Unification Sermons and Talks

by Reverend Joong Hyun Pak

Our Pride, Our Love

Rev. Pak

This is an excerpt from a sermon given on October 1, 1996 at Belvedere, NY.

Our motto for this year is "Let us be proud of True Parents and let us love True Parents." If we look back on the year we can reflect on how proud we were of True Parents and how much we loved True Parents? So we need to reflect on how much we invested in this goal and we need to repent. Now we have only one quarter left to this year and already three fourths of the year has gone by so we need to think about how much were we proud of True Parents and how much we loved True Parents.

We need to be very proud of True Parents when we witness and we need to love True Parents with all our hearts. This is our responsibility. To do this we need to deeply understand the value of True Parents. Is a diamond wonderful or not? I do not have a diamond but if I had a diamond ring or a tie pin I would be happy. Diamonds come from Africa and there are many big diamond mines over there. Sometimes they don't even have to dig for them! But if you don't cut and polish a diamond it looks just like any normal stone, so many people even in Africa could not realize the value of the diamond. Sometimes when they worked on their farm they picked up these diamonds and they thought they were just common stones and they just threw them away.

So before we can really be proud of and love True Parents, we really need to understand their value and we need to really understand who True Parents are. Also, in order to feel pride in True Parents and love True Parents, we really need to feel close to True Parents, heartistically and through our life. This is very important.

2000 years ago when Jesus Christ entered into Jerusalem, the ruling powers of Jerusalem, the Roman rulers and those powerful Jewish political leaders should have been the ones waiting to receive Jesus. But why were they not waiting for Jesus and why were they not proud of Jesus? It was because they did not love Jesus and they did not understand who he was. Instead they hated Jesus and were afraid of him. They waited for him in order to arrest him and kill him. This was their plan.

Jesus knew that if he went to Jerusalem that he would die and he knew the dangers but his followers and disciples did not really know the heart of Jesus and his struggles and difficulties. They could not understand these things so Jesus went to the top of the mountain and prayed and wept and then he entered into Jerusalem but no one welcomed him. He was so disappointed that no one welcomed him and thought what was going on. When he saw the temple was just a market and there were business people there who created such a miserable atmosphere where no one could really worship God, Jesus was so disappointed. Also the leaders of Judaism were always challenging Jesus. This was so difficult for him. The ruling powers in Jerusalem were also discussing how to arrest Jesus and how to kill him. So Jesus went out witnessing and then he came out of Jerusalem and over the olive mountain and behind the other side of the olive mountain to visit and rest in the house of Mary and Martha. This house still exists. This was the house of Lazarus who died and who Jesus raised from the dead. How big do you think this house was? You cannot believe how small it was. You know, most Unificationist live in small rented apartments and rented houses and in America, the most small houses belong to Unificationists. Very humble apartments but your most humble and small apartment is still much bigger than Mary and Martha's house. So this little house still exist and if you could see the very small place where Jesus slept you would be amazed. But for Jesus this was the best house. Why was this house important to Jesus? Jesus would go to this house after witnessing and after all the difficult persecution and when he was tired and depressed. But when Jesus went to this house he was always welcomed by these two followers, Mary and Martha. They were not a burden to him but they served and comforted him. Before Jesus died on the cross he received great comfort and so much loving service in this little house of Mary and Martha.

So Jesus would go to Jerusalem and come back here and there was a mountain where he conducted many of his religious activities and now there is a memorial church there where he watched and wept over Jerusalem. If you go there you can see this memorial church where Jesus wept. There is also a memorial church in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prayed with blood and sweat and tears. So after he came back from Jerusalem, Jesus would stay in the comforting house of Mary and Martha and this is where he stayed before he was crucified.

Jesus followers were not only just the twelve disciples but there was also Mary Magdalene and other women followed Jesus. Mary Magdalene as you remember bought some very beautiful fragrant oil and put it on Jesus' head and washed his feet with this expensive oil and used her hair to wash his feet. When the twelve disciples saw this happening they said `what is she doing?' Especially Judas who betrayed Jesus was very angry towards Mary Magdalene. He said "woman what are you doing, this fragrant oil could be sold to support the poor and we can feed many people. How can you waste this expensive oil on Jesus head and feet?" So when Jesus heard Judas' complaint he stopped him saying that Mary Magdalene will be remembered in history for what she is doing to him. So Jesus really appreciated Mary Magdalene and was very close to her.

