Unification Sermons and Talks

by Reverend Joong Hyun Pak

Chuk Sa Jang is Also for Us

Rev. Joon Hyung Pak

These are edited, and sometimes incomplete, notes made by Michael Keily of a sermon given at Belvedere on Sunday, February 26, 1995.

Did you hear at the last Parents' Birthday celebration that True Parents brought two true children on stage and made a special announcement. He brought a new title and crown, Chuk Sa Jang. This title True Children received is not only for them. Some day we, too, must receive this title of Chuk Sa Jang. It has many levels: familial, tribal, national, world and also cosmic levels.

Chuk Sa Jang is not an easy term to translate, so we use the original Korean words: Chuk Sa Jang. In English it is like "priest." In Judeo- Christian tradition there are many kinds of priests: high priest, (Catholic priest, etc.). Our image of priest in the Judeo-Christian tradition is of a person who prepares the altar and the sacrifice, then cuts and burns it, maybe sometimes give blessings. It is a fearsome image.

Today's church ministers, however, have almost no identity and authority like that of the ancient priests. So, Chuk Sa Jang is like "priest." Tribal level Chuk Sa Jang is like teacher and king or queen. We have to become Chuk Sa Jang.

This is the first time in Unification Church history that True Father has created this title, but this is an open gate. If we are truly dedicated and live for True Parents and the world, we, too, will receive the same honor and crown. This is, thus, a hope and blessing for us. What kind of level of Chuk Sa Jang must we receive? (Ultimately) the cosmic level.

It is like our building a house with many columns or pillars. The corner stone or post, the most important support, is Chuk Sa Jang. He is the most important person in the family, like a king.

How are Chuk Sa Jang and priest different? The priest cuts the sacrifice, burns it and is a fearsome figure. Chuk Sa Jang, however, has the sense of celebration and self-sacrifice, always giving good blessing and words. It is optimistic and positive leadership.

How can we become Chuk Sa Jang at each level? This is not an especially new teaching; True Father has already taught it before.

The Twelve Virtues

Today you woke up and had Family Pledge Service, you read the seven verses of Family Pledge, True Father gives us 12 personal goals. He says, in effect, that you should become like this person, that person, and so on. You have to become:

1. sons and daughters of filial piety;
2. patriots in the nation;
3. saints for world;
4. holy sons and daughters of God in the cosmos;
5. good parents
6. good children
7. good brothers and sisters
8. good husband and wife
9. good teacher
10. good owners
11. royal family.

This is the content of Family Pledge. If we receive this fruit, true love, life and lineage brought by True Parents, this becomes the root.

What is different with these families? They have cut off satanic, impure love, life and lineage. They receive True Love, True Life and True Lineage from True Parents. This is like roots: inside love, inside life and inside lineage. These three elements are inseparable. They help each other like a trinity. This is the root.

True Father and God have given to this root priceless, eternal value. Why? Should we keep this root in darkness underground? No. In the springtime, trunk, branch, blossoms and finally fruit will emerge.

St. Paul said that if a person follows the lifestyle of Satan, he will become like this. He spoke of nine bad ways of life.

Gal. 5:19-21 Now the works of the flesh are plain: fornication, impurity, licentiousness, {20} idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, party spirit, {21} envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. (RSV)

Cut out this life style and come back to God and the Holy Spirit. Follow a new tradition. Express your new life style and new fruits of life.

Gal. 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, {23} gentleness, self- control; against such there is no law. (RSV)

These are St. Paul's nine fruits of life: peacefulness, joy, love, etc. These are nine virtues he gave Christians. How can you become a true Christian? Show these nine virtues before God and other people.

The Family: The Incubator of Love, Life & Lineage

We make a family level four position foundation and become family level Chuk Sa Jang. We become good parents, have good children, brothers and sisters love each other, they become good husband and wife. These are the Four Great Realms of Heart: good parents, husband and wife, children and brothers and sisters.

Through the family level we need to express love. In the family we become sons and daughters of filial piety. We love our father and mother. But behind them are True Father and Mother, and behind them is God. We respect and love them and take care of them. This is filial piety. In the family we become men and women of love. Our parents become teachers. Children follow the standard of faith of the parents.

