The Words of the Kinney Family

 Table of Contents

A Precious Testimony About Father (Joe Kinney - July or August 1977)

My Memory of True Mother's Mother [Dae Mo Nim] (Joe Kinney - May, 1997)

An Anecdote Resolving Contradiction (Joe Kinney - May 12, 1999)

Family Love (Joe Kinney - May 17, 1999)

The Lord of the Universe Drinks Cocoa (Joe Kinney - June 16, 1999)

The Ohnuki Family (Joe Kinney - June 26, 1999)

Manufacturing Guns (Joe Kinney - August 5, 1999)

Father's Mistakes (Joe Kinney - September 7, 1999)

Heavenly Constitution (Joe Kinney - October 13, 1999)

Father's Love (Joe Kinney - November 8, 1999)

Korean Language (Joe Kinney - December 14, 1999)

Father's Good Points (Joe Kinney - February 19, 2001)

A Story About True Children (Joe Kinney - February 20, 2001)

A Servant in my Father’s House - Stories from my years with True Family Belvedere 1973, East Garden 1974 to 1978 In Korea 1978 to 1981 (Joseph Kinney - March, 2001)

Won Pak Choi (Joe Kinney - September 8, 2005)

Mrs. Won Pak Choi references and my Testimony (Joe Kinney - January 28, 2006)

Testimony To Hyo Jin Nim (Joe Kinney - April 30, 2007)

Yeon-Ah-Nim's Character Revealed On The Tour (Joseph Kinney - June 9, 2007)

City Lore - Here at the New Yorker - Joseph Kinney (Laura B. Weiss - November 18, 2007)

Tesla Slept Here - An Interview Of Joe Kinney (Mark Singer - January 14, 2008)

New Yorker Hotel: Milestone in the Progress of Electrical Engineering (Joe Kinney - September 21, 2008)

Some INSIGHT about Coronation Ceremony in NY (Joe Kinney - January 31, 2009)

Testimony Of Joe Kinney (May 2009)

An Encounter With Preston, Krista and Yeon-Ah-nim (Joe Kinney - October 19, 2009)

Setting the pattern for continuity of True Parents Mission (Joe Kinney - December 19, 2009)

Video Translation of True Parents' Proclamation of June 5, 2010 (Joe Kinney - June 9, 2010)

A bit about In-Jin nim (Joe Kinney - June 12, 2010)

An Epochal Time in our Movement (Joe Kinney - June 13, 2010)

Movie about Nicolas Cage's stay in Room 3327 of the New Yorker Hotel (Joe Kinney - July 13, 2010 pdf)

The Meaning Of Father Scolding (Joe Kinney - November 25, 2010)

In-Jin-nim Today (Joe Kinney - August 7, 2011)

Kidnapped for Christmas: A Deprogramming Testimony (Louise Schmidt Perlowitz and Joseph Kinney - December 22, 2011 pdf)

Transcending Nationalities (Joe Kinney - June 2012)

Joe Kinney: Tesla's Secret Saves the World from Rev. Moon's Hotel (Yoshie Manaka - July 13, 2012 pdf)

My Testimony, How I Met the Unification Church on Easter Morning 1972 (Joe Kinney - July 2016 pdf)

On July 3, 1974 True Father's fishing providence began (Joe Kinney - July 3, 2017 pdf)

After reflecting, I came to the conclusion that I will always be a Moonie (Joseph Kinney - January 26, 2019 pdf)

Staff-wide instruction from True Parents: Read "Life in the World Unseen" (Joseph Kinney - March 8, 2021 pdf)

FFWPU USA Blessing and Family Ministry: In Memory of Joseph Riley Kinney (Carina Mendez - December 10, 2024 pdf)

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