPU in London - General Affairs Staff (Matthew Huish - December 15, 2017 pdf)

FFWPU Presents South London Spotlight a Christmas Celebration - Flyer (Matthew Huish - December 20, 2017 pdf)

Association of British Clergy One-Day Workshop - New Hope for Christianity (Matthew Huish - December 22, 2017 pdf)

One week to go! Joy Giving Campaign starting on Sunday 7th January (Matthew Huish - December 30, 2017 pdf)

Peace starts with me - A residential course in a tranquil setting in Wiltshire (Matthew Huish - January 4, 2018 pdf)

Conference: Overcoming the Stigma of the Unifications Movement in Europe (Matthew Huish - January 6, 2018 pdf)

Ken, Christine and Family's Mission in Rio Brilhante, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil (Matthew Huish - January 13, 2018 pdf)

Special Donation Supporting Foundation Day and True Parents' Birthday 2018 (Matthew Huish - January 13, 2018 pdf)

FFWPU Senegal African Summit with True Mother Prayer Points (Matthew Huish - January 13, 2018 pdf)

Matthew Huish's CV (January 15, 2018 pdf)

Association of British Clergy (A.B.C) - We welcome all to our next Meeting!!! (Matthew Huish - January 16, 2018 pdf)

Joy Giving Campaign – FINAL TEN DAYS (Matthew Huish - February 4, 2018 pdf)

UK Two-Day Divine Principle Seminar in Cleeve House, with 16 Participants (Matthew Huish - February 11, 2018 pdf)

Launching a List of National Prayer Points for Great Britain (Matthew Huish - February 13, 2018 pdf)

Looking for a new trustee of FFWPU who will become the next Treasurer (Matthew Huish - February 23, 2018 pdf)

WFWP UK Forum on the Legacy of Women in a Transitional World (Matthew Huish - February 24, 2018 pdf)

Learning and Teaching Divine Principle Lectures Workshop (Matthew Huish - March 2, 2018 pdf)

Divine Principle Masterclass (2-Day Workshop)! (Matthew Huish - March 4, 2018 pdf)

IRFF UK Is Looking for New Child and Teacher Sponsors! (Matthew Huish - March 10, 2018 pdf)

Global Workshops Hosted by True Parents (Matthew Huish - March 17, 2018 pdf)

FFWPU UK Treasurer Vacancy, as a FFWPU Trustee, with Training Provided (Matthew Huish - March 24, 2018 pdf)

The Providential Significance of the Fourth Anniversary of Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day (Natasha Huish - April 3, 2018 pdf)

Seeking Event Manager to produce the UK FFWPU Annual Gathering Festival (Matthew Huish - April 14, 2018 pdf)

WFWP Bromley, UK's Healthy Lifestyle and Women - Monthly Yoga Event (Matthew Huish - April 15, 2018 pdf)

Vienna event tickets are single use, if you leave you cannot re-enter venue (Matthew Huish - April 26, 2018 pdf)

An Inspirational Weekend with Divine Principle (in Scotland) (Matthew Huish - May 12, 2018 pdf)

Annual Meeting of UTS Graduates in the UK - Derbyshire Dales, UK (Matthew Huish - May 26, 2018 pdf)

FFWPU UK is excited to announce a budget available to support Ad Hoc projects (Mathew Huish - June 9, 2018 pdf)

Second WFWP Forum promoting Speech Contest 2018 held in London, UK (Matthew Huish - June 9, 2018 pdf)

WFWP UK Forum: Speech Contest 2018 at Kent Room, Lancaster Gate, London (Mathew Huish - June 9, 2018 pdf)

Swindon FFWPU Members in the news: Family Festival works for World Peace (Matthew Huish - June 14, 2018 pdf)

Help Wanted: Young Unificationist Lawyers - Meet European Legal Department (Matthew Huish - June 30, 2018 pdf)

My impressions of the Bromley Family Festival (Matthew Huish - July 30, 2018 pdf)

Donation for Commemorating True Father’s Ascension (Matthew Huish - June 30, 2018 pdf)