If my children are not faithful in God, I need to repent. I did not raise them well, scold them enough. I was not a good model, a good teacher. I could not inspire my children to follow good tradition. I could not witness to them. They are selfish and easily upset. This kind of personality character I have to repent for. Parents are the root: love, life and lineage.

Even after the blessing because the world is a satanic atmosphere, we forget and don't practice True Parents' tradition. We come home tired from our job and don't follow their tradition. From physical parents we learn love, life and tradition. As children we must first practice love for parents. If children always respect, embrace, comfort parents and make their parents proud, then outside in school or job they will give respect. It is all connected. If in our home, we give filial piety to our parents, then this is an investment. Such filial piety to my parents is for me, not for my parents. In this way I become a man or woman of love.

Sometimes we make mistakes. Usually in the outside world, in school or on the job if we make a mistake, then people remember and accuse us. But parents forgive us for our mistakes and embrace us. Even if our effort is not enough, even if, say, we bring a small gift for $10, our parents receive it as if it were a $1000 gift; they are joyful. If before our parents we practice filial piety, then this is the most secure life.

Extraordinary Filial Piety

I'd like to share a personal testimony of my early life. I grew up in my grandparents home. When I was young, my grandfather's parents lived with them. My grandfather's mother died and his father remarried. So in reality she was my grandfather's step mother. Usually in the outside world the step mother causes lots of trouble, but my great grandmother, who had her own children (my grandfather's elder brother was really her son), did not. In fact, I never thought of her as his stepmother at all, but only as his mother. My grandfather woke up early in the morning, went to his mother's door and cleared his throat to determine if she were awake or not. Then he went in to find if she had slept well. Those were always his first words to her.

In a Korean room there is heat in the center. He first put his two hands on her blanket. That meant he was checking to see if her room had become cold or not. In a traditional house we did not have central heating; the room could have become cold overnight. If it was cold, he went to get wood and started a fire. He then checked the floor again; if it was too hot, he took care of that, too. Then he brought warm water for his mother. She washed her face and hands. He gave her clothes and left her to dress.

When she came down to the dining room, he prepared food for her. In the countryside in Korea we rarely had meat and fish. Only older people ate that; young people ate other coarser food. My grandfather served her such food, insisting that she eat it. He spoke many happy words to her to make her happy. Then she went to her room, and he went to the field. Or she would go to the neighbors' homes to talk with other seniors.

At night he came home late when it was dark. They continued to talk at their neighbor's home. He joined them there and sat down and listened to them. Then late at night his mother would say it was late and time to go. Then they returned home together. He prepared her room; she lay down to sleep, and he told her good night. Only then did he go to his room to study.

As a child I saw my grandfather treat his mother in this way. By comparison I see my standard of serving True Parents is very low. My grandfather's standard and quality, sincerity and true heart is higher than my standard of serving True Parents. I repent for that.

If we have filial piety, serving True Parents, then we become men of love - or women of love. This is an amazing thing, but we forget. If True Parents give us something, we are so happy.

Christmas at East Garden many of us received a Christmas gift from True Parents, but if True Mother or True Father tells me, "Do this!" or "Do that!" I grunt (demonstrates) in surprise, I am this kind of emotional person. My grandfather served my great grandmother; my standard of serving True Parents is still very low; I confess honestly to you. If we serve in this way and become royalty. That means our level of love is beyond the family level and on the social level.

Loyal to His King, Even in Torment and Disgrace

In Korean history, there was such a royal person: Lee Sun Shin. His home town is my hometown. 500 years ago he was an admiral and a hero. His personal holy ground is near me. My grandfather's farm was in the next village. Lee rose through the ranks to became an admiral. As a military leader before the enemy attacked, he realized the enemy was going to come. He prepared a high-tech navy: ships and everything. He invented, created and prepared. We don't know how he knew. He invented Turtle ship and the iron ship. He had skillful high tech for his time.

