The Words of the Porter Family |
Dearest True Parents,
Greetings to you from your Italian Family. In this letter I wanted to share with you our experiences of the last two weekends. We celebrated Parent's Day in Rome on the Sunday 5th, of April. Some members from Milan wanted to join us but however only Jolanda managed to come, as the others were too busy in Milan. We were happy to have her with us as she was able to give many of her experiences to the members she hadn't yet met. Members present were Giancarlo, Roberto, Daniela, Mrs. Cattelani, Maria Teresa, Iolanda, Dawn, and myself. Three other members were not able to come. We prayed together, exchanged experiences, I spoke on the meaning of Parent's Day; we managed to talk (with brakes naturally) from midday to midnight. We felt you very close in spirit; in fact it was a very uplifting occasion.
Iolanda has been active meeting many people also in Florence, many priests and friends she has known for years. Maria Teresa's sister lives there too and is very active.
The next Sunday 12th of April I was in Milan. I arrived at 8 a.m. at the station where Barbara [Burrowes van Praag], Carla, Angela and Elio met me. We went right away to a beautiful park, (with a river running through it) to where Barbara had been shown by you in a dream to establish holy Ground. I brought a stone from Rome Holy Ground in Villa Borghese. We prayed and blessed around a young oak tree, and we felt the Spirit World very strongly. Then we left for the center, where we were greeted by fifteen members. We talked all the morning. In the afternoon 15 other members arrived and we talked until late. As Carla tells me she is writing about this I won't write the details.
Barbara, Carla, Dawn and I have read the new book, and appreciate it very much; we thought of translating it as many members especially the older ones like to get their knowledge on Principles by reading various books and they always ask us to give them more to read.
Recently we received letters or cards from most of the centers and new missionaries which brought us great pleasure. One worry we have is that even though we write with regularity to Carlo [Zaccarelli] in Syria he does not receive our letters. However he writes often saying he is well and very active. He is studying Arabic at the Damascus University and is meeting many people; he works as a carpet designer.
Dawn is due to have the child in the days after May 20th. She is doing well and tells me you often come to her in spirit.
We include a photo of our brother Luciano Borgoni who is a teacher.
We all send our deepest love to you and the family
Your son,
Martin Porter