So why did Jesus Christ go to Jerusalem? Was he seeking gold or diamonds? He was seeking to restore the elder sonship and parentship and finally he wanted to restore the True Kingship. That was his goal. So finally Jesus wanted to be received by the Jewish community and the nation of Israel and be crowned and uplifted as King of Kings and his wife would become Queen of Queens. This was to have been the climax of his goal and his destiny but even the twelve disciples didn't know this. So the chosen people were ignorant of the purpose and mission of Jesus Christ and they could not understand and they could not help. They all had a selfish mind thinking that if I follow Jesus and he becomes King of Kings then I will be come his right hand or left hand man or I will become the prime minister or minister of defense or treasurer! So they were only thinking about self-centered honor. So Jesus knew that he would be dying soon but only Mary Magdalene who was very close in heart to Jesus and woman of prayer and she understood what was going on. So only she understood that Jesus really needed his nation and kingship. So when Jesus was preaching, he told people to seek righteousness and told them to seek their nation and that meant that Jesus needed his nation and his kingship.

So Jesus was seeking these things but no one helped him so he was forced to go the way of crucifixion. So Mary Magdalene used all her money to buy expensive oil to use on Jesus' head and feet and this symbolized the coronation of Jesus as King of Kings. This was the Jewish tradition just as Samuel anointed David and Saul as King of Israel. So who was to conduct this coronation of Jesus to be the King of Kings? It was to have been the power of Judaism and the power of the Roman empire but they refused and rejected him so only a miserable woman, Mary Magdalene, conducted this coronation. So she cried and wept because she knew Jesus' internal frustration about the restoration of the elder sonship and True Parentship and True Kingship.

So the closest person to Jesus was actually Mary Magdalene, then Peter and James and John and the other disciples. So during Jesus' crucifixion all the disciples escaped but who was close to Jesus. She wept as she watched Jesus die. Then together with Joseph of Aramaia, they bought Jesus dead body and brought it to the tomb. Who did that? Mary Magdalene did that. After three days when Jesus resurrected from the tomb, who was first to meet the resurrected Jesus? It was not Peter but it was Mary Magdalene. So when Mary found the tomb empty she wondered where the dead body of Jesus was and wondered what happened here. She turned and Jesus called her and she said "Oh my teacher you are resurrected!" So she was so happy and grateful. So they had such an intimate and close relationship greater than any official relationship such as father and daughter or even husband and wife.

So they had a very close and intimate relationship, their heart and life was so close so before we can be proud of True Parents and before we can truly love True Parents our heart and life must be also close to True Parents. So True Parents are now in South America and True Father is in Uruguay and True Mother is touring and yesterday she spoke in Columbia so our heart should always be moving together with them. So Father has begun many projects here and we should take care of and love these projects as Father and Mother loved these projects and bring victory.

So before we can be proud of True Parents and before we can love True Parents we first need to deeply understand the value and background and mission and goal of True Parents. Our heart and our life must be inseparable and close to True Parents, this is very important. So True Parents are in us and we are in True Parents. We must deeply understand True Parents words and the Principle. I see that today you all brought your Divine Principle books so I am very grateful for this and I know you all want to learn the Divine Principle. This is a very important foundation to be proud of True Parents and love True Parents and also we need more effort and sacrifice for our mission and that is how we become co-workers and partners with True Parents in these historical and providential projects. Also, True Parents have not been at East Garden hardly at all this last year so the True Children and True Grandchildren are very lonely so we have to pray for them and love them. This is also very important.

Who are True Parents? Rev. and Mrs. Moon? We have hundreds of thousand ministers living here in American and even 10,000 Muslim Inmans live here in America and 10,000 Buddhist monks also living here. Is Father a small religious figure? Not at all. Father is a true man of God and Mother a true woman of God and the true son and daughter of God and the Messiah and the Third Adam and Third Eve and the King and Queen and Eternal True Parents of mankind. This is who True Parents are. So they really practice in front of us True Parentship, True Teachership and True Ownership and True Mastership. So they are always caring and nourishing us. They have given us true love, true life and true lineage and have given us rebirth and always day and night they are teaching and training us. He is always challenging us by telling us not to do something this way or we can do better by doing this way and encouraging us to work hard and do well and is rooting for us. Father is the true owner that means he has loved all things and has taken care of and maintained all things and helped us.

Even now in Washington D.C., every week for three nights and four days we are teaching ministers. Hundreds of ministers are coming and receiving Divine Principle education and the True Family Values education. Who helped to fund this program? True Father. So he is really showing the way of True Ownership and educating us.

