The Words of The Seidel Family

 Table of Contents

Secrets for a Successful Marriage (Deitrich Seidel)

My Experiences with Our True Parents in Paris (Elisabeth Jamen [Seidel] - June 1972 pdf)

New French Members Go to the USA for Day of Hope Tour (Elisabeth Jamen [Seidel] - October 14, 1973 pdf)

The Emotions of Our Creator (Dietrich Seidel and Mark Alexander - July 1977 pdf)

An Understanding Of Sin And Redemption In Traditional Christianity And In Unification Theology - Doctoral Thesis By Alfred O'Connor, University Of Wales, 1995 (Dietrich Seidel - 1997)

The Being of God (Diesa Seidel - January, 1999)

Bridging the Gap between Ideal and Reality: A Personal Perspective (Chris Seidel - April, 1999)

Remarks Before True Mother’s Speech (Diesa Seidel - April, 1999)

The Acceleration of Child Development (Diesa Seidel - December, 1999)

The Needs of Children (Diesa Seidel - January, 2000)

Second Generation Participates in Blessing 2000 (Dietrich Seidel - March 2000)

Discovering the Road to Love: Marriage Beyond our Dreams (Deitrich and Elizabeth Seidel - November, 2000)

Communication as the Basis for Success (Diesa Seidel - April, 2001)

The Central Role of the Family in Personality Development (Dr. Dietrich Seidel - August 30, 2003)

UTS Intensive Courses 2006 in Europe (Dietrich Seidel - October 24, 2006)

RYS Alumni in Action (Diesa Seidel - June 10, 2008)

Three Components: Education, Service and Sightseeing (Ana Corbiella Olson and Diesa Seidel - September 7 - 14, 2008)

A Summer of Hope for Haiti's Children (Diesa Seidel and John Gehring - April 3, 2010)

Dr. Dietrich Seidel has passed (Peter Zoehrer - November 20, 2016 pdf)

Passing of Our Beloved Elder Brother, Dr. Dietrich Seidel (Ki Hoon Kim and Michael Balcomb - November 22, 2016 pdf)

In Memory of Dietrich Seidel (1943 - 2016) (Crescentia DeGoede - November 23, 2016 pdf)

Remembering UTS Professor Dietrich Seidel (1943-2016) (Hugh Spurgin - November 24, 2016 pdf)

Dietrich Seidel the Theologian of Mediation, passed away (Theodore Shimmyo - December 8, 2016 pdf)

Unification Insights into Marriage and Family - The Writings of Dietrich F. Seidel (Jennifer P. Tanabe - January 3, 2017 pdf)

Seidels’ Book on Relationship Enriches Their Growing Tribe (Jennifer Tanabe - May 2, 2017 pdf)

The Hudson River View's interview on publishing Dietrich Seidel's writings (Elisabeth Seidel - December 13, 2018 pdf)

New Book: Stories of My Life: The Search for True Love by Elisabeth Seidel (Demian Dunkley - October 30, 2019 pdf)

The best day of my life was forty-three years ago, on the 21st of February 1977 (Elisabeth Seidel - February 5, 2020 pdf)

Elisabeth Seidel's new book: Stories to Nourish the Heart (Joe Doran - Hudson River View Vol. VI Number 10, December 2021 pdf)

Love Travels Everywhere - Spirit World Does Exist (Elisabeth Seidel - September 6, 2022 pdf)

I Love You No Matter What - I Will Always Love You (Elisabeth Seidel - September 7, 2022 pdf)

The worst and best gift ever - My husband's greatest gift was to love God, and to love me (Elisabeth Seidel - October 12, 2022 pdf)

Hello… from Heaven - Happy Thanksgiving to all, and happy All Saints' Day (Elisabeth Seidel - November 22, 2022 pdf)

A Christmas True story (Elisabeth Seidel - December 15, 2022 pdf)

2023 - Year of HOPE (Elisabeth Seidel - January 28, 2023 pdf)

Love letter Excerpts for your Valentine's Day (Elisabeth Seidel - February 14, 2023 pdf)

How shall we live then? (Elisabeth Seidel - March 23, 2023 pdf)

Peace and the Kingdom of God (Elisabeth Seidel - May 1, 2023 pdf)

The Power of Two: Building a Culture of Heart (Elisabeth Seidel - July 15, 2023 pdf)

Breakfast In Bed - Did I Ever Have Breakfast In Bed? (Elisabeth Seidel - August 25, 2023 pdf)

Thayer Lane, Where the Moon Is My Street Light (Elisabeth Seidel - September 14, 2023 pdf)

Thank you for the hug - A letter to my husband after he passed away (Elisabeth Seidel - November 1, 2023 pdf)

Jesus the Christ: Unlocking the Mysteries of Christian Theology (Elisabeth Seidel - December 14, 2023 pdf)

It is a Good Year (Elisabeth Seidel - January 4, 2024 pdf)

Love Letters For Valentine's Day - The Story Of Our Life Together (Elisabeth Seidel - February 14, 2024 pdf)

Opening the Gates to the Kingdom of Heaven (Elisabeth Seidel - April 24, 2024 pdf)

Pain Traveling Through Our Family Line Until Someone Heals It (Elisabeth Seidel - May 28, 2024 pdf)

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