The Word of the Mahjoub Family

 Table of Contents

Racism and De-Koreanization (Cynthia Mahjoub - May 16, 1999)

Black Heung Jin (Cindy Mahjoub - January 1, 2000)

Prayer (Cindy Mahjoub - March 23, 2000)

The Value of the Blessing (Cindy Mahjoub - July 19, 2000)

Fallen Nature (Cynthia Mahjoub - September 17, 2000)

Chung Pyung Migration (Cindy Mahjoub - November 26, 2000)

Blood Lineage (Cindy Mahjoub - December 19, 2000)

Matching Procedures (Cindy Mahjoub - December 28, 2000)

Change of Blood Lineage (Cindy Mahjoub - January 24, 2001)

The Current Providence (Cindy Mahjoub - March 5, 2001)

Violating Shimjung (Cynthia Mahjoub - July 2, 2001)

Teaching Our Children (Cindy Mahjoub - February, 2002)

The Last Days (Ali Mahjoub - January 29, 2011)

The Power of dreams (Ali Mahjoub - January 31, 2011)

Change of Blood Lineage through Marriage Blessing (Ali Mahjoub - February 2, 2011)

Two Dreams that started it All (Ali Mahjoub - February 5, 2011)

My Second Dream that Made it Happen (Ali Mahjoub - February 7, 2011)

Third Dream, The Submarine Invasion (Ali Mahjoub - February 22, 2011)

My Dream About Gaddafi "The Executioner" (Ali Mahjoub - February 26, 2011)

My Spiritual Experience with Jesus and Heung Jin Nim (Ali Mahjoub - February 27, 2011)

Jerusalem: a Religious Mount Rushmore (Ali Mahjoub - June 5, 2011)

My Vision On the American flag (Ali Mahjoub - June 11, 2011)

Dreams and spirituality: Our witnessing tools (Ali Mahjoub - October 30, 2011)

Moscow Dream: Rev. Moon and the end of Communism (Ali Mahjoub - January 15, 2012)

True Object Has No Mouth (Cain and Abel/Subject and Object) (Ali Mahjoub - January 27, 2012)

The power of witnessing through personal experience (Ali Mahjoub - February 7, 2012)

Appointment with Destiny! (Ali Mahjoub - September 4, 2012)

My Thoughts at This Time (Ali Mahjoub - September 23, 2012)

Messiah -- The Second Coming of Christ and Reverend Sun Myung Moon (Ali Mahjoub - November 26, 2012)

True Pure Sex Revolution (Ali Mahjoub - January 15, 2013)

Second Coming of Christ (Ali Mahjoub - March 12, 2013 pdf)

Why the Change of Blood Lineage is Important to Me (Ali Mahjoub - May 24, 2013 pdf)

Let Us Love True Mother as We Have Loved True Father (Ali Mahjoub - June 12, 2013)

My love for Father Moon (Ali Mahjoub - June 13, 2013)

About Ali Mahjoub (October 11, 2013 pdf)

Ali’s Moscow Dream: The Downfall of Communism (Ali Mahjoub - October 12, 2013 pdf)

Abraham's Dream - The Funeral Procession Prophetic Dream: Dying to Self! ( Ali Mahjoub - October 12, 2013 pdf)

The Power of Dreams in the Bible and History (Ali Mahjoub - October 12, 2013 pdf)

Jerusalem: The Struggle of Three Abrahamic Faiths (Ali Mahjoub - October 12, 2013 pdf)

The Outdoor Concert Dream: Visited by Jesus and Muhammad (Ali Mahjoub - October 12, 2013 pdf)

I Prayed and God Answered my Prayer (Ali Mahjoub - October 15, 2013 pdf)

Submarine Dream: The Asian General and the Surah Reading (Ali Mahjoub - October 15, 2013 pdf)

Second Coming of Christ (Ali Mahjoub - October 15, 2013 pdf)

An Hour with God (Ali Mahjoub - October 16, 2013 pdf)

