The Words of the Ladouce Family |
Last day in Seoul - Return to France
Laurent Ladouce
January 15, 2004
Dear all, My last day in Korea was amazingly victorious, much beyond my expectations and abilities. I would like to testify that God prepares things for us with a precise timing and we have to be ready to seize the opportunity. At the center of this experience is once again the Ambassador Choi and this famous GCS Group to which he belongs, an organization that supports the idea of a Pax-UN. During my last day in Seoul, I visited the Headquarters of this powerful organization with two other members; we realized the importance of working with these people from now on.
I left Guri at 7:45 with 50 kgs of luggage. Though I had enough money to take a taxi till the office, I may have identified with Robert de Niro in ''The Mission'', the famous movie of Roland Joffé: De Niro, in order to expiate his sins, carries a very heavy burden without any reason. Rather than expiation, my motive was to make a good condition for the meeting of the day - a Jeong Seong condition in Unificationist terminology. Motivated by true love, I shared the grace of Jeong Seong with Jean-Paul and Armanda, who both carried one bag, while I carried two. Thanks to their cooperation, the 50 kgs arrived at the office safely.
Ambassador Choi arrived at 9:30. He lives 70 meters from our office. A John-the-Baptist in the 4th year of Cheon-Il-Guk, should be able to be your neighbour in the truest sense. Eric Richardson and Sachie got ready and at 9:55, we walked to the parking lot where Ambassador Choi had to pick up his car. He wanted to drive us to the Headquarters of the GCS and visit the Palace of Peace which they have built. We would also meet Ambassador Shin, the Secretary General of GCS, who had attended our 1-day seminar on december 10. Knowing the age of Ambassador Choi (79), and the fact that he likes to drink, I was not 100% reassured of getting into his car. As if an evil spirit had heard my thoughts, as soon as the black car went out of the underground Parking lot, it hurt an object which damaged the left side; Ambassador Choi, who is always cool and quiet, just noticed the incident, and remained placid. After all, garages exist, and their job is to repair cars, so why worry?
It took us 50 minutes to reach Kyung Hee University, North of Seoul.
I remembered this campus. We had already visited it in October when we were working with local churches. Pastor Wi, a 5837 couple, had brought us to this private and expensive university; at that time, I had noticed the beauty of the campus, and the magnificent architecture of the buildings. The whole campus looked like a haven of peace in the jungle of trepident urban life. In october, we had visited the place, without taking time to know its history and tradition. I had noticed the presence of a huge cathedral on top of the campus, but Reverend Wi had been unable to explain to me what it was.
2 months later, I was back in this place, now covered with a thin layer of snow. I was about to ask Ambassador Choi about this cathedral when he boldly undertook to climb the icy slope leading there. I was scared and nervous. The car was parked on the side of the building and we got off. In front of us was a monument erected recently by the GCS to celebrate World Peace. One could immediately recognize the favourite slogans of this organization such as Oughtopia and Pax-UN. Ambassador Choi asked us to read the 5 points of the Magna Carta. At this point, I recommend you to just go to the website of the GCS and you will know more about it: www.gcs-ngo.com
We took a picture in front of the monument.
''Is it the Palace of Peace that we are supposed to visit? I asked - No, this is just an outdoor monument. It is not a palace. The palace is right here.''
I became speechless … This mysterious cathedral was … none other than the Palace of Peace of GCS international ? I was internally divided. Was I still in the real world or in some sort of dream ? Was this building the healthy fruit of a genuine and authentic visionary, who had dedicated all his talents and resources to honor peace? Or was it a bad hallucination, the trick of an impostor, of some sort of clever antichrist trying to lure the crowds with a talented but fake imitation of the New Jerusalem ?
I was little bit scared when I entered the building. Everything inside was marble, lusters, an incredible combination of light and stone, something truly celestial. In many places, the logos ''GCS'' and ''Oughtopia'' could be seen. We had entered the Vatican or the Mecca of a powerful international organization born here, on this campus, in the Northern part of Seoul. As I was trying to gather my thoughts, the doors of the Holy of holies opened, and light illuminated an immense hall which had been plunged into obscurity. Tens of meters above our head, a dome was shining.
The hall has a capacity of 4,700 seats and looks like an opera, with 4 levels of balconies. The architecture is not only perfect. The whole structure is obviously inspired by a vision. All the materials used there carry a consistent and universal message. The place definitely has something religious even though it is located on a campus.
