The Words of the Porter Family |
Dear Family,
We haven't written lately, as there was nothing very important to say. Here in Rome, we have a new sister, who has joined us only two weeks ago; she is a tailor and is 24 years of age. The other young people are learning to teach and Maria (the name of our new sister) will start the teaching course today. The members in Florence are young in Principle and thus not terribly strong yet, and they are surrounded by negative thinking people. Mario, a young Florentine student, often comes to Rome to recharge himself, to learn, and to find the strength to fight; yet what we find hopeful is that both he and Cicci (another member there) are determined to go on fighting no matter what.
We are sending the testimony of a young girl in Rome, who has been on and off Principle for three years, and who has become really active only a few months ago. Now she is doing very well and becoming a good daughter for Father.
We send our love to our beloved Parents and to all the big family.
In their Names,
Martin and Dawn Porter