The Words of the Porter Family |
Dear Mr. [Hyo Won] Eu
Greetings to our Parents and you from the Italian family.
Carlo Zaccarelli left for his mission in Syria on the last day of 1969 and has now found himself a room in Damascus and is studying and meeting people in the university. He has written to us several times speaking of their great hospitality, saying also how open they appear to talk to. I feel he is very optimistic and dedicated in his activities. Already he has made some friends and as he is learning Arabic, he is illuminating the language barrier. We all pray that he has every success in finding Fathers children quickly.
In Milan, Barbara [Burrowes] is very active and soon they will open a center there. Barbara tells us that they are meeting so many people and they are responding well. She is also speaking publicly in a series of lectures.
Here in Rome much has been happening. Two more university students have heard all the chapters and are going into deeper study and other members are active. Last Sunday we went to an inter-religious meeting where representatives of many religions spoke about units and peace. I have been asked to speak later in February. May Nathan has been staying with us and has now gone back to London.
Please give our love and good wishes to Our Parents and all Brothers and Sisters.
In Their Most Precious Name,
Martin Porter