We understand that True Parents are the third Adam and the second Messiah. Christians define the identity of Jesus in two ways. First he is the charismatic Jesus and he is also the historical Jesus. What does charismatic Jesus mean? He was born from a virgin. Is it normal for a baby to come from a virgin or a miracle? How can a baby be born without a father? Is that a miracle or some strange work? Also, Jesus did so many miracles and unusual healings, that is also charismatic. The Holy Spirit also witnessed to Jesus and Jesus raised people from the dead and then finally he was crucified and after three days he rose from the dead. This was a miracle too. After forty days he also ascended so the story of his life was very charismatic and very hard to believe. How can a dead body be raised from the dead, how can a physical body ascend to someplace? Does it go to the blue sky? Where does it go? This is all charismatic or out of the ordinary. Many Christian ministers witness to the charismatic Jesus. This is very important to understand the background of Jesus from the charismatic perspective.

The other very important aspect for us to understand is Jesus from the historical perspective because maybe some people will have a difficult time to believe in the charismatic Jesus, maybe these things are not true. If you go to the Catholic church they believe very strongly in Mary. Sometimes there is confusion. Is Mary the center or is Jesus the center? All over the world you will find many Catholic chapels and some places Mary's statue is bigger than Jesus' statue! In the Bible Jesus never mentioned that we should worship Mary but who built this tradition of worshipping Mary? It was the Greek Orthodox and Catholics. This was not developed in Palestine or Jerusalem in the early church. This came from Greece and Rome because before Jesus time. Before the Greek culture their was the ancient Byzantine culture where they had many stories of mothers and sons so they had some foundation for this worship of mothers. Also, in the rest of the world there were many female goddesses, Japan's god is also a woman. So many nations worshipped a female god. So when these cultures combined with Christianity they changed many things and they worshipped Mary.

Even Jesus' virgin birth story was not so unusual to the cultures of this time for their were many stories in the Greek culture about this kind of birth, like the Greek heroes like Jupiter who were born from the gods. So there were many similar stories like this and they adopted this story and they matched the story of the charismatic Jesus. Jesus was a genuine, pure, innocent man, holy and sinless and holy son of God, that was Jesus Christ. So now people are now really interested in the real Jesus Christ, the historical Jesus Christ. Jesus also did many miracles but compared to Moses and other founders of great religions, Jesus' miracles were not so special. Jesus did many miracles but Moses actually did more. Moses divided the Red Sea. Jesus didn't divide the Red Sea. Moses fed 6,000 people during 40 years and Jesus fed only twelve disciples. So if we just look at the external power and the miracles then Moses was more powerful than Jesus! Even in India and Japan, Korea and China has many charismatic religious figures who have many miraculous stories. It was not important that Jesus did many miracles and was considered to come from a virgin birth. Many other religious founders also have this kind of story and background too.

The most important thing about Jesus was that during his life on earth which was only 33 years and his public ministry was only three years or only two and a half year, his life was like a burning spark and then he died. During this time, his teaching and the love that he practiced and gave to others was the most important thing that he did and we must understand this about Jesus.

So because True Parents have come to this world during this 20th century then everything is bright and we can no longer hide anything. We also have many charismatic stories about True Parents origins etc. but these are really not important as their historical life. So if we really deeply understand Father's historical life and his dedication and his sacrifice and work here on earth then we can understand the meaning of this and are participating together with True Parents then we can be proud of True Parents and we can love True Parents more.

What have True Parents given to us? Have they given us a lot of money? There is only a few dollars in your pocket right? And when you go back to New York, you always think which way has the cheaper toll gates right? You always think how to buy the cheapest lunch right, MacDonalds or whatever right? You always think this way. True Parents have never given us a lot of money or expensive cloths. Father does not give us a big budget so what have True Parents really given us? The most important gift is from God and that is the new truth that they have conveyed to us. We have to appreciate and be proud of this new truth.