The enemy attacked and took over the peninsula, but his navy was in the south. He cut the line of supply. When he fought, he always won. He was brilliant. The enemy could not receive supplies and thus could not fight. They decided if they did not destroy this admiral, he would destroy them. They sent a spy to the government and spread a rumor: "The admiral is successful. When the war is over, he will become king." The king heard the rumor and was upset.

"The admiral will attack me and become my enemy," he said. The nation was in crisis, but the king thought not about the nation, but about himself. The king ordered the admiral arrested and brought to him. So, the military police arrested the admiral, put him in jail, and gave him harsh physical punishment. In interrogating him, they asked him, "Do you want to attack the king or not?"

"No," he said. "I only want to serve the king."

He lost his position. The enemy destroyed nearly all his ships. Only 12 out of 300 ships survived. Later the king and government realized the enemy had sent a spy to plant the rumor. There were some righteous cabinet members who advocated sending the admiral to fight again. Only he can save the nation, they said. He was released from prison. The government sent him back to fight, though, as a private, not an admiral, but he still obeyed the king. He returned to his home town. There he met his mother who had lost her husband through the war. He apologized to his mother, saying, "I cannot be a filial son because our nation is in crisis." Then he left immediately.

When he reached the place of battle, he was restored to the rank of admiral again. Only 12 ships remained. They were broken down, the seamen felt hopeless. He re-organized these ships and re-invigorated his men. Then he engaged the enemy ships many times and won.

Finally, the enemy leader sent a letter of capitulation to Admiral Lee. "We will go back to our country," it said.

He replied, "No. You cannot return to your country. You burned out our country." In front of Pusan the entire enemy was gathered, and he destroyed them. In the battle he was shot and died from the wound. His dead body was carried from village to village back to his hometown.

Compare Admiral Lee with you and me. How much have we fought for our royalty? We have not established our kingdom yet. How much dedication do we have for True Father's new kingdom? The cornerstone of True Father's kingdom is our family, then our tribe. When we compare ourselves to Washington, Lincoln, Admiral Lee or Simon Bolivar in South America, for example, how filial are we? How about Confucius, Socrates, Mohammed, Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr.? King said: "Red, white, yellow, all people should eat at the same restaurant, go to the same school, work at the same job." Then through non-violent means, he taught the public. Finally he sacrificed his life. He said he is not only working for black people, but yellow and even white as well. I came here more freely because of his work. He educated America to be more tolerant of black, yellow and all races. He is a modern-day saint.

Despite Our Miserable Life, We Have Gems of Great Value

This morning True Parents are not here. Physically we are separate. We are in darkness like wandering stars; it is the most miserable life, physically. But our most important relationship is with Parents. We live in the house of God. We receive His love and protection. This is the most important thing. We don't have diamonds or gem stones. We don't have that kind of wealth, but we have Parents' love, family love. We become the household, the family of God.

In the fall from children of God we became children of Satan. Now we need to become children of God again. This is our goal. For that we need to practice filial piety, royalty, sainthood for family, nation and world, become good teachers, practice ownership and become a royal family.

To become a royal family, we need royal family tradition. If you go to the White House as a special guest of honor, maybe at a banquet with the President or Secretary of State, you must know White House tradition. Now you are practicing for the cosmic white house. If we are to become children of God, we need to understand the tradition and life style of the family of God.

Sung Sook Kwak Lee: A Sparkling Life

We had a very meaningful Sung Hwa ceremony of Sung Sook Kwak Lee. She only lived for 30 years, one sparkling life. As we studied her life, we discovered that during those 30 short years, she really practiced the 12 conditions of family pledge. She followed True Parents' love tradition and words of truth. She practiced with her family, brothers and sisters, church members and mission. She was a genuine hard worker.

We are still physically here on earth. By fulfilling these 12 virtues in Family Pledge, the Kingdom of God on earth will automatically come. In this way we can become Chuk Sa Jang in three stages, which means we can become parents in three stages. True Father said, in the future Chuk Sa Jang will also give the Blessing. We are very hard working and are responsible for our physical life. But if we stop growing spiritually, this is the most miserable situation.

So, let us become Chuk Sa Jang. Thank you, brothers and sisters. Let us pray.


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