''This must be one of the biggest halls of the Republic or Korea, I suggested. - You are probably right, Ambassador Choi replied enigmatically.
A few minutes later, we were out and Ambassador Choi did something quite bold. With all of us in the car, he drove down the icy slope. We arrived safely in front of another building.
This building hosts the Peace Studies Institute of Kyung Hee University. On the third floor, Ambassador Shin welcomed us. He let us into a spacious room where we could watch a videotape about the origin and chronology of the GCS. The videotape reminded me of our own productions. At the center of GCS is a man of vision, Dr Young Seek Cho, a life-long friend of Ambassador Choi. Born in North Korea, just like Father, Dr Cho is 82. Just like Father, he is a man who repeats the same message again and again. His speeches often have the same introduction expressed differently and convey powerful ideas with a simple vocabulary.
He founded the Kyung Hee University at the age of 26 and used the campus as a powerful tool to educate the elites of Korea and give vision and inspiration to the leaders of his country; at the end of the 70's Dr Cho started international activities and his ideas for world peace triumphed when the United Nations adopted his proposal to set a day for World Peace every year. GCS is a NGO recognized at the ECOSOC of the UN and has branches in 40 nations. Though academic in nature, it has a missionary spirit. Ambassador Shin himself, a former ambassador to many Latin American countries, has helped a lot to establish branches in Latin America.
The video-tape was captivating. Ambassador Shin then invited us for lunch in a restaurant. The food was delicious, but my mind was not entirely peaceful. Here I was with men of the highest quality, but the reality was also that my 50 kgs of luggage were in Dowon building and the Incheon airport is 50 kms from Dowon. It is now 1 :30, and my airplane is at 5 p.m.
Ambassador Choi, as cool as usual, told me not to worry. Worry I did, when we were caught in the traffic jam. At 2 :40, we finally arrived at the Dowon building and I rushed to pick up all my luggage. Initially, I had planned to take the airport limousine to go to Incheon, but Ambassador Choi offered to drive me there with his car. I was very much calculating. We would arrive at 4 p.m., one hour before an international flight to Paris via Bangkok. Would we manage ? The weather was beautiful and the landscape of Incheon more attractive than ever. From a huge bridge, we saw the dozens of islets and the mountains around us, under a bright sun. Is Korea not the light of the East as Tagore rightly said?
''The way we met is truly amazing, I suddenly said to Ambassador Choi. I was searching for the exact quote of Tagore on the internet, and that is how I found you.''
He just smiled at me, the young French man who is always so excited about everything, like a child.
We arrived at the Incheon airport at 3:45. Myriam Trachez was waiting for me at the counters of Thai airways and had already reserved a seat for me next to her. We took off at 5.10 and at 11 :10, we landed in Bangkok. As soon as I was in the airport, I felt extreme nostalgia of Laos, where I am National Messiah. My last trip to Laos was almost 4 years ago, right after Father's 80th birthday. I had spent 50 victorious days in Laos with Maliwan Laeyoung and some local members. That was the time of our splendor. And then, I had returned to France, Maliwan had been arrested, put in jail, and had remained an inmate until now.
She was just next door, 800 km from here. I felt guilty. I was on the way back home, to meet my family, and we had never been able to liberate our sister. During the last 4 years, I had tried to maintain my love for Laos, but had been tested at the very root of my feelings.
We were in a hurry. But I wanted to pray, even just a few seconds. In the embarkation hall to enter the Being 747, my heart started to beat strongly: all this crowd of French tourists coming back from Phuket and Pattaya. What did they know about Soutb-East Asia ? As a National Messiah to Laos, I had invested all my heart to study the geography and history of this region. I felt that I alone should be the owner of this embarkation hall. It was mine, all my memories were there, when I used to come back to France after successful campaigns in Laos. Where was our work gone now ? We had been serving the Lord of Second Coming there, and all our foundation had been turned into ashes. Due to human sin, all foundation was gone, the best of our members had been put in jail. At this time, I needed to overcome my human feelings. I closed my eyes and decided to pray. As soon as I did, a powerful voice shouted in my mind:
''The Proclamation of god's Fatherland and the Era of the Peace Kingdom''.
When the powerful jumbo jet took off at 00:30, the motto of the year 2004 was still dancing in my mind with flames of gold.
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