The Words of the Porter Family |
Dear Family,
Here we are again writing our monthly report from Rome. November has passed between teaching and travelling; we have been teaching many groups of young people who are very eager to know about the truth and mostly about the spirit world, they like to come here and talk for hours on the fourth dimension. We hope that many of them will accept and become good workers for the Father.
After coming back from Essen European Conference, we have been travelling continuously around Italy; first to Milan we went to discuss on many things that were to be decided, we came back to Rome with one of the members there (a student in veterinary) who stayed with us for a week. Then again to Florence, where we met the members, and also the leaders in Milan. We were happy to see everyone so united, not only in physical but mostly in heart„ like we had never seen them before. We know our Father has wanted this absolute unity here for a long time, thus we tearfully thanked Him and rejoiced with Him.
Next weekend, we went again to Milan to see Barbara Burrowes off to Guiana, her new mission field. Everyone was sorry to see her leave and was grateful for all the good work she has done in Milan. Well brothers and sisters, this was all the news from Rome. Deepest love in Their precious Names.
Martin and Dawn Porter