Realizing America's
Responsibility (Rev. Tom McDevitt - May 23, 1999)
Accommodations And Hospitality
For True Parents Visit (Won Ju McDevitt - February 17, 2001)
True Parents' News (Won Ju
McDevitt - January 20, 2003)
My Testimony to True Parents and
what they have done since I lived with them (Won Ju Jeong
McDevitt - February 6, 2003 pdf)
Washington Times editor files
EEOC complaint - Disclosing his dismissal, Miniter says paper
(Thomas P. McDevitt) forced him to attend religious event
(Howard Kurtz - November 18, 2009)
Moon group buys The Washington
Times - Thomas McDevitt (The Washington Times - November 2,
Tom McDevitt -- Washington Times
fires top editor Sam Dealey (Ian Shapira - November 20, 2010)
Washington Times Starts Comeback,
Hiring -- Tom McDevitt (Paul Bedard - January 19, 2011)
The Washington Times: Like a
Phoenix from the Ashes -- Tom McDevitt (Matt Dornic - January
20, 2011)
I shed tears when I saw the Dokdo
Islands with True Parents (Won Joo (Jeong) McDevitt - December
6, 2011)
Washington Times plant sells for
$14.6 million (Daniel J. Sernovitz - November 1, 2012 pdf)
Washington Times Could Lay Off
Quarter of Staff, Hit Local Hard - Tom McDevitt (Will Sommer -
November 28, 2012 pdf)
Is There Room for Local in
Washington Times 3.0? - Tom McDevitt (Will Sommer - January 2,
2013 pdf)
The Washington Times Editor Lays
Out a ‘Vision’ - Tom McDevitt (Betsy Rothstein -
January 2, 2013 pdf)
The Washington Times takes a
giant step - backwards - Tom McDevitt (Mariah Blake - February
11, 2013 pdf)
The Washington Times extending
reach with cable network (Tom McDevitt - Jennifer Harper -
March 13, 2013 pdf)
The Washington Times extends
contract of CEO Larry Beasley (Tom McDevitt - July 7, 2013
With The Washington Times’
Executive Editor Out, Will John Solomon Finally Make The Masthead?
- Tom McDevitt (Betsy Rothstein - July 8, 2013 pdf)
Passing of our Beloved
Second-Generation Brother, John Michael McDevitt (Ki Hoon Kim
and Michael Balcomb - November 7, 2014 pdf)
Are you worried about the
future...? (Tom McDevitt - December 16, 2014 pdf)
The Cham Bumo Gyeong Translation
Project (Wonju McDevitt - March 28, 2015 pdf)
Father, We Long For You! (Won
Ju McDevitt - September 3, 2015 pdf)
Announcement Regarding Personnel
Appointment: Wonju Chong McDevitt Chief of Staff for Dr. Hak Ja
Han Moon’s Secretariat (Man Ho Kim - October 1, 2015
Father, We Long For You! A Letter
to True Father (Won Ju McDevitt - October 31, 2015 pdf)
Tom McDevitt Appointed as
Chairman of UPF USA by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon (Emiljun Rapada -
April 22, 2016 pdf)
How we began singing You Are My
Sunshine at the 1976 Yankee Stadium Rally (Tom McDevitt - June
2016 pdf)
UPF USA's Importance of
Motherhood and Fatherhood for Integral Development (Tom
McDevitt - June 1, 2016 pdf)
Help in selecting the National
Parents of the Year (Thomas P. McDevitt - June 30, 2016 pdf)
National Parents’ Day
Awarding and Celebration to be held in Washington DC (Tom
McDevitt - July 11, 2016 pdf)
Invitation to attend the 22nd
Annual National Parents’ Day Banquet (Thomas P. McDevitt
- July 12, 2016 pdf)
National Parents' Day 2016
special from The Washington Times (Tom McDevitt - July 21,
2016 pdf)
Invitations: America and God's
Will - Washington Monument Rally (Tom McDevitt - August 30,
2016 pdf)
40th Anniversary of the
Washington Monument Rally at the Washington Times (Tom
McDevitt - September 16, 2016 pdf)
Universal Peace Federation USA:
Part-Time Treasurer and Secretary Job Description (Tom
McDevitt - November 12, 2016 pdf)
The International Leadership
Conference (ILC) convened in Washington, D.C. (Tom McDevitt -
November 28, 2016 pdf)
ILC in Washington, D.C.: Leaders
Discuss Freedom, Family, Environment (Tom McDevitt - November
29, 2016 pdf)
American Leadership Conference -
Discovering a New Paradigm to Address Our Critical Challenges -
Invitation Letter (Tom McDevitt and Michael Jenkins - February
13, 2017 pdf)
UPF USA National Leaders discuss
the strategic framework for 2017 to 2020 (Emiljun Rapada -
April 23, 2017 pdf)
Support Hyo Jeong East Garden
Museum of True Parents’ Life & Work (Mike McDevitt -
April 24, 2017 pdf)
East Garden Museum Tours Start on
May 28 (Mike McDevitt - April 28, 2017 pdf)
ALC2017 in Washington DC - Flyer
(Tom McDevitt - May 8, 2017 pdf)
American Leadership Conference -
Discovering a New Paradigm to Address Our Critical Challenges -
Invitation Letter (Tom McDevitt - May 8, 2017 pdf)
American Leadership Conference in
