The Words of the Kinney Family |
Let' take a couple steps back from the recent issues and consider what's really important at this time in Providential History.
First, let's state a few facts that all members should be able to agree on:
1) Our True Parents are the Messiah; they are fulfilling the role of the Original Ancestor, the role that Adam and Eve and Jesus were unable to complete.
2) There is only one original ancestor, one True Parents. Since this role has at last been fulfilled there will never be another True Parents.
3) True Parents will die physically as all men and women do. They will leave this physical earth.
4) True Parents have been preparing for their departure for many years by establishing the tradition of Hoon Dok Hae and leaving their words for us.
5) Most important True Parent's leave their physical lineage, the blessed families and the blessing of holy marriage for future generations.
6) The continuity of True Parents mission and the success of our ability to continue to build the Kingdom of Heaven after our True Parents ascend depends on being totally united centering on the successor chosen by True Parents.
7) Accomplishing an orderly transition from the first generation of the True Family to the second is not just important at this time; it will establish the pattern of orderly transitioning for centuries into the future. There will never be a better chance to establish this tradition of orderly transition of earthly leadership of our movement.
8) If True Parents pass into the Spiritual World and there is confusion and division within our movement, this is not just a power struggle; this will likely lead to a movement that is divided and ineffective for hundreds of years. The damage caused by a schism will be catastrophic.
So brothers and sisters please consider the points above and consider that what is at stake here is not some fraternal power struggle but the accomplishment of God's Original Purpose of Creation.
Father's life has always been about accomplishing the original purpose of creation. Father has lost children; wives left Him, leaders betrayed Him; businesses failed and organizations crumbled; He has endured prison and torture, yet the one constant was the mission: Life, Love Lineage. Now the time is approaching for the earthly responsibility of that mission to be bequeathed to Father's successor.
Dividing our movement is throwing Father's sacrifice into the toilet.
Father has coronated His successor Hyung-Jin Moon and put a crown on his head three times. He recently wrote and signed a proclamation in his own hand making this absolutely clear.
I doubt if it is easy for any of the other True Children to accept the very youngest son as the heir of True Father's authority, but they chose to do it and to support Hyung-Jin-nim precisely because the mission is first and they love their Parents and attend and obey Them.
Let's all pray that Hyun-Jin-nim can consider what is at stake at this time is of epochal significance and that his mark on history will be judged not by his accomplishments but by his attendance.
Joe Kinney
13 June 2010