The Washington Landing
(Laurent Ladouce - June 6, 1984)
Witnessing in Lyons: really "cool"
(Laurent Ladouce - May 7, 2003)
Witnessing: the Internal Dimension
(Laurent Ladouce - June 28, 2003)
Senior HARP workshop in Slovakia
(Laurent Ladouce - July 30, 2003)
Notes from the UN Task Force (1)
(Laurent Ladouce - November 2, 2003)
Notes from Task Force (2)
(Laurent Ladouce - November 5, 2003)
Notes (4) (Laurent Ladouce -
November 8, 2003)
Notes on the mission in Osaka (1)
(Laurent Ladouce - November 13, 2003)
Notes on Osaka (2) (Laurent
Ladouce - November 15, 2003)
Notes on Osaka (3) (Laurent
Ladouce - November 16, 2003)
Last days in Japan for the 84
(Laurent Ladouce - November 18, 2003)
News from the 84 in Korea (Nov
28) (Laurent Ladouce - November 28, 2003)
News from the 84 in Korea (Nov
28, part 2) (Laurent Ladouce - November 28, 2003)
November 29 in Korea (Laurent
Ladouce - November 29, 2003)
Notes on the mission in Osaka (1)
(Laurent Ladouce - November 30, 2003)
Read More In The Next E-Mail
(Laurent Ladouce - December 5, 2003)
Read More (Laurent Ladouce -
December 5, 2003)
Fund-raising For Cinderella During
Hoon Dok Hae (Laurent Ladouce - December 7, 2003)
Cinderella Greets The Generals
And The Ambassador (Laurent Ladouce - December 7, 2003)
Banquet in Seoul, December 10
(Laurent Ladouce - December 10, 2003)
Precious Moments With True Parents
For The 84 (Laurent Ladouce - December 11, 2003)
Spirit World Works In A Research
On Peace-UN (Laurent Ladouce - December 30, 2003)
End Of The 120 Days For The 84
(Laurent Ladouce - January 7, 2004)
Successful IIPC Seminar In The
Lotte Hotel (Laurent Ladouce - January 10, 2004)
Closing Ceremony With Reverend
Kwak (Laurent Ladouce - January 13, 2004)
Last day in Seoul - Return to
France (Laurent Ladouce - January 15, 2004)
Reflection On The Relation Between
Korea And Israel (Laurent Ladouce - January 19, 2004)
Having The Right Attitude In The
Providential Time From June 6 to June 13 (Laurent Ladouce -
June 4, 2006)
Former Secretary-General Says UN
Must Change (Laurent Ladouce - March 31, 2009)
Ban Ki-moon Calls for Renewed
Multilateralism Based on Universal Principles (Laurent Ladouce
- July 6, 2009)
Healthcare Advances Reported in
Jamaica, Africa, and China (Laurent Ladouce - July 8, 2009)
Moral Values, an Asset in
Overcoming Global Crises (Laurent Ladouce - July 8, 2009)
ECOSOC Presents an X-Ray of a
Suffering Humanity (Laurent Ladouce - July 9, 2009)
Soft Power, the Power or Love
(Laurent Ladouce - February 15, 2012 pdf)
Going beyond the limit, the Power
of Grace (Laurent Ladouce - February 22, 2012 pdf)
The Almighty (Laurent Ladouce
- February 29, 2012 pdf)
Human Development and Peace
Building: Beyond the United Nations (Laurent Ladouce - April
28, 2012 pdf)
Parole Donnée N° 123 -
The Good Authority (Laurent Ladouce - July 25, 2012 pdf)
The calligraphy of Revolution,
Paris, France (Laurent Ladouce - March 22, 2014 pdf)
Expression and impression (God
alone sees me) - Spending thoughtfully, investing wholeheartedly -
Spending to become richer (Laurent Ladouce - May 14, 2014 pdf)
General Sunday Service - God’s
Hope for Europe - Chamarande, France (Laurent Ladouce - May
18, 2014 pdf)
My Mission to Benin (Laurent
Ladouce - July 2014 pdf)
Blessing Preparation Course in Les
Ulis, France (Franz-Pol Ladouce - March 21, 2015 pdf)