Elizabeth NJ - Flyer (Tom McDevitt - May 22, 2017 pdf)
UPF celebrates Africa Day 2017 in
New York City with the African Union (Tom McDevitt - May 25,
2017 pdf)
2017 Parents of the Year -
National Parents’ Day Celebrated at M. S. Garden (Tom
McDevitt - July 15, 2017 pdf)
National Parents Day 2017
Celebrated at Madison Square Garden (Emiljun Rapada - July 15,
2017 pdf)
Restructuring of Regions and
Reassignment of Personnel - Thomas P. McDevitt (Sung Il Cho -
July 26, 2017 pdf)
North Korea: Strategies To
Resolve The Nuclear Threat (Tom McDevitt - August 31, 2017
Everywhere we go, every step we
take, like air, we breathe Father's love and heart (Wonju
McDevitt - September 2017 pdf)
The Origin and the Foundation of
Our Faith is to Serve True Parents (Wonju McDevitt - September
10, 2017 pdf)
American Leadership Conference
2017 - Discovering a New Paradigm to Address Our Critical
Challenges, Las Vegas - Flyer (Tom McDevitt - November 10,
2017 pdf)
Hak Ja Han Moon's peaceful
reunification of the Korean Peninsula Rally in Seoul (Tom
McDevitt - November 11, 2017 pdf)
2017 Interreligious Leadership
Conference forms association of religious leaders (Tom
McDevitt - November 13, 2017 pdf)
2017 Interreligious Leadership
Conference -- Executive Summary (Tom McDevitt - November 13,
2017 pdf)
UPF and ALC 2017 Interreligious
Leadership Conference -- Executive Summary (Tom McDevitt -
November 13, 2017 pdf)
UPF Sponsors 35 Delegates from
Africa to study coffee farming in Kona, HI (Tom McDevitt -
December 8, 2017 pdf)
UPF's ILC for African leaders on
Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development (Tom McDevitt -
December 10, 2017 pdf)
Sunhak Laureate, Sakena Yacoobi
on BBC's List of 100 Women for 2017 (Tom McDevitt - December
21, 2017 pdf)
UPF and IAPP's Africa Summit for
Peace, Security and Development Planned (Tom McDevitt -
December 26, 2017 pdf)
What is the International
Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (Tom McDevitt -
January 1, 2018 pdf)
UPF USA held various programs to
promote World Interfaith Harmony Week 2018 (Tom McDevitt -
February 2, 2018 pdf)
UPF USA Celebrates the United
Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week 2018 (Tom McDevitt -
February 8, 2018 pdf)
UPF's ILC in Korea:
Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity, and Universal Values (Tom
McDevitt - February 19, 2018 pdf)
550 + Officials Attend
International Leadership Conference 2018 in Seoul, Korea (Tom
McDevitt - February 19, 2018 pdf)
We Are Proud of You (Wonju
McDevitt - February 20, 2018 pdf)
550 + Officials Attend
International Leadership Conference 2018 in Seoul, Korea (Part 2)
(Tom McDevitt - February 21, 2018 pdf)
UPF's Together for Peace: World
Youth Culture and Music Festival in New York (Tom McDevitt -
April 21, 2018 pdf)
East Garden Tours at the Hyojeong
Family Fest (Mike McDevitt - May 19, 2018 pdf)
WFWP NJ: Korean Unity: Step
Forward to Lasting Peace with Tom McDevitt (Manoj Jacob - May
30, 2018 pdf)
National Parents' Day 2018
Thursday, August 16 at The Washington Times (Thomas P.
McDevitt and Ricardo de Sena - August 14, 2018 pdf)
'Vision 2020' seeks to deepen
foundation for world peace (Tom McDevitt - August 23, 2018
Sunhak Peace Prize Established
to Continue the Legacy of Sun Myung Moon (Tom McDevitt -
August 23, 2018 pdf)
Father, True Father, Whom We Miss
(Wonju Chong McDevitt - August 27, 2018 pdf)
Peace Starts with Me - Inspired
Global Leadership with a Mother’s Heart (October 1, 2018
- A Special Report Prepared by The Washington Times Special
Sections Department pdf)
UPF USA Invitations: Peace Starts
With Me Rally at Nassau Coliseum (Tom McDevitt - October 16,
2018 pdf)
UPF New York, USA's landmark
three-day conference to create a world of peace (Tom McDevitt
- November 12, 2015 pdf)
Leadership Changes in America:
Richard Buessing President, Senior Pastors’ Association -
Thomas McDevitt President of HJ Magnolia Foundation USA - Michael
Jenkins Chairman of UPF USA (Ki Hoon Kim - January 8, 2019
Tom McDevitt (From Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia - March 2, 2019 pdf)
Hak Ja Han Moon's Vision 2020
seeks to deepen foundation for world peace (Tom McDevitt - May
6, 2019 pdf)
The Launch of the International
Media Association for Peace (IMAP) (Clifford Stearns -
February 2, 2020 pdf)
International Media Association
for Peace inaugurated during Peace Summit 2020 (Robin Marsh -
February 2, 2020 pdf)
International Media Association
for Peace (IMAP) Launched at UPF World Summit (Thomas P.
