The Words of the Porter Family |
Dearest Mrs. [Won Pok] Choi,
Greeting to you and Our Beloved True Parents and family.
Thank you firstly for sending the telegram of our Parents son's [Kook Jin Moon's] birth and also for your letter on the blessings.
Last weekend Dawn, Timoteo and I were in Milan for 3 days. They wanted so much to see Timoteo and we wanted to see all of them. One of the main purpose was to speak about your letter to Barbara and Carla. Barbara [Barbara Burrowes Van Praag] says she is quite prepared to wait if the Leader can't find anyone. Barbara is doing well in Milan, meditating and unifying them. She has some difficulties sometimes with several mediums as they so often have messages just to suit themselves. I feel it important that she stays in Milan for the time being until there are some strong members and good teachers to take over. I felt very encouraged to see many of the younger members showing such zeal and desire to learn. I talked almost all the time and listened to their point of view and their understanding of Truth.
This weekend eleven members of the Italian family are going to Amsterdam, Holland, to visit Pauline and Teddy to see their center and activity. I feel this will be very important for our member and will give them in any ideas to implement here in Italy.
Well Mrs. Choi, this is all our news! We all send our love and best wishes to all.
In Our Beloved Parents Name we send our love and prayers to build His Kingdom and restore His Universe.
Martin Porter and Timoteo