FFWPU Blessing Ceremony, South Korea, 27th August 2018 (Matthew Huish - June 30, 2018 pdf)

WFWP Speech Contest for Young Women in the UK 2018 (Matthew Huish - July 5, 2018 pdf)

Invitation to join a National United Kingdom Prayer Condition starting July 9 (Matthew Huish - July 6, 2018 pdf)

Family Celebration Workshop, Blessing and Divine Principle Education - Lancaster Gate, London, United Kingdom (Matthew Huish - July 21, 2018 pdf)

UK Unification Movement's Annual Gathering Festival (Matthew Huish - July 28, 2018 pdf)

Register for the Art Camp Croatia 2018 in Rab, Croatia, September 22 – October 1 (Matthew Huish - August 5, 2018 pdf)

Companions of Faith Weekend 7-9 September at Livingstone House (Matthew Huish - August 16, 2018 pdf)

FFWPU UK Raffle to support the New Tirana, Albania Centre (Matthew Huish - August 18, 2018 pdf)

UK Workshop at Lancaster Gate gave opportunity to practice speaking in public (Matthew Huish - August 18, 2018 pdf)

Screening UK Church Films from over 40 years ago at the UK Annual Gathering (Matthew Huish - August 20, 2018 pdf)

Kids Play Bubble Balls Game at the FFWPU UK's Annual Gathering Festival (Matthew Huish - August 23, 2018 pdf)

Congratulations to the Winner of the Grace Miller Award: Elna-Marie Fortune - Cleeve House, UK (Matthew Huish - September 1, 2018 pdf)

Companions of Faith Young Adults Weekend - Twenty-five + 2nd gen. gather (Matthew Huish - September 9, 2018 pdf)

UK Blessed Family Department's Annual Gathering Festival Art Competition (Matthew Huish - September 15, 2018 pdf)

Livingstone House Is Seeking a Gardener to Manage the Property's Gardens (Matthew Huish - September 15, 2018 pdf)

FFWPU UK Blessed Family Department Director Wanted (Matthew Huish - September 28, 2018 pdf)

Experienced DIY Enthusiasts Needed for Lancaster Gate Headquarters (Matthew Huish - October 2, 2018 pdf)

FFWPU UK has Local Initiatives Fund – apply now for grants (Matthew Huish - October 6, 2018 pdf)

Help our publishing house go to the Frankfurt Book Fair: Buy TF's Autobiography (Matthew Huish - October 6, 2018 pdf)

FFWPU UK Is Introducing a Chaplaincy Program to Support University Students (Matthew Huish - October 10, 2018 pdf)

Upcoming UK Workshop - Heavenly Tribal Messiahship - Making It Possible (Matthew Huish - October 15, 2018 pdf)

FFWPU UK's Making It Possible Heavenly Tribal Workshop with Michael Balomb (Matthew Huish - October 21, 2018 pdf)

FFWPU UK Headquarters Vacancy: Business Manager (Property Portfolio) (Matthew Huish - October 24, 2018 pdf)

Young Adult/Alternative Services have started up again at Lancaster Gate (Matthew Huish - November 2, 2018 pdf)

UK HARP Winter Workshop 18/19 Application 'Origins' (Matthew Huish - November 3, 2018 pdf)

Volunteer Needed to Join the Financial Management of Our FFWPU Charity (Matthew Huish - November 13, 2018 pdf)

The United Kingdom's Family Festival was a gathering of FFWPU, WFWP and UPF (Matthew Huish - November 10, 2018 pdf)

Join us this winter on the UK HARP Workshop 28th December in Chislehurst (Matthew Huish - November 14, 2018 pdf)

Gold and Bars open-mic night at Lancaster Gate proves to be a success (Matthew Huish - November 14, 2018 pdf)

The FFWPU, UK West Country community is looking for a new pastor in 2019 (Matthew Huish - November 14, 2018 pdf)

Parenting workshop: To Defuse Situations and Make Space for Family Fun (Matthew Huish - November 21, 2018 pdf)

The Cheon Il Guk Assembly 2nd and 3rd February 2019 in London, England (Matthew Huish - November 21, 2018 pdf)

