The Words of the Porter Family |
Dear Dr. [Hyo Won] Eu,
This month has been a bit "movementato as" we have been moving into the new center. It is the top flat in a modern building with four rooms so quite a lot of space' for many to live in. Carlo and Luciano have moved in so far. Mrs. Catellani and Mr. Bernardi have heard the conclusion and are studying more deeply also the others are active and bringing people.
Most of our activities are centered in and about the university. Very many have heard about us and have heard some chapters. We often teach in the student's rooms and hope to give lectures there again soon. Also we have been asked to lecture in another town (university town). There is a cultural group that discusses religions.
This month we don't have much news due to the move but I feel sure we will have much more next month to report. We are all making many conditions for a "new start" and pray that Fathers kingdom may quickly expand.
We all united here for Children's day, praying and sharing experiences and we felt a deep sense of report with the families throughout the world.
With this we all send our deepest love to Our parents and brothers and sisters.
In their Most Beloved Name,
Mat, R, Dawn