Dream: “Water of Life”, being hugged by Father Moon (Ali Mahjoub - October 16, 2013 pdf)

Blessing of Marriage (Ali Mahjoub - October 17, 2013 pdf)

Humor in the Midst of Suffering (Ali Mahjoub - November 16, 2013)

Pray for Peace in the Middle East (Ali Mahjoub - August 11, 2014 pdf)

On International Terrorism (Ali Mahjoub - August 16, 2014 pdf)

The Last Days and Theological Challenges Abrahamic Religions Must Face (Ali Mahjoub - August 23, 2014 pdf)

Billy Graham: More than a Preacher - Could the Reverend Billy Graham be Elijah? (Ali Mahjoub - November 8, 2014 pdf)

John the Baptist: Saint or a Sinner? (Ali Mahjoub - November 9, 2014 pdf)

The Cross: God’s Will or Man’s Failure? (Ali Mahjoub - November 15, 2014 pdf)

Message from spirit world: Dream: True Father wishes that His children go back to Korea! (Ali Mahjoub - November 27, 2014 pdf)

A leaflet of introduction for Home Church Project (Ali Mahjoub - September 27, 2015 pdf)

An important message: Are you in a pit? (Ali Mahjoub - February 25, 2017 pdf)

My test about self-denial (Ali Mahjoub - February 27, 2017 pdf)

Holy Marriage Blessing in the Unification Movement - Holy Wine Profound Vision (Ali Mahjoub - February 27, 2017 pdf)

How I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior (Ali Mahjoub - March 19, 2017 pdf)

I Had a Dream about the Confusion of Ancestors Liberation (Ali Mahjoub - November 7, 2017 pdf)

My Matching Ceremony - Providential Partners (Ali Mahjoub - November 27, 2017 pdf)

No victory comes without a price (Ali Mahjoub - April 13, 2018 pdf)

The crowning of Hyung Jin Nim (Ali Mahjoub - September 15, 2018 pdf)

Marriage and family in America is in serious trouble - We have to fix it! (Ali Mahjoub - January 20, 2019 pdf)

Experience with my father, Mansour, about my joining the Unification Movement (Ali Mahjoub - October 20, 2019 pdf)

My Brother Khaled's Spiritual Experience: Spiritual world behind the True Parents (Ali Mahjoub - October 21, 2019 pdf)

A powerful dream about God who appeared looking like my Uncle Taib (Ali Mahjoub - October 26, 2019 pdf)

Conversion experience: How a Muslim converted to the Unification church (Ali Mahjoub - May 2, 2020 pdf)

The Funeral Procession Dream and the Resurrection (Ali Mahjoub - May 4, 2020 pdf)

My Submarine Invasion Dream (Ali Mahjoub - May 5, 2020 pdf)

My Moscow Dream: A Prophetic Dream That Came True - Dreams Don't Lie (Ali Mahjoub - May 8, 2020 pdf)

God Plants Seeds in Our Life Journey (Ali Mahjoub - May 19, 2020 pdf)

My visions on Heaven and Hell (Ali Mahjoub - May 27, 2020 pdf)

Marriage: Wars of Cultures and Religions - A Muslim Married in Church (Ali Mahjoub - June 16, 2020 pdf)

Naustradamus prediction of the Second Coming of Christ - Sun Myung Moon (Ali Mahjoub - June 28, 2020 pdf)

My Moon Mission Dream while I was in Saudi Arabia (Ali Mahjoub - July 14, 2020 pdf)

True Parents Save!!! (Ali Mahjoub - July 30, 2020 pdf)

The Miracle happened at Father's Sunghwa Ceremony - True Mother (Ali Mahjoub - August 30, 2020 pdf)

Brain Washed Moonie (Ali Mahjoub - September 22, 2020 pdf)

Sunday May 20, 1984 - The Day I Connected My Ancestors to the Central Line of God (Ali Mahjoub - October 28, 2020 pdf)