The History of Unificationism in
Taiwan (Laurent Ladouce - October 2017 pdf)
A Chinese and Unificationist Love
Story (Laurent Ladouce - October 2017 pdf)
Holding UPF and FFWPU Interfaith
Peace Blessing Festivals in Cambodia (Laurent Ladouce - May
2018 pdf)
God's Vision of National
Restoration Inspires Unificationists in Cambodia (Laurent
Ladouce - May 2018 pdf)
Hajime Saito, Masumi Schmitat,
Sophal Chamroeun and Tang Kimsruy lead God's work in Cambodia
(Laurent Ladouce - June 2018 pdf)
In Nepal, where I felt God closely
was the house of Jitendra and Nila Shreshtha (Laurent Ladouce
- July 2018 pdf)
Two Nations Are in Your Womb:
Unificationism and Partitioned States 1948-2018 (Laurent
Ladouce - July 2, 2018 pdf)
The Unificationist Affiliated
Yonent Mame Ibrahima School in Pikine, Senegal (Laurent
Ladouce - September 2018 pdf)
Unificationist Reflections on
'Bohemian Rhapsody' (Laurent Ladouce - December 31, 2018 pdf)
FFWPU International Headquarters'
Heavenly Tribal Messiah Academy (Laurent Ladouce - January
2019 pdf)
Miracles Happen Quietly and
Without Notice (Mario Salinas, Carol Pobanz and Laurent
Ladouce - February 5, 2020 pdf)
Laurent Ladouce visits Benin to
support for victorious Heavenly Tribal Messiahs (George M.
Ogurie - March 3, 2020 pdf)
Sun Myung Moon, Spiritual Virtuoso
(Laurent Ladouce - April 27, 2020 pdf)
Dangbo, Benin Tribal Messiah
Center uses True Mother's Rally of Hope to grow (Laurent
Ladouce - November 2020 pdf)
Fulfilling the Four Freedoms
Eighty Years Later (Laurent Ladouce - May 2, 2021 pdf)
Holland's golden century and God's
Providence - Slides (Laurent Ladouce - August 19, 2021 pdf)
When happiness was a new idea in
Europe - A Unificationist perspective on the Dutch Golden Age
(Laurent Ladouce - September 16, 2021 pdf)
When Happiness was a new idea in
Europe: the Dutch Golden Age from a Unificationist Perspective
(Laurent Ladouce - September 30, 2021 pdf)
Constant Germany: Lessons of
Steadiness in an Uncertain World (Laurent Ladouce - November
28, 2021 pdf)
The End of Accusation:
Unificationist Lessons from the Dreyfus Affair (Laurent
Ladouce - January 30, 2022 pdf)
How the mayor of Sakete, Benin
became a glamorous CheonBo couple (Nestor Idohou - February 2,
2022 pdf)
The Irina Project: Sunhak Peace
Prize turns Ukrainian crisis into an opportunity (Laurent
Ladouce - February 23, 2022 pdf)
Century of the Common Man,
remembering Henry Wallace's speech and Copland's Fanfare, 80 years
later (Laurent Ladouce - June 26, 2022 pdf)
We celebrate the 40th anniversary
of our 1982 Blessings in great style tomorrow (Laurent Ladouce
- October 13, 2022 pdf)
Enlarged Freedom for a Safer
World: A Unificationist Approach toward Human Security
(Laurent Ladouce and Carolyn Handschin-Moser - April 30, 2023 pdf)
UPF and WFWP France Seminar Probes
Origins of Conflict, Hope for Peace (Laurent Ladouce - June 8,
2024 pdf)
The Conjugation of Love -
Elisabeth Seidel's book Letters Beyond the Veil (Laurent
Ladouce - October 20, 2024 pdf)
A Unificationist pilgrimage to
Jean (John) Calvin's birthplace (Laurent Ladouce - March 1,
2025 pdf)
Jean (John) Calvin and Calvinism -
A Unificationist Introduction (Laurent Ladouce - March 4, 2025
33 Unificationists make a
pilgrimage to Jean (John) Calvin's birthplace (Laurent Ladouce
- March 4, 2025 pdf)