Before True Father came the only source we had to really understand God was the Bible. But the Bible has so much symbolism and metaphors that it is not easy to understand. There are so many different interpretations and commentaries and understandings that there are now over 400 different denominations of Christianity. Even I can make one denomination easily. There is one group now in America called the Promise Keepers and they are very powerful but I would like to make a group called the Joy Makers. Everybody likes joy don't you think? Do you like joy or do you like to be sad? Yes we dance and drink and love each other day and night and we have an exciting life! Now people are bored and depressed and it is not an easy life so people forget how to be happy so I could make a joy makers denomination. So there are so many denominations because there is so much symbolism and metaphors in the Bible so True Father has brought the new truth. Before Father brought this new truth we were completely in darkness and we cannot see God or hear the voice of God or understand the dispensation of God and what is the meaning of history. We cannot understand what is happening today or tomorrow or which direction history is going. We have no idea. We are completely blind and dumb and ignorant and living in darkness. So all the principles and values we have received came to us through Father's teaching. Without Father's teaching, we are in complete darkness. Father conveyed so much teaching about God and about God's principles. Sometimes Father gives us this much but we only understand a part of it. Don't you think so?

This morning, did you read the family pledge? How much do you really understand the meaning of the seven family pledge? We do lip service but if I ask you what is the meaning of "centering on true love" you cannot really explain. So Father has taught us so much but we really understand very little. Even sometimes as we become physically old we forget and space out and struggle and want to go to the outside world. We understand that without True Parents we are nothing. We know that even in this space here there are many electro- magnetic waves are in the atmosphere because of the cellular phones and radio and television and we cannot see them but if we have a television set, or an amplifier then through these machines these invisible electrical waves become sound or pictures. So without True Father's teaching we cannot really understand God or hear God's voice. So Father is very important. He has given us the words of new truth, the Divine Principle. Not only the Divine Principle but so many sermons. In Korea we now have almost 250 volumes of Father's sermons. In America we are now translating Father's sermons from Korean and we now have seven volumes but when we will finish these 250 volumes we have no idea. But now we do not have any more budget so we cannot translate this any more.

It is not only Father who gave us these words. These words came from where? From his idea or research or meditation? No. He received this revelation from God and this new truth was given to us. Also, before he gave us this new truth, he first put it into practice. He practiced this new truth himself before he taught us.

Many years ago there were many serious diseases like malaria, pests and leprosy and many diseases that there was no cure for. Even in Korea, if they discover someone with leprosy, the police will quickly take these people and remove them to some special island where only lepers live so the disease cannot spread to others. Small pox was also a very dangerous disease. When I was a child, I saw in my village many people who had smallpox and how ugly their faces were. In America no one saw smallpox in your lifetime but fifty years ago smallpox was common all over the world. One person, a Mr. Jenner, discovered a virus to cure this disease and he needed to test whether it would work or not and he could not find anyone to experiment his cure on so he used his son. This was really a sacrifice for humanity but it worked and he was so proud and he could tell people to please use this medicine and it would cure the smallpox. So smallpox no longer exists in the world. This is similar to Father teaching us the Divine Principle and his words. Father practiced them first and tested them to see if it was true and then he taught us with confidence and pride. He asked us to love God but first, he himself practiced loving God and then he taught us. He loved human beings first and then he taught us. He loved the creation and all things and then he taught to us. He loved his enemy first and then he forgave them and then he taught this to us. So Father taught us his words and truth and principle and words of life and we call this Divine Principle the Completed Testament. So this is the final and ultimate word. If we understand the Divine Principle and Father's words we don't necessarily need to know more. There is no other truth in existence. This ultimate truth is the greatest and most important gift that Father has given to us.

Now ministers are coming and they are so inspired by the True Family Values and Divine Principle. People in America today are seeking family values and they are seeking True Family values. Do you like gold? We have many kind of gold, gold and genuine gold, which do you like? Genuine gold. So we like True Family Values. A new trend in America today is that in every city and every area are establishing a family research center and many family institutes are being formed. Many church institutes are also establishing "family departments." But what kind of family values? They are using some psychology, some good stories and they call them family values but they do not have the Divine Principle so our teaching of the True Family Values is rooted in the Divine Principle. What is the origin of God and the purpose of creation and what is the ideal of God? This is completely different so there is a big difference between the secular worlds' understanding of family values and our understanding of family values. They realize these values and are amazed.

This weekend, on Friday, from Philadelphia, New York, Atlanta, Chicago, and even Los Angeles. 150 Moslem Inmans came to hear a True Family Values workshop. I feel that these Moslems are more inspired about the True Family Values than many Christians. The Moslems will take all of God's blessing and True Parents' blessing and the Christians will have empty pockets and miserable. I am afraid of this. Ken Owen who is the photographer for True Family said that Daemonim said at Chun Pyung Lake that many Moslems are more prepared than Christians to God. They are more pure people. If Daemonim says that the Moslem people are more prepared than Unificationists then I am very afraid and worried. So our True Family Values is not only Christian, not only Unificationists but Moslem, Confucianist and even Atheist, everybody will appreciate this because this is the truth. It is from God so no one discovered this, only Father because Father is a man of God and God is dwelling inside of True Father and spoke directly to him.