The seeds of love and compassion for my father and family began when I was 17 (Ali Mahjoub - November 25, 2020 pdf)

My dream about God's sorrowful heart (Ali Mahjoub - December 13, 2020 pdf)

Spirit World - How my daughter got her name from my wife's dream (Ali Mahjoub - December 21, 2020 pdf)

This dream is related to Dr. Chung Sik Yong's Morning Devotion on Absolute Sex (Ali Mahjoub - December 23, 2020 pdf)

I had a dream: God's interest in me, among others. (Ali Mahjoub - January 26, 2021 pdf)

100 days of Dr. Chung Sik Yong's Morning Devotion - Be Filial Children of God (Ali Mahjoub - January 26, 2021 pdf)

Anwar Sadat of Egypt is my link to the Unification Movement (Ali Mahjoub - February 8, 2021 pdf)

My reflection on successful witnessing online - If you build it they will come (Ali Mahjoub - April 27, 2021 pdf)

Cheongshim: My vision of True Parents during meditation (Ali Mahjoub - May 2, 2021 pdf)

Faith based experience with Pizza Hut (Ali Mahjoub - June 22, 2021 pdf)

Is the religion of Islam sent by God? (Ali Mahjoub - June 29, 2021 pdf)

Why was Rev. Sun Myung Moon rejected by established religions, particularly Christians? (Ali Mahjoub - September 24, 2021 pdf)

A profound spiritual experience at Chung Pyung (Ali Mahjoub - October 23, 2021 pdf)

Last Days and Second Coming of Christ and My Funeral Procession Dream (Ali Mahjoub - November 10, 2021 pdf)

Vision from the spirit world - Prophet Abraham began to descend (Ali Mahjoub - November 12, 2021 pdf)

My father was my God (Ali Mahjoub - December 4, 2021 pdf)

What dreams may tell - It is amazing how God can approach us through dreams (Ali Mahjoub - December 15, 2021 pdf)

My Matching Day, March 27, 1987 - Absolute Faith! Absolute Trust! (Ali Mahjoub - December 27, 2021 pdf)

A Powerful Spiritual Experience During 1275 couples Holy Wine Ceremony (Ali Mahjoub - January 9, 2022 pdf)

How I quit smoking - Sun Myung Moon's teachings have the power to change you (Ali Mahjoub - January 18, 2022 pdf)

Religion is a repair shop! What is salvation? Salvation means restoration (Ali Mahjoub - February 6, 2022 pdf)

The Lord of the Second Advent is no other than the Reverend Sun Myung Moon (Ali Mahjoub - October 7, 2022 pdf)

Three Dreams that altered my life forever - funeral procession, outdoor concert and funeral procession (Ali Mahjoub - October 15, 2022 pdf)

The lesson of history is that no one learned (Ali Mahjoub - December 5, 2022 pdf)

I had a dream - True Father is asking us to love True Mother as we loved him (Ali Mahjoub - July 27, 2023 pdf)

The unexpected acts of giving (Ali Mahjoub - July 28, 2023 pdf)

Fundraising Experience In Bars In Albany, New York (Ali Mahjoub - December 9, 2023 pdf)

Humor In The Midst Of Suffering - God Must Have A Sense Of Humor (Ali Mahjoub - December 9, 2023 pdf)

Van Accident: A Dream and Inner Voices (Ali Mahjoub - December 13, 2023 pdf)

A dream cherished photo stored in Heaven (Ali Mahjoub - December 25, 2023 pdf)

If you build it they will come - My reflection on witnessing online (Ali Mahjoub - June 24, 2024 pdf)

Clairvoyant Dreams and the Inner Voice (Ali Mahjoub - December 3, 2024 pdf)

My Undying Love and Faith for Father - Water of Life (Dream): An Ardent Vision (Ali Mahjoub - December 16, 2024 pdf)

I have another Dream, the Outdoor Concert dream (Ali Mahjoub - January 7, 2025 pdf)

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