McDevitt and Cheryl Wetzstein - February 2, 2020 pdf)
International Association for
Peace and Economic Development at World Summit (Thomas P.
McDevitt, Gerard Willis and Cheryl Wetzstein - February 5, 2020
UPF 2020 World Summit IMAP
Assembly: Conference for World Peace in Korea (Pietro Masiello
- February 27, 2020 pdf)
New Hope Family Church Mid-Week
Service Speaker Tom McDevitt live at 7 pm (Jim Boothby - April
20, 2020 pdf)
Subregion 2 Zoom Event with Tom
McDevitt - Mother's Autobiography Tomorrow (Ernest Patton -
May 14, 2020 pdf)
Hak Ja Han's Universal Peace
Federation hosts worldwide virtual 'Rally of Hope' (Ben
Wolfgang - August 8, 2020 pdf)
Faith, political leaders meet
virtually for second 'Global Rally of Hope' (Guy Taylor -
September 27, 2020 pdf)
Appointment of Cheon Il Guk
Leaders for the Realization of a Heavenly Unified World (Wonju
Jeong McDevitt - October 15, 2020 pdf)
Rally of Hope draws 1 million
attendees seeking peace for Korean peninsula (Ben Wolfgang -
November 22, 2020 pdf)
Update on Discounted Bulk Orders
of Mother of Peace for UPF USA network (Thomas P. McDevitt -
February 1, 2021 pdf)
Former US VP Pence and world
leaders call for unity at international Rally of Hope (Thomas
P. McDevitt - February 27, 2021 pdf)
The Washington Times Foundation:
Washington Brief: North and South Korea (Thomas P. McDevitt -
May 3, 2021 pdf)
UPF Rally of Hope: Trump-era
officials join world leaders to promote peace (Guy Taylor -
May 9, 2021 pdf)
Washington Times' Co-founder vows
to strengthen its position as defender of American values (Guy
Taylor - June 7, 2021 pdf)
UPF USA and The Washington Times
Foundation: ILC June 2021 Tomorrow! (Michael Jenkins - June
23, 2021 pdf)
UPF's IAED: The Quest for Mutual
Prosperity as a Path to Middle East Peace (Thomas P. McDevitt
- October 28, 2021 pdf)
International Media Association
for Peace (IMAP) (Thomas G. Walsh - December 2021 pdf)
Making Our Own Ascent to World
Summit 2022 (Thomas P. McDevitt - April 2022 pdf)
Freedom, family, faith:
Celebrating 40 years of The Washington Times (Thomas P.
McDevitt - May 17, 2022 pdf)
Japanese PM Shinzo Abe's killing:
Blame the anti-cultists, not the Unification Church (Massimo
Introvigne - July 31, 2022 pdf)
HPHC DMV: Sunday Service 4:30PM
in person - Sermon by Tom McDevitt (Ernest Patton - September
3, 2022 pdf)
Rights group questions backlash
against Unification Church after Abe assassination (Guy Taylor
- September 20, 2022 pdf)
Welcoming Address: The World Must
Stand Up for Religious Freedom (Tom McDevitt - November 12,
2022 pdf)
The Washington Times: Celebrating
70 Years - The United States and South Korea Alliance (Thomas
McDevitt - April 24, 2023 pdf)
UPF Seoul, Korea's 19th Forum for
Heavenly Unified Korea with Thomas McDevitt (Hyun Young Lee -
May 31, 2023 pdf)
Inauguration Ceremony of Moon
Yeon-ah, Jeong Won-ju McDevitt, Yang Chang-shik and Song
Gwang-seok -- Key Executives of HPHC, FFWPU and UPF
(Yong-cheon Song - June 11, 2023 pdf)
Let's Fulfill Heavenly Parent's
Will by Uniting with Cheon Mu Won (Wonju Jeong McDevitt -
August 2024 pdf)
Thank you True Mother for giving
us Victory Resolution Week precious grace (Wonju Jeong
McDevitt - October 2024 pdf)
What has Christianity done during
the past 2,000 years? (Hak Ja Han - Wonju McDevitt delivered
this message on behalf of True Mother - January 19, 2025 pdf)