Secondly, True Parents other gift to us is true love. Number one, Father gave to us the new truth and Father also gave to us true love. True love is distinct from secular love. True love is like genuine gold and is different from secular love which is very selfish, self centered and very immoral but true love is very pure and unselfish love and is rooted in God. So can you show me true love? Love is a concept so you cannot see it. If you want to see love then you must practice it. The next thing is very important. How can you practice. Without life you cannot practice. At the funeral home you can no longer practice. There is a dead body and the wife and sons and daughters come and relatives come and they say I love you but can this body say, "yes I know" like that? The dead body cannot respond. Without life energy you cannot practice love. So where does true love exist? In true life. So many people use this body for selfish purpose- killing people, stealing and cheating from people and make things difficult for other people. This is selfish and untrue love. Where does true love exist? Inside true life. Can you see your life energy? Can you see your blood circulation and air circulation? Without it you cannot live. Your most important thing is your heart and circulation so your body can move and practice true love. Life exists within blood lineage so if we have a pure lineage we have pure energy and pure love coming. What happens if blood is impure? When you go to the gas station there are many types of gas. There is super and special and regular and the price is very different. Why do people want the super gas? Because if you use this super and clean gas then you have better energy and more power and there is not so much pollution so it is very important to have good quality gas in order to get good energy then we can use this energy for a good purpose.

But in other religions there is no concept of blood lineage and they have no idea of the changing of the blood lineage. Can we be born again without changing the blood lineage? The baby in the mother's womb, who gives this baby the elements in order to grow? The mother's blood goes to the baby. The mother's blood becomes the babies blood. We inherit the mother's blood. But before we received the mother's blood we received the Father's seed. We need a pure blood lineage so True Parents brought for us true love and eternal life and a pure lineage was given to us. This is the most important historical gift that we have been given. For this Father sacrificed so much and gave sacrificial love to us. Without True Father what is our life. We would have a miserable life. So without True Father we would have never understood the mistake of our ancestors Adam and Eve committed so many millions of years ago. We would have no idea. We would not know what is happening today and we would not know the future.

Next year Father will give a blessing for 3.6 million people. Also, Heung Jin Nim will give the same blessing to 3.6 billion people in the spiritual world. Even Confucius, Mohammed and everyone will receive the blessing. These people represent the present and the past. Our ancestors in the past - George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., everyone will receive the blessing from Heung Jin Nim. The next blessing is for the future. Father is taking care of the past, present and future. He is also taking care of the racial and international boundaries. Does he give blessing to just white people, or black people, or yellow people or only brown people, or only Japanese blessing or only Korean blessing, or Eskimo or Indian too? Father has given blessing to all the peoples of the world and loves them with equal love. Father loved North America well and now he is loving South America day and night too. Last night Daemonim called me from Chun Pyung Lake to say she wants to go to South America in November. True Father has called Daemonim to South America. So Father wants to do a big Daemonim dispensation in South America. So many thousands of ministers and political leadership are now coming to follow Father so they will probably receive the Daemonim dispensation. Father is really loving South America and then he will go to love Africa because in all the world the most lonely and suffering people in the world are those in Africa. After Father comes to Africa then maybe Africa will change dramatically.

Now in South America there is a big revolution coming. Father's goal in South America is to create a big revolution. South America is a Catholic country and North America is a Protestant country. The Catholic power in South America works with the military dictatorships. These military dictators put people in jail and kill people and they control the nation. But there is a great gap between these rich military who are in power and the poor. The revolutionary theology originated in South America because of this great gap between rich and poor. The rich people took all the money and escaped to North America so South Americans are hungry and poor. So the Catholics worked together with the military power and took a lot of property and power. Why did the USA help these South American dictatorships? Because they were anti-Communist. So South America was very worried about Cuba and about Che Guevara's military power so the USA did not want to work with this military power. So the Catholic power worked together with the military power. But ten years ago communism disappeared so there was no longer any need for military dictatorships so the USA pushed them to become more democratic so except for Chile they are almost finished.

