The Words of the Jørgensen Family |
Finally we have found a house for a center! We are very happy and grateful. It is not too big, about 6 rooms, but it has quite an ideal situation very close to the center of the town, and it will allow us to work much more independently. At the moment we are still busy with a lot of cleaning and painting, but we are hoping to open the Center formally in about 2 weeks' time at the latest.
Despite this physical restoration work, we were able to forward in the spiritual work as well. We had about 10 new people coming to the Center in the last weeks, while many others were continuing their studies of the Divine Principle.
We had study days and evenings for the Family, including teaching practice. A special prayer condition was made for Sweden, our neighbor country, and some of the members were making fasting and other personal conditions.
We could gather useful information about different organizations, youth clubs and church communities, so that we will be able to work more intensively with them, or at least with the most positive of them during the coming winter months. One of the girls attended a Bible seminar of a Mission Society for a week. Many young students, among them medical students, were gathered there, but it was not easy to start an open, serious dialogue with many of them. Their thinking and feeling is closely concentrated around Jesus and the New Testament, and they don't allow themselves to ask any questions whatsoever concerning the Bible, and their faith as a whole.
One theological student, who wants to become a missionary, visited the Center twice. He is very difficult to teach, as he is full of fear to hear or read something wrong. We have made similar experiences before, these peoples do not seem to have any trust in themselves and in their own ability to 'judge right from wrong, or worthy from unworthy. After 4 years of theological studies he did not know anything about the Dead Sea Scrolls. He had just heard the name and thought they had something to do with the Old Testament. So this terribly fearful attitude might also have something to do with their not being used to judge any new kind of information, and to take a stand for or against something new. Many "good Christians" in this country here, are spending much of their life far away from the "frightening" theological discussions of the rest of the world.
I have been offered to teach an evening class for adults in German. I have accepted very willingly, not only because we need the money, but also because I hope for good contacts and important experiences which will be valuable in the future.
We are continuing our struggle with the determination and the willingness to do good work for our True Parents and to bring victory for item and our Heavenly Father soon.
In Their Beloved Name,
Ingrid Schneider