Young Adult's Summer Retreat, Totland Bay youth hostel, Isle of Wight, Sept 2019 (Mathew Huish - November 26, 2018 pdf)

Ambitious, enthusiastic and experienced Pastor Couple wanted for South London (Matthew Huish - November 28, 2018 pdf)

Young Adults Jazz Bar Christmas Party (Matthew Huish - November 29, 2018 pdf)

Order Your Cheon Il Guk 2019 Calendar Here (Matthew Huish - December 3, 2018 pdf)

Pray for the UK's future - Brexit Deal Vote in the Commons on 11th December (Matthew Huish - December 5, 2018 pdf)

Young Adults Jazz Bar Christmas Party at Lancaster Gate, London, UK (Matthew Huish - December 20, 2018 pdf)

UPF London, United Kingdom holds its Annual Peace Council (Matthew Huish - December 14, 2018 pdf)

Attend the Annual General Meeting January the 12th, 2019 (Matthew Huish - January 2, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK National Council Annual Report (Matthew Huish - January 12, 2019 pdf)

H. Ngama elected to be the new pastor for the North England, UK Region (Matthew Huish - January 13, 2019 pdf)

Testimonies from the Nordic Winter Workshop 2019 in Helsinki, Finland (Matthew Huish - January 16, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK's Cheon Il Guk Assembly, Celebrate Inspire Revive and Transform (Matthew Huish - January 19, 2019 pdf)

GLOW for all Unificationists who want to contribute to building Cheon Il Guk (Matthew Huish - January 19, 2019 pdf)

The European Second-Generation Department's DONE program's first half year (Matthew Huish - January 30, 2019 pdf)

New Blessed Family Department UK Director is Jeff Bateman (Matthew Huish - February 1, 2019 pdf)

World Interfaith Harmony Week Observed in London (Matthew Huish - February 6, 2019 pdf)

Register for UK HARP's Easter Divine Principle Workshop 'BeLoved' (Matthew Huish - February 13, 2019 pdf)

South London, UK Blessing Marriage Re-Dedication and True Love Awards (Franklin Fortune - February 14, 2019 pdf)

Register now for the UK's Young Adults' Summer Retreat, 6th-9th Sept 2019 (Matthew Huish - March 14, 2019 pdf)

Austria invites you to attend a 14-Day Divine Principle Workshop, 1-14 July (Matthew Huish - March 20, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK Seonghwa Ministry meeting at Lancaster Gate - 14 members attend (Anne Kobayashi - March 23, 2019 pdf)

Join us at the UK FFWPU's Annual Gathering Festival – 29 and 30 June 2019 (Matthew Huish - March 25, 2019 pdf)

Come to the First UK Hyojeong CheonBo Special Event, 15-16 June 2019 (Matthew Huish - March 25, 2019 pdf)

Prague, Czech Republic invites you to attend a 5-Day Easter DP Workshop (Matthew Huish - March 27, 2019 pdf)

You are invited to the Grand Opening of the Holy Oak Memorial Woodland Office (Matthew Huish - March 28, 2019 pdf)

UK's Contribution to the Choral Project in South Korea (Matthew Huish - March 28, 2019 pdf)

You are invited to attend the Family Festival in Central London, 11 May 2019 (Matthew Huish - March 28, 2019 pdf)

Job Vacancy: Full-time position London HQ as the Business Support Officer (Matthew Huish - April 9, 2019 pdf)

HJ CheonBo 21-day Special Workshop for International Youth in Korea (Matthew Huish - April 10, 2019 pdf)

Last year's British STF graduates share about their experiences on the program (Matthew Huish - April 10, 2019 pdf)

We are invited to attend the Celebration of the 59th Anniversary of True Parents' Holy Wedding in South Korea, 20 April 2019 (Matthew Huish - April 11, 2019 pdf)

Recruiting Staff for Hyojeong CheonBo 21-Day Special Workshop in Korea (Matthew Huish - April 27, 2019 pdf)

Updates on Europe - Middle East CheonBo Event in Poland, 25-26 May (Matthew Huish - April 28, 2019 pdf)