So now Catholicism is really losing power in South America. Everyday, 8,000 people who were Catholics become Protestants. So Protestants were treated like a cult when they came to South America, they were persecuted by the Catholics, their churches were burned and they were put in jail so to South American Catholics Unificationists were the same as Protestants. They didn't think we were any different than a Baptist. But now Father from these 8,000 people leaving Catholicism Father is creating a big net through the True Family Values to catch these fish. Is this wonderful or not? Over 400 years ago in Europe, Martin Luther and John Calvin and the reformation and Protestant revolution occurred but now a similar revolution is occurring in South America today for Father. So Father is catching 8,000 new fish everyday so for this reason Daemonim has to go and help.

Father is working to help all denominations and he doesn't care whether they are Baptist or Methodist or whatever, we work together. Moslem, Buddhist or Confucianist whatever, we work together. In the world of religious history there was never such a person as Father who opened this new culture and new style of life. Only Father has done this. In my office recently three top Moslem leaders from Philadelphia visited my office. He is a Sheik or Grand Mufti, a very high level Muslim leader and they want to check with me how to learn the True Family Values. I want to check them and they want to check me. I have no experience with Muslims and I don't really know about Muslims so we talked. Before we talked I showed them a video tape of Father teaching the Muslims from Yemen and Muslims from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and Syria and True Parents hugging and giving love to these people and respecting these people. I showed this historical video to these people and they cannot believe it. In the world they feel only Muslim is the truth and Christians say only that Christianity is the truth and Buddhist say that only Buddhism is the truth and Methodist say that only Methodists have the truth, and Baptist say only Baptist know the truth but they saw Father love and they saw Father embrace these Muslim people. They were so inspired so the Sheik said that this weekend 150 Muslim leaders will come to the True Families Seminar so please show this video in the beginning. If you show this video than all the Muslim leaders will be able to open their mind and open their heart and will be able to open their heart to True Parents and True Family Values.

Who opened this lifestyle and this new tradition? True Parents. This is True Parents gift. So my important conclusion is that True Parents gift is, number one, they have given us the new truth and number two, they have given us true love. Mahatma Ghandi was not a Christian but he learned the philosophy of non-violence from Jesus Christ teaching of the sermon on the mount. So when he read this in the Bible he was so inspired by this teaching but he could not see any Christian practicing this teaching. But we know that when Father taught this new truth he had already practiced it. He taught true love but he had already practiced it. So one very important thing now that we have received this precious gift is that we practice. Father came to America in 1972 and he sacrificed for America for about 24 years and he brought victory but now after Father spent only one year in South America he fulfilled North America's 24 year victory in just one year. Maybe when Father goes to Africa he will be able to bring victory in only one year. So Father doesn't want to come back to America. America's response was too slow and American members support was too slow. South America is different. Spanish people have quick temper and a strong face and they have strong families so Father liked that better than North America so Father wants to stay in South America. Also, South America has a gold fish, very exciting fishing. This fish is really a gold color and when you are pulling it in, it jumps to the sky several times. North America does not have gold fish, only South America has. So now South America is more attractive to True Parents.

Everyday, True Parents are catching 8,000 human fish. So South Americans have a very quick and hot temper and they anger easily but Father finds that very exciting. There is almost no response here but in South America when Father speaks they become very excited and there is such a great response and they say "bravo, bravo, bravo!"

We need to be proud of True Parents but in order to be proud we need to learn about Father's words and Divine Principle and we need to practice love and we need to take care of all of Father's projects. Even if True Parents are here or not we need to take care right? Father made the foundation but we must make it a success.

We must be proud of True Parents and we must love True parents but you and I must become very proud people and have pride in our families and become loving people and have a loving family. This is Father's expectation. We say Rev. Moon is so good and Mrs. Moon is so good but I am not so good but this is not good thinking. We are his disciples, so if we have a great teacher than we must be great pupils. Like Mohammed Ali, he was a great champion and he had a great trainer. If the trainer is good then Mohammed Ali will be good. So everybody, we need to be heavenly champions. If we have a great parents then we must be great students and we need to become this kind of a proud people and lovely people. So for that we need to become wonderful Tribal Messiah's and wonderful Family Messiah's. Our best chance is for us to fulfill Tribal Messiahship. We must bring 160 families to the blessing. Now ministers are coming. If you can bring one or two or three ministers you can easily bring 160 couples to the blessing. It will be very easy. Please go the church and community leaders together and visit ministers together.

We need to love True Parents and to be proud of True Parents and to do that we need to understand who True Parents are and we need to understand our relationship with True Parents and we must become a proud person and a proud family and a loving person and a loving family and bring victory in True Parents' mission together. This should be our goal for these remaining months of 1996.


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