Unification Sermons and Talks

by Reverend Joong Hyun Pak

Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
4 West 43rd Street, New York, New York 10036
Phone 212.997-0050, Fax 212.768-0791

June 25,1998

To: Regional Directors, State Leaders, National Messiahs

From., Rev. Joong Hyun Pak

Dear Leaders,

Father is continually investing his blood, sweat and tears for the sake of God's providence. He is now working hard in South America, initiating the first National Messiah 40-day workshop in the difficult environment of Brazil.

Therefore, following True Parents' lifestyle, please continue to invest everything with the same high spirit that we developed through the victorious MSG campaign. Summertime is the best time to do preblessing activities. If we work hard at this time, we can accomplish our goal for pre-blessed couples within two or three months! Please guide your members to invest the same spirit and the same heart as we had throughout the MSG campaign.

We have the goal of 20 million rededicating couples in North America to accomplish over three 21-day periods:

1. June 14 to July 4 (North America goal: 7 million)
2. July 8 to July 28 (North America goal: 7 million)
3. August 1 to August 21 (North America goal: 6 million)

The goal for every Tribal Messiah couple for this campaign is 8,000 couples.

During this period we must report to Korea on Tuesday and Friday every week by 8:00 p.m. Korea time. That means, as we informed you three days ago, we need the report from each Region by Monday noon and Thursday noon. As he has done for the last few months, Poitr Sucharski will be working to make sure these reports are compiled.

Please utilize the preblessing methods that we have developed over the past months:

1. Door to door, neighbors and relatives. family reunions, etc.
2. Signature campaign with holy juice cup.
3. Dispense holy lemonade, spring water, or iced tea at a park, beach or other public gathering place.
4. Bless entire churches and other kinds of organizations.

Please inform me of new methods to bless large numbers of couples.

It is permissible not to obtain the name of the recipient. Just maintain the count. Of course, if we do not have names, we cannot follow-up personally and relate with couples as spiritual children. But at this time, huge numbers are necessary. We can bring large-scale education later.

In all cases. please help the members by organizing preblessing teams (MBT).

Let us work each day to bring True Parents' victory for the 360 Million Couples Blessing.

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