The Words of the Jørgensen Family |
Ingrid Schneider
Another year has passed with work for Father's Kingdom. We were greatly blessed with a big new Center and new members and there was made progress towards our common goal. Yet much remains to be done and time is getting short.
It is our deep longing and our earnest prayer that all the plans Heavenly Father and our True Parents are having for next year might be accomplished after schedule, and that we here in Norway might cooperate in the best possible way. We want to reach many qualified people and touch their hearts, so that they, too, will become members of the Unified Family.
One of our first goals will be that each one of us finds three new good people in order to strengthen the fundament and to establish new Center in other Norwegian towns. We want to make every effort to be better instruments in Father's hand, so that He can use us as efficient tools to be victorious over Communism and to build the new world where peace and happiness will reign.
We shall intensify our work at the University so that finally a strong and influential student group can be established.
We shall then by all means try to find enough capacity to have an impact formation of opinion in this country. To reach this, we have to contact many, many people, take part in the newspaper discussions to a certain extent, print some material (witno-material), and start with bigger campaigns.
Yet I know that the growth and success of our movement in this country will to a great extent depend on the growth of each member. It is therefore my hope that we will be children whom Heavenly Father can be proud of, that we will be good and absolutely obedient sons and daughters to our Beloved True Parents, and that we will be men and women whom the future generation will love and respect for their service to this country and all mankind. May Heaven grant us the courage, the wisdom and the strength to live up to that!