The Words of the Jørgensen Family |
The last month brought much help and inspiration from our Heavenly Father to double our efforts and to try to accomplish greater progress in the shortest possible time. We finally learned to get along with less sleep. So we often gathered together late in the evening after our "visitors" had left, in order to discuss the different events of the day, and to make plans for the next one. We prayed together and then started off to do some more house duties and to write stencils of the different chapters in order to have "reading-material" for the people we are teaching.
In connection with my job, I heard Rev. Carl H. Mau (Ass. Gen. Sec. of The Lutheran Wand Federation) speaking two times. "Dialogue" is the great "Key-word" in their work today. Dialogue between the different religions, church, ideologies, races, generations, social classes etc. Isn't that wonderful preparation in the direction of Unification? In one of the meetings where Rev. Mau was speaking, he met with quite a bit of opposition from the part of local theologians. So he tried to somewhat quiet them down by stressing that the time would be very long till unity of only some denominations would be reached. But I was overjoyed to hear him continue, saying something like the following. "Yet if this is the way, God wants us to go, He will guide us to unity."
Some theologians in this country are very alarmed by press releases and report, which come from these interdenominational talks, being conducted under the auspices of the LWF and the WCC. One of the old prof. went even so far as to say, that statements about certain agreements having been reached during these talks (Le. Roman Catholic/Protestant or Lutheran/ Reformed) should not be published in the newspapers for the- laymen, because they would only get a "wrong" picture. Other theologians maintain that dialogue between denominations and religious should only be reserved to the educated theologians, because it would be "dangerous" for others! But who will stop the Providence? Let's march on to reach those who feel a longing for unification in their hearts.
Parents' Day was naturally the most wonderful day of the- month. On this day we tried especially to direct our hearts and thoughts to our Beloved True Parents and to all our brothers and sisters throughout the world. In this connection, too, we want to express great appreciation and deep thankfulness to "The Way of the World" which with all the news, reports, pictures and activities ties the bond to our True Parents and all the Family so much closer.
In Their Precious Name,
Ingrid Schneider