The Words of the Jørgensen Family |
Our activities in the New Year have started with a seven months' course, which shall help us to lay a broad foundation for the quick restoration of this country. During these seven months our first thoughts upon awakening to a new day and our last thoughts when falling asleep shall be directed to the national restoration, and the plans and aims Father might have in that connection.
At least half an hour every day shall be devoted to prayer and Principle study, and every member will make personal conditions in order to find three good people as new members. We are aware of Father's longing to reach all those people who have not heard the message yet, and we know that we have to be many dedicated fighters in order to get the work effectively done.
In January we made an effort to get come new witnessing material, as in fact quite a few people ask us for something printed, when we are witnessing to them. So we get 7000 small folders printed with 10 questions and answers, taken out of the different chapters of the Principle. It meant a great financial burden for us, as we have not yet our own printing facilities, but the first reactions seem to show that it was worthwhile. We also hope to get the first chapter of Miss Kim's book done in printing as soon as possible, and in connection with that, the language of the Norwegian manuscript is at present corrected by an able and experienced Norwegian publisher consultant and proof-reader.
We have increased our witnessing nights at the University, so that we are now going there three times a week. Many of the students promise to come and with some we can speak half an hour to an hour, but it seems to be especially difficult for the boys to find their way to the Center later on.
We have started regular witnessing downtown on Sundays, as most Family members are able to take part in this activity, and are enjoying it immensely. Even if there may be not so' many people in the streets as on weekdays, the conversations are often longer and also deeper.
Among the many joyful events we experienced already in the first weeks of the New Year, is "the birth of a new, wonderful sister", who moved into the Center in the last days of January.
And then we are of course looking forward to the visit of our True Parents here in Europe. Most of the Family members have not met them before and are very excited.
We are sending our love and our prayers to all our brothers and sisters around the world.
In the name of the True Parents,
Ingrid Schneider