Travel and Accommodation for Europe - Middle East CheonBo Event in France (Matthew Huish - April 28, 2019 pdf)

National 40-Day Condition for Europe - Middle East CheonBo Event in London (Matthew and Natasha Huish - April 29, 2019 pdf)

Blessing Ceremony for Unmarried 1st Generation Spirits in Chung Pyung Korea (Matthew Huish - April 30, 2019 pdf)

Global Top Gun Youth Workshop 2019 HJ Cultural Center in South Korea (Matthew Huish - May 1, 2019 pdf)

Schedule for Azalea Festival 2019 in Korea (Matthew Huish - May 1, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU South London, UK Family Camp 2019 at Belchamps Scout Camp (Simon Rosselli - May 1, 2019 pdf)

DONE Educational Programme 2019 – Development of New Environments (Matthew Huish - May 5, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU Europe - Middle East 14-Day Divine Principle Workshop in Austria (Matthew Huish - May 7, 2019 pdf)

Marriage Beyond Borders Family Festival Brings the Blessing to Our Community (Matthew Huish - May 12, 2019 pdf)

Save the Date: UK Hyojeong CheonBo Special Event, 15-16 June 2019 (Matthew Huish - May 15, 2019 pdf)

Reminder: Reading Life Through the Principle: Peace and Reconciliation, June (Matthew Huish - May 17, 2019 pdf)

Save the Date: UK Hyojeong CheonBo Special Event, 15-16 June 2019 (Matthew Huish - May 25, 2019 pdf)

The UK National Leadership Team wants to change how we use our properties (Matthew Huish - May 31, 2019 pdf)

Nominations for the Grace Miller Award 2019 (Matthew Huish - June 1, 2019 pdf)

Art Exhibition at the FFWPU UK Annual Gathering Festival (Matthew Huish - June 5, 2019 pdf)

European Matching and Blessing Workshops in Autumn 2019 (Matthew Huish - June 7, 2019 pdf)

Hyojeong CheonBo Special Event in London, UK - Ancestor Liberation Ceremony (Matthew Huish - June 16, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK: Register Now for the Young Adults' Summer Retreat Isle of Wight (Mathew Huish - June 17, 2019 pdf)

FED Talks at Annual Gathering Festival 2019: Mental Health, Ph.D. and Politics (Matthew Huish - June 18, 2019 pdf)

Special Donation for Seventh Anniversary of True Father's Holy Ascension (Matthew Huish - July 16, 2019 pdf)

Re-Opening of Matching Website and Contest for Promotional Materials (Matthew Huish - August 2, 2019 pdf)​

The 2019 FFWPU United Kingdom's Children's Summer Camp at Cleeve House (Richard Raineri - August 15, 2019 pdf)

Over 45 members joined the Isle of Wight retreat for UK Young Adult Community (Matthew Huish - September 11, 2019 pdf)

Update on UK Property Consultation - Survey results to the National Council (Tim Read - September 11, 2019 pdf)

A small committee is creating a brand new FFWPU-UK website (Matthew Huish - October 1, 2019 pdf)

2019 Heavenly Europe Tour - Hyojeong CheonBo Special Event - UK CheonBo Workshop Registration - November 2019 (Matthew Huish - October 4, 2019 pdf)

UK CheonBo Workshop Update: Ancestor Liberation & Blessing Information (Alexander and Miho Fortune - October 8, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU Bromley, UK Community Newsletter for 2019.10.8 (Matthew Huish - October 9, 2019 pdf)

UK CheonBo Workshop Update: 40-Day Prayer Condition, 14 Oct - 22 Nov 2019 (Matthew and Natasha Huish - October 11, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK: Invitation: Cranes Club Dinner at Lancaster Gate on November 2nd (Matthew Huish - October 11, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK Newsletter 2019.10.11 (Matthew Huish - October 11, 2019 pdf)

UK CheonBo Workshop is looking for young people to join our Chanyang team! (Matthew Huish - October 17, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK Newsletter 2019.10.18 (Matthew Huish - October 18, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU Bromley, UK Community Newsletter 2019.10.22 (Matthew Huish - October 21, 2019 pdf)

Unificationists Gather to Discuss the Topic of Worship within our Community (Réamonn Bateman - October 21, 2019 pdf)

UK CheonBo Update: About HJ Offering (Wish) Papers - From US$30 to US$100 (Matthew Huish - October 24, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK Newsletter 2019.10.25 (Matthew Huish - October 25, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK Newsletter 2019.11.1 (Matthew Huish - November 1, 2019 pdf)

Michael Balcomb: True Mother wants me to be elected National Leader of the UK (Mike Balcomb - November 1, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK National Leader Selection Process (Chris Le Bas - November 4, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU Bromley Community Newsletter 2019.11.5 (Matthew Huish - November 5, 2019 pdf)

UK CheonBo Cheaper Tickets Available £65 w/o Lunch option - £50 for students! (Matthew Huish - November 6, 2019 pdf)

Special Donation for True Parents' Centenary and 60th Holy Wedding Anniversary (Matthew Huish - November 6, 2019 pdf)

UK CheonBo Venue Has Changed to Ealing Town Hall, NOT Greenford Hall (Matthew Huish - November 7, 2019 pdf)

The Gathering Space - Chapter One - Ice Breaker for Healing and Growth (Matthew Huish - November 7, 2019 pdf)

UK Cranes Club Dinner for both 1st and 2nd Generation Unificationists (Matthew Huish - November 7, 2019 pdf)

UK CheonBo Update: Workshop Schedule, 23 and 24 November 2019 (Matthew Huish - November 8, 2019 pdf)

UK CheonBo Payment Deadline for Ancestor Liberation and Blessing (Matthew Huish - November 8, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK Newsletter 2019.11.8 (Matthew Huish - November 8, 2019 pdf)

WFWP Bromley, UK - Christmas Fundraiser in aid of the Syrian and Iraqi refugees (Matthew Huish - November 13, 2019 pdf)

WakuWaku 1-Day Seminar Owner of Cheon Il Guk: Self-Development Programme (Mieko Davies - November 12, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK's Seonghwa Ministry is now a part of the Blessed Family Department (Françoise Murphy - November 13, 2019 pdf)

UK CheonBo Event: Anyone Can Simply Attend and Experience Heaven’s Grace (Matthew Huish - November 14, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK Newsletter 2019.11.15 (Matthew Huish - November 15, 2019 pdf)

An Evening in Good Company - Showcase songwriting talent in UK community (Matthew Huish - November 17, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU Bromley Community Newsletter 2019.11.19 (Matthew Huish - November 19, 2019 pdf)

UK CheonBo Update: Lunch Menu and Vouchers, Dress Code and Parking (Matthew Huish - November 20, 2019 pdf)

UK CheonBo: Our members experiences from the last UK CheonBo workshop (Matthew Huish - November 20, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK Newsletter 2019.11.22 (Matthew Huish - November 22, 2019 pdf)

The United Kingdom's second CheonBo event was held at Ealing Town Hall (Matthew Huish - November 23, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK Newsletter 2019.11.29 (Matthew Huish - November 29, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU Bromley, UK Community Newsletter 2019.12.2 (Matthew Huish - December 3, 2019 pdf)

Heartfelt and inspirational testimonials from last month's CheonBo event (Matthew Huish - December 4, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK Newsletter 2019.12.6 (Matthew Huish - December 6, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK Job Vacancy: Events Coordinator in London Headquarters (Mathew Huish - December 13, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK Newsletter 2019.12.13 (Matthew Huish - December 13, 2019 pdf)

Monthly UK Providence Meeting: True Mother to speak in the UK in July 2020 (Matthew Huish - December 14, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU Bromley Community Newsletter 2019.12.19 (Matthew Huish - December 19, 2019 pdf)

UK CheonBo: Welcome Home Ceremony for Our Recently Liberated Ancestors (Matthew Huish - December 22, 2019 pdf)

FFWPU UK Newsletter 2019.12.27 (Matthew Huish - December 27, 2019 pdf)

New FFWPU UK Seonghwa Ministry Department has its own web page (Matthew Huish - December 29, 2019 pdf)

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